Monday, January 7, 2013



Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo



Throughout history, there have always been a few countries that have exerted military, cultural, technologic, economic and political dominance, on which the other nations relied upon. Even though at one point or another, such core countries are recognized as wealthy with a plethora of resources and sometimes with advantageous geographical locations, they cannot maintain their position forever. Let’s review the nations and empires that left strong trademarks in the world’s history.


1. Soviet Union

What was first perceived as a salvation army for many countries in Eastern and Central Europe, turned out to be a terrifying monster. In spite of the fact that most people associated Communism with Lenin and Stalin, let’s not forget the atrocities of the other dictators brought to power in the Soviet Union and who have systematically killed millions of civilians simply because they chose not agree with them. Yet, Communism was not only about slaughters, but also about keeping the population in constant fear and isolation from the rest of the world.


2. Nazi Germany

Despite the fact that the Nazi regime did not hold power for too long in Germany, it was a superpower at its time that has significantly affected the world as we know it. The Nazis are not only responsible for the beginning of the Second World War, but have also been the promoters of genocide and unimaginable atrocities. Even though the records speak of 4 million people killed in the Holocaust, many historians claim that the number of Jews and Eastern Europeans killed exceeds 11 millions.


3. Roman Empire

While the story of the beginning of the Roman Empire is controversial, one thing is for sure: we have the Romans to thank for the model of state prevalent today. In fact, many look back on Rome as the perfect empire where everything was fair and always working smooth. The Roman Empire was an extraordinary power in its time and its influence was felt over the centuries in Europe: simply put, Romans contributed to the development of technology, architecture, war, law, literature and the religion in the Western World.


4. The British Empire

In all honesty, the British Empire is the largest kingdom this world has ever known. Measuring over 13 million square miles and controlling over 500 million people, the British can truly be considered the rulers of the world at that point in history. Interestingly enough, the effects of the administration over a quarter of the world’s population are still visible these days as people continue to follow the political reforms, way of life and culture promoted by the British. Furthermore, English is the second most spoken language in the world and numerous linguists consider it the “de facto” standard language on Earth.


5. The Spanish Empire

Constructed mainly during the Age of Exploration, the Spanish Empire incorporated vast territories in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania. However, the power and dominance exerted by the Spanish on the world only lasted a century and it was downhill all the way for them after they suffered a harsh defeat and lost almost the entire army to England. Nonetheless, Spain’s influences on the conquered territories are still visible today, two of the most noticeable ones being the Spanish language (considered the third language of the world) and Catholicism.





Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo

Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo

Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo

Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo

Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo

Top 10 Influential Nations Throughout History photo

Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids

Posted: 05 Jan 2013 09:09 PM PST

Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids photo



There are always two sides to the same story and the perfect examples for this idiom are clowns. While some people perceive them as funny and the silliest form of entertainment possible; for others, the clowns are those downright creepily painted individuals who are constantly the prime fuel of their nightmares. However, clowns are not the only disturbing elements from the children entertainment industry and a glimpse at some of the toys and games available in the past decades stands proof of that. In fact, some of the Top 10 toys developed within this time frame are so unsettling that it makes you wonder what the designers were actually thinking. Let’s elaborate!


1. The man of 1,000 faces or Hugo, as friends like to call him


Could you imagine something creepier than a Laugh A Lot doll’s expression, Bank Face’s figure and the Russian Matryoshka dolls’ spine-chilling stare put together? If not, then meet Hugo the doll that looks especially built to incorporate the creepiest aspect of all figurines on the planet. And, since the facial expression wasn’t creepy enough to keep you up at night, Hugo also has some sinisterly atrophied hands that will do the trick.


2. The lookalike dolls, courtesy of Japan

lookalike dolls

When it comes to weird ideas and bizarre toys, Japan simply has no competition. One of their most outstanding “masterpieces” is the lookalike doll, a toy that imitates your voice perfectly and that also has your face on it. Frankly, unless you order a real size lookalike doll that you intend to use it as a decoy for a potential assassin, it’s hard to imagine the reasons why such an adult toy actually exists.


3. Binoculars in the form of a stuffed dog head

Binoculars in the form of a stuffed dog head

What would you do if the war was over and you had a whole pile of gas mask that you want to get rid of? Simple, you would just attach them to a stuffed animal head and sell them to children as toys. Since every parent loves to dress his child in animal-inspired clothes, why not take things to the next level an offer them the real deal: a pair of binoculars that look like a disembodied puppy head. At least, this is the only explanation I could come up with after seeing these “binoculars”.


4. Blippy, the alien that will scare the pants off any jack-in-the-box


In case your toddler has grown accustomed to the classic jack-in-the-box and he/she is not scared anymore whenever Jack pops out, then it’s time to move to next level and get him a Blippy. The purple color, the spine-chilling eyes and that expressive smile constitute the perfect cocktail to make certain your child will be traumatized for life.


5. Eviscerate-Me Erwin or the how-to-become-a-serial-killer doll

Eviscerate-Me Erwin

Well, the little patient known as Erwin is a great toy for any parent who would be proud to raise a sociopath or, if they’re “lucky”, a notorious serial killer. Granted, parents should encourage children’s talents and support them. However, provide them a toy that is basically saying it’s OK to cut something open and who knows, maybe you’ll find him/her operating on your cat one day. Wouldn’t you be swelling with pride proud when he tells the story of how he/she sliced open that hooker on a remote country road to his federal prison buddies?





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Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids photo

Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids photo

Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids photo

Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids photo

Top 10 Involuntarily Disturbing Games And Toys For Kids photo

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