Top 10 Questions Left Unanswered by “Prometheus” Posted: 10 Jul 2012 09:04 PM PDT More questions than answers. The old cliche has never been so widely felt than in the minds of “Prometheus” moviegoers emerging from the darkness of their local theater. In many ways, this was exactly the intent of director Ridley Scott and scriptwriters Damon Lindelof and Jon Spaihts. It’s not simply a postmodern urge to provide randomness; the ambiguity that engages the audience at the deepest level has been a goal of thought-provoking filmmakers throughout movie history (as well as, intentionally or not, some notably bad filmmakers as well). Still, it can be pretty frustrating when the credits start to roll and you’re thinking “what?” There’s a definite tendency to feel cheated, manipulated, and unsatisfied. Let’s examine some of the bigger questions, both about the narrative itself and about the status of the film. I don’t promise any answers, but hopefully I’ll at least avoid creating more questions. 1. Why “Prometheus?” Quick mythology lesson: Prometheus was a Titan who stole the fire of the gods to give to humans. The character became a symbol for human potential, especially scientific endeavors, but there was always the sense that such things could go terribly wrong… like when Zeus got mad at Prometheus and chained him to a rock with a bird picking out his guts for all eternity (Zeus really didn’t want us to have fire, I guess). The idea of Prometheus symbolizing science gone too far was cemented by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, which was subtitled “The Modern Prometheus.” 2. What’s up with Lawrence of Arabia? That’s an easy one. David empathizes with Peter O’Toole being the “lone white man among the natives,” apart and yet essential, superior in cultivation but lacking a necessary element that is possessed naturally by everyone around him. If this brings to mind “Blade Runner’s” aesthetically contemplative Roy Batty, it’s no mistake; Fassbender studied Rutger Hauer’s performance to prepare for Prometheus. 3. What’s up with the “black goo”? Hmm, it’s a substance which possesses some unpredictable combination of poisonous, evolutionary, disintegrating and/or zombifying effects. There are parallels all over movie history, from Magneto’s mutagenic rays in the first installment of the “X-Men” trilogy to the time-traveling zombie juice of John Carpenter’s “Prince of Darkness.” You could even make a case for the alien Macguffins of “Repo Man” and “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” The chief mystery is why the opening-sequence Engineer drank black goo to disintegrate (no monsterisms!), and who among the characters had secret info and motivations concerning the black goo. 4. What’s up with David’s conversation with the Engineer? Something that was said got the Engineer all riled up, but nobody really knows what it is… except Ridley Scott, and he refuses to pass along the translation. I think we can rule out “I come in peace” or “yo momma so ugly”, but I’m at a loss to speculate further. Take one inscrutable android and one unknown language, and it could have been just about anything. 5. Why jump in with all guns a ‘blazing? You just spent how long in stasis, crossing how many light-years of space, on your way to the distant moon of LV-223? Now that you’ve arrived, I’ve got a good idea! How about you land next to the biggest alien artifact you can find and barge in the front door? Who needs caution or restraint in the depths of space? One thing that movie clichés have taught me is this course of action never ends well for the landing party. Perhaps in the year 2093 there are no longer any more horror movies for our protagonists to learn from? 6. Why did the Engineers create us, and why do they now want us destroyed? There’s reason to agree with “because they could” for both questions. The film doesn’t shy away from proposing that perhaps neither creation nor destruction requires a grand design or philosophical meaning. Like David, the Engineers may have been nothing more (or less) than devoted experimenters, trying to come to grips with the cosmos and themselves by messing around with anything they could find or make. 7. Did the Engineers really want us to find them? Leaving traces and symbols is not necessarily an invitation. There’s a recurring theme in sci-fi about piecing together genetic puzzles and archaeological clues to lead to some sort of welcome or reunion, whether it’s “Close Encounters,” “Contact,” or “Star Trek TNG.” But conflating a loving god with an advanced alien progenitor isn’t a necessary an equation. What if the parents aren’t that keen on meeting their children? Maybe humans were a disappointment, or at least an experiment that the Engineers would prefer to forget. 