Monday, February 4, 2013



Top 10 Lifestyle Habits That Will Make You Happier

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

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Happiness is truly the best measure of personal growth. Making other people as happy is the highest expression of success, but it’s almost impossible to make others happy,  if you are not happy yourself.

Keeping this in mind, here are Top 10 changes that you can make to your daily routine that will immediately make you feel happier in life:

1. Begin each day with expectations.

set expectations

If there’s any big truth about life, it’s that it typically lives up to (or sometimes down to) your expectations. When you get out of bed every morning, make your first thought: “something wonderful is going to happen today.” Guess what? You’re probably right. If you take your mind out of the gutter, your dreams will come true and you will be able to help others.

2. Carefully plan and prioritize.


The most common source of stress is the perception that you’ve got too much work to do and there’s too little time to do it. Rather than whine and get angry  about it, pick one thing that, if you get it done today, will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do this first. You are only human and you can do so much in one day. You cannot be a renaissance man/woman.

3. Give a gift to everyone you meet.


I’m not talking about a formal present that is wrapped up in a boy. A gift can be a smile, it can simply be a thank you or some words of encouragement. A gesture of politeness and even a friendly nod can go along way to help others feel good about themselves. And never pass beggars without leaving them something. Peace of mind is worth more than a couple of change.

4. Deflect partisan conversations.


Arguments about politics and religion never have a “right” answer but they definitely get people all riled up over things they can’t control. When such topics surface, bow out by saying something like: “Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt.”

5. Always assume people have good intentions.

good intentions

Since you are not a mind reader, you don’t really know why people do what hey do. Imputing evil motives to other people’s weird behaviors adds extra misery to life, while assuming good intentions leaves you open to reconciliation.




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Top 10 Potential Future Foods

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 09:05 PM PST

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The food production and consumption over the past fifty years has changed dramatically. Now that the world population has reached the impressive number of seven billion and is expected to exceed nine billion in the next few decades, the issue of how the people are going to feed themselves becomes more stringent than ever. Fortunately, we've always found a way and you only need to think of how we handled the growing demand in chicken and beef to have a positive view on the matter. In fact, scientists worldwide are currently testing various dietary innovations to account for consumption needs in the future. Let's review the potential foods people are going to eat in the future.


1. Genetically modified foods

Genetically modified foods

This technology is currently in its infancy and we're already seeing genetically modified foods in the markets. What science intends to do from this point is find a way to improve the current existing aliments by transforming them into more nutritious, harder, bigger and tastier foods. In short, they plan on making food better so people need to eat less of it. The first advantage that comes to mind entails that farmers will grow plants faster and hence, the yearly production will increase. But who knows, if food can be genetically modified then perhaps in the future it can also be engineered to act as medication in case of certain diseases as well.


2. Nanofoods


While many confuse the genetically modified food with nanofoods, they constitute entirely two different concepts. More exactly, the first implies altering the genes (and hence the aliment), whereas the second entails redeveloping the atomic structure of the food. Although not exactly nanofoods, the closest example that pops to mind are the preservatives currently used in numerous types of foods. The project is in a very early stage and it already has the ambitious goal of making the food taste accordingly with the preference of the consumer.


3. In-vitro meat

In-vitro meat

Because the vast majority of people living on the planet prefer meat, scientists have poured a lot of resources into replicating this delicious aliment. However, in spite of their efforts to replace meat with something else, the results have mostly been disappointing. The good news is that these days science focuses on a new idea to compensate for meat without having to grow and kill an animal for it, the in-vitro meat. If the outcomes of the project will prove positive, then we will not only have the best replacement for meat, but science will also make a big breakthrough in eliminating the world's hunger problem.


4. Vegetarian meat

Vegetarian meat

Replacing actual meat with ingredients that have nothing to do with animals was not very well perceived a few years ago. However, as the meat industry becomes more expensive and challenging to manage, the idea of eating vegetarian meat does not seem so bizarre nowadays. The latest innovation in the field is the testing of fungi dubbed Quorn, a type of fungus that actually taster very similar to meat. Providing this works out well, the meat of the future will not only be cheaper but also significantly healthier.


5. Weeds


The weeds that can constitute the dietary basis in the future are not necessarily the concept you are accustomed to in the traditional sense. It essentially needs to be a weed that has a great nutritional value and that also taste good, like purslane. Even though farmers are reluctant to grow purslane due to the fact that it tends to choke any other plant growing around it, scientists claim that it contains a bundle of vitamins and minerals, which make it a better alternative to carrots and spinach. Furthermore, it actually tastes good and perhaps the trump card of this weed is that it can grow anywhere.





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Top 10 Sin Cities in the World

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

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Sin cities in which you can pursue vice and debauchery have existed throughout history — from Rome's glory days where you could follow up your bet on a gladiator fight with an orgy to Shanghai where you could float for days on drug and sex highs in opium dens.

