Friday, February 1, 2013



Top 10 Most Ridiculous Reasons To Sue Someone

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

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The primary role of the justice system is to protect the citizens’ rights and determine which party is responsible for the crime brought to court. However, as you are about to find out, some people abuse the privilege of having an arbiter settle their disputes. And, at the same time, it’s not only citizens who decide to sue corporations for millions of dollars based on a ridiculous guilt premise. Far from it, as major companies, stars and even police authorities have attempted to turn their obvious mistakes into profits in court. Let’s examine the top ten lawsuits that fringe on absurdity.


1. The Nebraska senator who took God to court

In all fairness, Ernie Chambers’ lawsuit against the almighty was designed as an awareness raising campaign against the local legislation that does not allow people to file “frivolous” lawsuits. The elected state senator considered God directly responsible for acts like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and other cataclysms. That is why the lawsuit was filed in a “cease and desist” manner and the stake was a restriction order against God. However, the judge dismissed the case because the defendant had no recorded address at that time. In all fairness, the reason to terminate the legal proceedings fits the lawsuit perfectly.


2. The California police department versus the Taser manufacturer

How should a police officer react when the arrested suspect in the back seat of the vehicle attempts to free himself from the handcuffs and kick down the car window? A Taser of course, this gadget is the easiest solution. But what if the Taser presents uncanny similarities to the handgun? Can one really call shooting the suspect rather than tasing him an honest mistake? Apparently you can and that was the court’s decision when police officer Marcie Noriega shot and killed suspect Evadero Torres point blank with what she believed to be the Taser gun. Not only that, but the Taser manufacturer was sued by the police and held responsible for the accidental death of the suspect.


3. The failed suicide victim who sued the subway train authorities

Back in 1977, Milo Stephens Jr. attempted to take his own life by throwing himself in front of a subway train. Fortunately (or not), the suicide failed, but Stephens was severely injured in the process. With the aid of an enterprising lawyer, he sued the NYC Transit Authority, claiming that the cause of his injuries was the negligence of the conductor who did not decelerate the train accordingly before pulling into the station. And now the funny part: Milo Stephens Jr. actually managed to win the lawsuit and was awarded $650,000, but he attempted the same stunt five years later, with no “personal damage” that time.


4. “Regular guy” versus Anheuser Bush

Don’t believe everything you see in commercials. This is the rule that “regular guy” Richard Overton should have heeded before suing Anheuser Bush for false advertisement and the promotion of false social concepts. There is no denying the fact that some of the cheesy Bud Light commercials depict beer as a mandatory social catalyst or the magical liquor that transforms regular guys into hot chick magnets, but Overton took things a bit too far. When he stated that the company’s promotional campaigns caused him high levels of physical/emotional distress as well as financial problems because he was not able to emulate the scenarios in real life. On a side note, to this day it is not known exactly which Bud Light ad Overton attempted to recreate.


5. The woman who sued a horror themed attraction park

Being attacked by a maniac with a chainsaw on the property of an attraction park is, of course, grounds for a lawsuit. However, what the woman who took Universal Studios to court on this premise failed to mention is that “Leatherface” – a character from the Saw movie franchise – was an employee of the park and the “assault” happened as a part of the Haunted House ride. While no blood was shed in the attack, it suffices to say that her undergarments were rendered unusable.





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Top 10 Online Dating Tips for Older Women

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 09:00 PM PST

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Victorious, independent, gorgeous, sassy, chic, powerful and tenacious are all badges of honor that most women wear. Unfortunately, these respected titles lead to a different label for women: SINGLE!

Yes, we all like to prove our achievements and accomplishments but the reality is that most men prefer the nurturer and none of these personality traits attract the opposite sex, or at least not the ones women would like. If you are this type: “Alpha Female”, you have had your share of “accepting” less than you deserve just to find a twinkle of hope of finding love.

We’ve gone from dating broke students and the unemployed. We accept all their flaws unconditionally including: I have no money to go on a date; I don’t like to plan out well ahead of time etc.

Should successful women really have to “settle” so far beneath our capabilities to acquire a companion? The answer is: likely if you continue the same pattern of finding that significant other. Here are our top ten tips for achieving success when dating:

1. Change your brand

Change Brand


Although your brand has been triumphant for your career it most likely needs to be attuned for a different audience. The product doesn’t need to change but the advertising and promotion does. For example, when filling out an online dating profile, talk about your nurturing and cultivating qualities and not your trade and industry skills. I was a big sister, I like to bake cookies with my friends, I help my elderly people during leisure times.


2. Hold on to the mystery

Hold on to mystery


Do not reveal too much of your life's story from day one. Men are not communicators in life and really do not want to know every single detail of your life. Do no tell them more than they have asked for, but don’t make it look like you are hiding anything either or lying for that matter.



3. Let the guy lead

Let the Guy Lead

Do not call your date and ask for dates or call them just to chat on the phone for an hour two. If they are not calling, they are just not that into you. If you need to talk call your best friend instead! I have been in a scenario where someone actually said the truth about being busy. He resumed the dating business 1 month after.


4. Date Around

Date Around

Older women should not be afraid to date around and dating more than one person at a time. When they first started dating, there’s a good chance that they went steady with just one person, but things have changed since then. It’s far too tempting for a recent widow or divorcee to begin to date one person right away and stay with him, which is known as a rebound relationship and never works.


5. Let them think they are in control of the conversation

 guy controlled conversation

Men like to talk about themselves and really are not that interested in what others have to say. They are better talkers than listeners for the most part but they are not great at talking either. They like to feel the power of controlling the conversation even if you are the real one controlling it. Use your given womanly skills to draw them out and get them talking about themselves.





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