8. Will there be a sequel? Maybe, tending toward “probably” with all of the available evidence. Success at the box office is usually good enough to motivate a sequel, even for movies that are far more self-contained than “Prometheus.” From the beginning, the script was written as the first part of a two-part story, intentionally left open-ended and with two characters (Shaw and David) in a perfect position to continue to another chapter. Scott has stated for the record that there will be a sequel “If we’re lucky.” Lindelof has mentioned a few times that he and Scott made sure to leave the plot open enough to develop a sequel, but also that he isn’t committed to writing it. 9. Will the sequel tie Prometheus to “Alien?” Probably not. On one hand, Scott has stated clearly that the two storylines are in the same narrative universe, that they “share DNA,” and that the original concept was meant to be a prequel. However, he also clearly stated that he later decided to specifically avoid making a prequel and concentrate on creating new ideas. Lindelof added that a Prometheus sequel would go even further away (“tangentialize”) from “Alien.” The only wild card is how much control Scott would end up having — after all, James Cameron took Aliens to places that Scott hadn’t necessarily intended (or desired). And the later installments of the original series prove that nobody can deny the appeal of more Aliens, even at the expense of making a good movie. 10. If they wanted David to appear human, why cast Michael Fassbender? Mostly kidding here, as Fassbender’s performance was one of the highlights of the film. But come on… if you want audiences to be surprised when a character goes insane, don’t cast Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins, or Jeffrey Combs. Lance Henriksen was effective in “Alien” because you couldn’t imagine ever making an android that looked so humanly flawed and weatherbeaten compared to the original, Henriksen was closer to Harry Dean Stanton than Ian Holm. Does “Prometheus” lead you to ponder the mysterious and potentially unanswerable paradoxes of creation and meaning in life? Or is it simply a sly ploy to get you excited about a sequel… despite suspecting, with good reason that another installment will provide even more questions for each answer it delivers? If there is a circle of hell devoted to answering a question with a question, will Ridley Scott meet me there? Greg Buckskin is a writer for
. He loves writing about science fiction, movies and pop culture. 

Top 10 Interesting Facts behind Disgraceful NFL Scandals Posted: 10 Jul 2012 09:03 PM PDT Behind every scandal there are facts, opinions and speculations. I tried to run down through the largest scandals in NFL history. Picking out the facts, here is what I came up with. Please comment, if some of this is news to you. 1. OJ Simpson Murder Trial: 
The OJ Simpson murder trial was by far the most disgraceful scandal to every hit NFL. The football star was tried on two counts of murder following the 1994 death of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her boyfriend Ronald Goldman. It was the most publicized criminal trial in American history, being shown throughout North America on television networks. After a lengthy trial that lasted 9 months, Simpson was acquitted. This was the least of his problems. The Brown and Goldman families sued Simpson for damages in a civil trial. The jury found there to be a preponderance of evidence against him to lead a civil trial. Time Magazine said it all: "An American Tragedy" with a mugshot of O.J on the cover. 2. Lawrence Taylor Sex Scandal: 
Lawrence Taylor is one of the best known defensive players in the history of NFL. He's ranked on top by former players, coaches and media critics. Although he is on top on TV, he is considered to be at the bottom in real life. He is drenched in controversy time and time again. He's admitted to using drugs throughout his career, being suspended several times for failing drug tests. He was also jailed 3 times for drug possession. In 2011, he came again under scrutiny for sexual misconduct against a 16 year old. But this is not all, Mike Wallace revealed that Taylor hired prostitutes and spent thousands of dollars a day on narcotics. WOW! 3. Super Bowl XXXIII: 
Atlanta Falcons' defensive back Eugene Robinson was arrested for soliciting a prostitute for $40 in Miami. The prostitute was actually an undercover cop. What was disgraceful about the whole scandal was that Robinson was the recipient of the Bart Starr Award from a Christian group Athletes in Action. He was even a bigger let down in the game, missing tackles and throwing an interception. 4. Big Ben's Sexual Relations: 
Pittsburg Steeler's quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is famous and well liked, but behind every hero there is a story. In 2008, allegations emerged in Lake Tahoe regarding allegations of sexual assault. Roethlisberger was suspended for 6 games, which was then reduced to 4 in 2010. The 2008 case was sidelined by more allegations in March of 2010 in Milledgeville, Georgia. 5. Eddie DeBartolo Jr.: Extortion: 
This owner is the most disliked in the history of NFL and for good reason. He and the Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards got into trouble with the law for extortion and for failing to report a felony when getting a river boat casino license. He received a $1 million fine and was put on a 2 year probation, as a result. 6. Bounty Scandal: 
Gregg Williams made a speech instructing the Saints' defense to target specific party of the different players' bodies in order to maim. This was during a game against the San Francisco 49ers in January of 2011. What was worse about the speech was that Williams offered players a bribe to go with the instructions. He and Sean Payton were both suspended from playing for this orchestration. 7. Packman Jones: 
In 2 years, this man was able to get himself tossed out from 2 teams. Not only did he get into a fistfight but shot and paralyzed his manager as well. This is not all, there were other incidents as well that you may have not heard about. He kicked his bodyguard's but. Well at least he found his home, in pro wrestling now. 8. Chris Henry: 