“Sin” cities are also the most liberal places on the planet, where nothing is taboo, where sex and drugs are a way to life, where no activity is illegal and there are no law to govern all this.

This list examines top 10 modern day sin cities in the world. Who made the list – let’s find out.

1. Pattaya, Thailand


If Bangkok is the 'New York' of Southeast Asia, then Pattaya fits right in as its southern Sin City. Located just 90 miles south of the congested metropolis, you can find your way to Pattaya easily by buses that run daily, or if you're confident in your haggling skills, taxis run between the two cities regularly. Cab fare from Bangkok to Pattaya is likely to cost around $50, or 1500 Baht in the local currency, though you can generally find a cheaper cab returning to the capital.Nightlife abounds in Pattaya with back-to-back beer and Go-Go bars. If you're looking for a low key pub they are few and far between, but they do exist. I would recommend grabbing a table at one of the handful of 'cocktail bars' located throughout the city.  If you dare head down Walking Street, located at the far end of Beach Road and Pattaya's official red-light district, it wont be long before you begin to confuse the night with a scene from the movie 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.' It is great for people watching, but keep your eyes on your belongings; the spectacle of the street makes a perfect distraction for pickpockets. For the club cravers, tread to the end of Walking Street where nightclubs offers a dance floor and popular music.


2. Manama, Bahrain



The featured Mancation destination in the Middle East is a modern capital with strong European influence since 1/3 of the population are foreigners. It's the only country in the region that allows alcohol. It's notorious for it prostitutes from all over Europe and Asia who are best found at the hotels.

So welcome to the party oasis of the Middle East. Connected by a causeway to nearby Saudi Arabia, Manama is a popular spot for Saudis to kick back from their country's restrictive laws. Here they can get hammered, go clubbing, mingle with the opposite sex, and if they're really daring, they can pick up prostitutes — a practice that's illegal but widely available. While Manama is still largely a Muslim city, a third of its residents are foreigners, so it has led to a much more liberal culture that gave women the vote in 2001, and let them drive cars. For many Saudi males this proximity to an open culture is irresistible and many jam the causeway and fill flights to the city every weekend.


3. Amsterdam, Netherlands


The Netherlands entire reputation lies in its one city, Amsterdam, a city for foreigners as it is one of the most well-known sin cities in the world. This is mainly due to the light drug laws on the distribution of marijuana; it is not uncommon that some of the marijuana cafes can serve up to 5 kilos or more a day of the euphoria inducing drug. The way you can get your high in the city is through tea, in cigarette form, in pies, cakes, brownies and even munching on a bud. The drugs are not the only thing the brings visitors to Amsterdam, it is also the city's red light district, where you can literally find men and women on display and when the red light is flashing that means that those on display are ready for business, well that is just a more polite way of saying prostitution is legal there.


4. Tijuana, Mexico


Cross this busy US-Mexico international border station and you may think you've crossed into the Wild West. The 21-year-old drinking age is now 18, illegal prostitution is now legalized and zoned can be found in the red light district called "La Coahuila." People on the street can now also solicit prescription drugs and illegal drugs for sale, strip clubs encourage a "hands on" policy with its strippers, and tequila is dirt cheap. Safety is never a priority here.


5. Las Vegas, United States

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is every sinner's paradise where a friend of mine lost $3500 on one night at a strip club. You can gamble all day and night, including in the airport and prostitution, while not technically legal, is legal as it known as "escort services." You'll see plenty advertised on magazine stands and guys will solicit escort service cards at you as you walk The Strip.





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Top 10 Most Irritating Facebook Friends From Your Past

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 09:05 PM PST

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Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are an excellent source of information and they allow you to meet new people or keep in touch with old friends. However, in the abundance of colorful characters that make up your friends list, you might also encounter several irritating shadows of the past. True, it’s your decision if you decide to accept their friend requests, allow them to see your posts, or even keep them in the list. But you do so at your own peril, especially if these people that you used to know closely resemble the following stereotypes. Be careful, they can be incredibly annoying!


1. The one who travels a lot

the one who travels a lot

You know, he’s the guy who only posts vacation pictures from exotic locations around the globe on a regular basis. Your first reaction is to wonder where in the world does he have the money to finance his expeditions and how does he manage to keep a job when he’s always on the road. It wouldn’t be so bad to see pictures from different parts of the world if they didn’t constantly try to rub their achievements into other people’s faces and pretend they are so much more interesting than everyone else. These people represent the living equivalent of Neil Armstrong who constantly told terrible jokes about his lunar expeditions followed by the “you had to be there to get it” remark.


2. The vocational mother

vocational mother

Reproduction constitutes the main accomplishment of this person, followed closely by the posting of thousands of pictures with her “creations”. It’s true, most people find babies adorable, especially in limited amounts. However, when your entire life is based around making/raising babies and you constantly act condescending towards people who are not married yet or who have no kids of their own, then you are simply annoying. Maybe it’s a form of overcompensation for the lack of other talents?