This man is a joke. On numerous occasions he stated that he did not like scandals. What does he do? Well let's see…. In 1 year, he got arrested for marijuana possession, was arrested for DUI and for concealing a firearm. This was not all, he gave booze to 16 year old girls. Does he really not like scandals? 9. Janet Jackson & equipment malfunction: 
This was a very publicized case during the halftime show of Super Bowl 38. Justin Timberlake accidentally ripped off part of Jackson's clothes, revealing a nipple. This was referred to a wardrobe malfunction. There are consequences to such actions, for example CBS was fined $550,000 for not censoring it. MTV was banned permanently from NFL as well. 10. Namath VS. Kolber: 
How many of you remember what happened in December of 2003 when Namath told a sideliner Suzy Kolber that he wanted to kiss her and he couldn't care less about the team. She took it as a compliment, but many viewers did not realize something odd. Namath was drugged and he would later call it an incident due to his intoxication. He entered an alcohol treatment centre to treat his addiction. I don't see the incident as something bad, but it looks like Namath wanted to do something right in the end and got media attention as well. 

Top 10 Worst Shoe Designs Posted: 09 Jul 2012 09:02 PM PDT Simpe elegance is usually the key to dressing well. For men, simple Oxford-style lace-ups as favoured by George Clooney always make a man look smart and sophisticated and a sleek pair of black patent heels can compliment an array of outfits for women. So why is it that so many shoe designers manage to make such spectacular mistakes on such a regular basis? Here are examples of some of the worst shoe designs of recent years: 1. Adidas Slave Shoes 
Trainers are usually designed to help their wearer in their sporting endeavours. Soles are made to absorb the impact of running on the knee, for example. One thing, however, that would be sure to impede any athlete would be the attachment of a cheap looking plastic shackle. As well as being garish to look at, an oblique mix of orange greys and purples, the shoe design is, of course, incredibly offensive and a sad reminder of slavery. The item, designed by Jeremy Scott, was described by civil rights campaigner Jesse Jackson as a "human degredation". 2. Gun shoes 
Taylor Momsem this yer was seen sporting a gimicked heel which was designed to look like a pistol and straps made to appear like bullet holders. That in of itself would be enough to include it in a horrible design list but the fact the six inch heel was coupled with a four inch platform made the shoes as awkward as they were bad looking. 3. Kim Kardashian's Snakeskin Thigh High Boots 
A target of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for her propensity to wear fur, Kim Kardashian decided to further bait animal rights groups with a pair of snakeskin boots whilst on a trip to Paris. If, as she claims, Kardashian owns over 200 pairs of Christian Louboutin's then these must surely be her worst – ethics aside, snakeskin boots compliment a total of zero outfits and are, quite frankly, an eyesore. 4. Heel-less Heel 
This season wedges have enjoyed something of a renaissance due to the fact that whilst they give all tghe benefits of heels they also offer extra support on the wearers arches. A recent trend, favoured by the brave likes of Lucy Liu, has been to remove all the support from high heeled shoes altogether by not having a heel at all but rather just an angled shoe. The heel-less shoe is more likely to make observers wonder how the wearer is balancing rather than marvel at their design. 5. High Heeled Heel-less Trainers 
Willow Smith has taken to wearing shoes similair to the ones described above but with one twist. Instead of a classic heel design fixed in to a heeled position, Willow's shoes feature, instead, trainers which are melded into this uncomfortable angle. This means they have neither the aesthetic value of classic heels or the practical values of trainers. 6. Justin Beiber's Bondage Shoes 
The Canadian singer has, in recent years, attempted to show he is all grown up from the fresh faced kid who burst onto the scene with Baby. His recent "rocked up" image has been one such attempt yet his proppensity for psuedo-bondage shoes has simply singled him out as a bad dresser instead. Studded, cheap looking boot/trainer combinations look less grown up and more like the design of an overcompensatory twelve year old. 7. Knee High Gladiator Sandals 
As seen sported by Rihanna. The Barbadian singer is not renowned for her dress sense, or wearing many clothes at all for that matter, but her knee high gladiator style sandals – replete with interlocking black and white disk shin guard – can be considered amongst the worst designs of modern times. 8. Milly J "Crow" Shoes 
Most shoe designs aim to be received with descriptions such as "suave" or "sophisticated" or even just comfortable. What they do not usually aspire to is being tagged as "satanic". Jodie Marsh, the British model turned body builder, recently appointed Milly J as her official shoe designer and was rewarded with a £500 of black heel which also boast additions such as feathers, a crucifix and a real pair of preserved crows feet. 9. Jodie Marsh's Teapot shoes 
Marsh's crow shoes were not her only recent transgression into the world of insane footwear. Another pair of heels Marsh has sported in publich which could easily also make a claim for the worst shoes ever made were a pair of "teapot" inspired shoes. The design featured spouts on the front of their design and handles on the back. These were also created by Milly J. 10. Fergie's Chariots of Fire 
Black Eyed Peas Singer Ferige decided to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with a green heeled shoe which featured flames as a motif appearing as part of the strap and also bellowing from its behind. Both inpracitcal and hard to look at. AUTHOR BIO Kieron Casey is a fashion writer and blogger who writes for Barratts Shoes.

Top 10 People Who Turned In Their Family Members Posted: 08 Jul 2012 09:01 PM PDT Would you turn in a family if you had evidence of their involvement in a serious crime? You see people doing this and wonder what you would do. What is the most ethical thing to do? Let's take a look at decisions 10 people made. 1. Mark Madoff: 
Mark Madoff, the eldest son of Bernard Madoff, hanged himself in his Manhattan apartment in December 2011. The date coincided with the second anniversary of Bernie Madoff`s arrest for running a Ponzi scheme which devastated thousands of lives around the world. Mark Madoff in the weeks leading up to his suicide was in a fragile state of mind. He was said to have expressed resentment toward his father and anxiety regarding a number of lawsuits that were filed against him, his brother and other family members. It was Mark and his brother who reported their father to the federal authorities on December 11, 2008. This was after their father admitted to having absolutely nothing left and that the whole investment fund was just a Ponzi scheme. Two days before that Bernie Madoff disclosed to his sons his plans to pay out $173 million in bonuses. Nothing made sense. 2. Hector "Junior" Pagan: 
Federal agents arrested and charged several members of the Bonanno, including the father of Mob Wives star Renee Graziano. The informant was Graziano's ex-husband. The family is one of the "Five Families" that dominate organized crime activities in New York City. The founder, Joseph Bonanno, was interestingly enough the first to be kicked off the Commission. The commission keeps order in the Mafia and the family was allegedly dealing heroin. You can read more here: 3. Melissa Phillips: 
This is the toughest decision any mother ever has to make. Melissa Phillips went to clean her son's room where she noticed a leak. After further examination, Phillips found the body of the neighbour Maddie, who went missing from her home 7 days before. She went across the street to call the police. Joshua Phillips is now serving a life sentence for his crimes. An appeal were made in 2002, but was denied. Checkout the video: 48 Hours-Joshua Phillips (2006) 4. John Franzese Jr.: 
A former Colombo associate-turned paid informant helped convince the courts that his father's frail state and the use of a wheelchair were deceiving. John Franzese Sr. is a long-time member and the underboss of the Colombo crime family. His is the oldest current member of the American mafia. In 2011, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison for extorting Manhattan strip clubs and pizzerias. The man was dozing off throughout the trial making it look like he is dying. 5. Linda Kasabian: 
Charles Manson made an unfortunate call to pick Linda Kasabian to join the group of killers who killed 8 inside the homes of actress Sharon Tate and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Kasabian did go along, but stood in horror as the murders took places. Escaping from the Manson family, she would later turn in state’s evidence convicting Charles Manson and his crew during the Tate and LaBianca murder trials. It was also her eye-witness testimony that sealed the convictions of those responsible. 6. Mother of Joshua Garcia: 
18 year old Joshua Garcia allegedly killed a woman who was his neighbour. The person responsible for his arrest was his mother. She turned him in after he came home the night of the murder with a woman's purse. The family of the deceased still believe there was someone else involved in the crime. 7. Family of Gerald Banks: 
Families are increasingly putting the citizens of their city first. When a Toledo teenager was accused of murder it was his family who turned him in. Gerald Banks was charged with killing Marquan McCuin after being featured on the Most Wanted page. 8. Family Member of Jonathan Carter: 
Two men were sought in connection to a sexual battery incident taking place in Lauderdale Lakes. A man was arrested for doing the crime, but another man was being sought after for being his accomplice. To aid the police in their search, a caller who was a family member turned Jonathan Carter in. Carter would then enter the police station without incident. 9. Michael Palomino: 
Palomino made a tough decision but knew what he had to do after he saw a video of a beating involving his son. The video was posted on YouTube, showing his son partaking in the bullying of another child. 10. Joseph Alfredo Riviera's son: In early January of 2012, a Glendale man's son called the police after finding a memory card containing videos of his father having sex with a 12 year old girl. The SD was found in the bathroom at the father's home. 