3. The former boyfriend/girlfriend

former boyfriend

Having your former partner among your Facebook friends is a good idea in 0.01% of the cases. Extremely few relationships end with a mature, consensual agreement between the two parties and even then there are still old grudges and loads of mutual resentment. The only thing your ex will try to do is show you that he/she has moved on and doing so much better with his current partner. If you don’t enjoy battles for moral superiority, then you should politely decline the friend request.


4. The one who can’t really move on from the days of high school

one who can't really move on from the days of high school

This guy’s achievement list peaked in high school, when he was the center of attention and has been going downhill from that point on. Naturally, he’s holding tightly to the happy times in his life and he is still holding on to his former fame by constantly reminding you his personal moments of glory, over and over again. In addition, he’s also the one who frequently tries to organize class reunions and awards himself meaningless titles like “Reunion committee president”.


5. The high school reject

high school reject

That one, insignificant person who nobody cared about in high school is the exact opposite of the aforementioned case, the Sith for the Jedi if you will. In general, he states that he bears no resentment to former colleagues for not including him in their social activities – yes he does! – and brags about how his interpersonal status changed in college/workplace. Sadly, the only thing he wants to achieve is making you regret ignoring with him in high school.





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Top 10 Countries with Assault Weapons Bans

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 09:03 PM PST

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Every nation has its own laws and restrictions regarding guns and assault weapons. The United States is no exception.  Click through the 10 countries which have attempted to enact assault weapons bans. They may not have succeeded, but at least some of them have tried.  Precautions should always be taken to protect our families and our loved ones from harm.

1. The United States of America

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Senator Diane Feinstein announced she'd like to introduce a Federal assault weapons ban bill in the U.S. Senate after the 2012 deadly Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 28 people dead, including 20 children and the gunman. ]The bill as of January 25, 2013 has a provision where the sunset clause, which was part of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, will be eliminated and will be directed at firearms with detachable magazines and at least one single military feature.

Gun Homicides per year: 9470

2. Australia


In Australia, people are not allowed to possess automatic or semi-automatic firearms. Neither are they allowed self-loading and pump action shot guns. They are, however, allowed to use a gun for self-defense, but self-defense is not sufficient grounds to be granted a license. Interestingly enough, hunters in Australia are allowed to obtain a license at the age of 10.

Gun homicides per year: 286

3. Costa Rica

Costa Rica


Two years ago, 32 women, 48 children and 172 men were killed by firearms in Costa Rica. Those statistics glow from backlit posters on Avenida EscazĂș, southwest of the capital, and overlook highways in Curridabat, east of the city, emblazoned on giant billboards.

The goal of Costa Rica's gun prohibition laws is to inform people that firearms in general have a negative effect. The focus remains on protecting the family."

The reforms currently are facing a vote in the Legislative Assembly. If passed, the changes would allow only one gun per home, prohibit the carrying of a firearm in a bar or school, blacklist anyone with a history of domestic violence from owning a gun and raise the penalty for owning an illegal firearm to up to eight years in prison.

Gun Homicides Per Year: 371

4. United Kingdom

great britain


In 2011, the U.K. experienced 0.07 gun homicides per 100,000 people; the U.S., by contrast, had 3 gun homicides for every 100,000. In 2009 there were 138 gun deaths in the U.K, where there are 6.7 guns for every 100 people.

One reason for excellent statistics is the U.K.’s strict gun laws.  According to an English rifle and gun club legal center, any person possessing a firearm in the U.K. must posses a Shotgun Certificate or a Firearm Certificate. No exceptions

Pepper spray, semi-automatic, Machine Guns, and pump-action rifles, and any firearm that has a barrel less than 30 centimeters in length are banned.  The only type of firearm that can be owned legally are shotguns, black powder weapons, manually-loaded cartridge pistols and manually-loaded center-fire rifles.

To gain a firearm certificate, applicants must be over age 14, and must show they have acceptable security and “good reason” to own a rifle. Applicants must declare all criminal convictions and name two references to support the application. Applications must be renewed every five years.

5. Canada

Jordan Manners


Canada has an exceptionally low gun casualty statistics, in comparison to the United States. In 2009, there were 0.5 deaths per 100,000 from gun homicide — only 173 people. Still, the ownership is comparatively high — there are still 23.8 firearms per 100 people.

There is no legal right to possess arms in Canada. It takes about 60 days to buy a gun in Canada, and there is mandatory licensing for gun owners. Gun owners going for a license must have third-party references, take a safety training course and pass a background check with a focus on mental, criminal as well as any addiction histories.

Licensing agents are required to advise an applicant’s spouse or next-of-kin prior to granting a license, and licenses are denied to applicants with any past history of domestic violence.




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