Top 10 Most Dangerous Spiders In The World Posted: 07 Jul 2012 09:07 PM PDT There are many dangerous spiders but the most dangerous 10 spiders out of these have been listed. These spiders cannot only poison the small mammals but also affect the humans by making them very ill. Most of the time a bite by these spiders results in some kind of headache or illness or vomiting. Some of these spiders can even result into death due to the poisonous venom they exhibit. Though other spiders are comparatively less dangerous but they do result in pain, redness and swelling at the site of bite. Treatment by a doctor is required as soon as possible after being bitten. 1. Brown Recluse: 
This spider is mainly found in the America and its bite can cause great trouble. They usually hide in dark places and if bitten by this spider can result in fever, vomiting, shivering along with redness around the bite and swelling. 2. Black widow: 
It is also known as the latrodectus Hesperus and mostly they are black but a few of them are also found in brown color. They tend to live in hot climate and are found in the United States. 1 percent of the total bites to the people have resulted in the death by the female black widow. 3. Brazilian wandering spider: 
This spider is also known as the banana spider and these spiders tend to be very aggressive and dangerous. These spiders are found in the countries like Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, Argentina and Cost Rica. There venom is dangerous but in order to affect a human, they have to inject sufficient amount of the venom. 4. Funnel-web spiders: 
These spiders are basically found in Australia. These spiders are also dangerous and 10-15 minutes after their bite you can develop breathing problems which can also lead to coma. A slightly less effected person would undergo fever, vomiting, drooping eyelids and shivering. 5. Mouse spider: 
These spiders can survive in any country and environment that is available to them. The color of the female and the male is different. The females are black and the male ones are brown. The symptoms by the bite of this spider resemble a lot to that of funnel-web spider. The spider is very aggressive and would respond to any thing that the spider feels dangerous. 6. Red back spider: 
This spider is usually found in Australia and it is very dangerous to very young people or old people. This spider lives in the dry areas and looks a lot more similar to the previously discussed black widow. Mostly the bites recorded by this spider have occurred during the summer. Its bite results in vomiting, weakness in the muscles, pain along with sweating. 7. Wolf spider: 
The color of these spiders is mostly brown or gray. There are many types wolf spiders and 125 of these types are found in USA while 50 of them in Europe. There bite is not very dangerous but it does result into an infection. Ice should be put on the place where this spider has bitten until treatment has been taken. 8. Goliath Birdeater Tarantula: 
It is one of those largest spiders that can cause panic and fear just by its appearance. Though this spider is very large it is not as dangerous as the spiders that have already been mentioned. Its bite however still results in minor pain and swelling. 9. Sac spider: 
These spiders have venom that can result in the killing of cells. The bite is not very dangerous but may cause illness and irritation along with a mark in the area where it has bitten. 10. Hobo spiders: 
These spiders are brown in color and their legs have a lot of hair on them. Death of the tissues can occur at the place of bite by this spider. It takes a lot of time for the bite to heal and the marks of the bite would remain. The worst example is pictured below. A bite by this spider would result in a severe headache which would not be treatable by the use of medicine. No matter what area you live in spiders are going to be there. Which ones all depend on your region however with spiders you should always precede with caution as you never know what you might be encountering. We suggest annual pest control
maintenance in any home to secure that most of the deadliest pests won't be visiting you. 

Top 10 Weirdest Celebrity Interviews Posted: 06 Jul 2012 09:05 PM PDT We all have had embarrassing moments in our lives. It's fun to remember and laugh about these moments after. But if you were a celebrity and that embarrassing moment happened on national television? Would you be laughing then? Here are just 10 celebrities, who had some weird moments on nationally televised interviews. 1. Whitney Houston on Primetime 
Whitney Houston is the all time American diva. She became a star not long after being noticed by the legendary Clive Davis, and lost her stardom just as fast. Her troubles began when she met Bobby Brown. He was violent towards her, and introduced her to drugs. Her troubles became apparent to the public when she was interviewed by Diane Sawyer in 2002. She appeared high, and said the now infamous phrase, "crack is whack." Houston denied any use of drugs at the time. 7 years later, Houston was interviewed by Oprah, and she admitted to her of using drugs and her doomed relationship with her ex husband, Brown, but claimed she was clean and sober as of then. However, Huston died on February 11, 2012 due to drug intoxication and drowning. 2. Tom Cruise on Oprah 
Love makes you do crazy things, and Tom Cruise proved it on live television. It was 2005, when he just started dating his now wife, "Dawson's Creek" alum, Katie Holmes. He was overly excited when he ws on Oprah, and jumped on her couch. But Holmes was not the only reason why he was so happy. At the time, Holmes was pregnant with her and Cruise's first child, Suri, who was born in April 2006. Cruise has two older adopted children, Isabelle and Connor, from his previous marriage to Nicole Kidman. 3. Courtney Love on David Letterman 
Courtney Love has always been known to be wild. She was the wife of troubled Nirvana lead singer, Kurt Cobain. Together, they had a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain in 1992, and Love admitted to using drugs during her pregnancy. In 2004, she appeared on David Letterman. In the middle of the interview, she randomly got up on the couch and flashed him. When she appeared on Letterman in 2010, Love admitted that her life was filled with drugs and cocaine. As of late 2009, Frances Cobain has been living with her paternal grandmother, and has no contact with Love. Frances stated that Love was a bad mother to her. 4. Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman 
Courtney Love wasn't the only victim of humiliation on Letterman. When Phoenix appeared on the show in 2008, his appearance was different than usual. His hair was a mess and his beard when down to his knees. He also had sunglasses on. Phoenix was slow at answering questions, seemed to be either drunk or high, and David Letterman could not do anything but laugh. Phoenix was mocked by Ben Stiller at the 2009 Oscars ceremony when he and Natalie Portman presented an award. When Joaquin Phoenix came back to "The Tonight Show", he apologized to letterman for his bizarre behavior. 5. Jon Voight on Access Hollywood 
Jon Voight and Angelina Jolie never had a close bond. During her childhood, Voight was constantly away from home. Jolie stated that she only saw her father when they worked together. Their most notable collaboration was when they co-starred in the 2001 hit film "Tomb Raider". In a 2002 televised interview, Voight tearfully begged Jolie to get professional help for her mental problems. Jolie cut ties with her father since then. It wasn't until her mother died in 2007 that she had a change of heart. 6. Heath Ledger on Sunrise 
Heath Ledger was always known to be shy and nervous during interviews. He liked the acting and movie making part his career, but not the press. When he appeared on Sunrise for an interview to promote "Lords of Dogtown", he was peeling an orange. Ledger was greatly criticized for his behavior, though it seemed to be a completely casual conversation between him and the interviewer. He ledger apologized. 7. Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden on ABC News 
This is just one example of their odd interview, but all of the interviews they have conducted are weird beyond explanation. The world was shocked when "Lost" star, Dough Hutchinson, who was 51 at the time, married the then 16 year old, Courtney Stodden in May 2011. Since their union, they have been on every possible show they could be interviewed on to prove their marriage is not a scam. The two met online and "fell in love before meeting each other in person." 8. Lindsay Lohan on Ellen Degeneres Show 
Lindsay Lohan is known for her roles in movies like "Freaky Friday", "Mean Girls", and "Georgia Rule". But she is also known for making headlines in the media. Not for her work, but for her personal life which includes bar and club hopping. Even without making any movies in years, Lohan still feels the need for attention. In 2009 she appeared on "The Ellen Degeneres Show". Rather than prmoting a movie, all Lohan had to talk about was her personal life. She defended herself in the midst of her break with girlfriend, Samantha Ronson. She also seemed super skinny in the interview, which made us all wonder. 9. River Phoenix on Bram van Splunteren 
Joaquin was not the only Phoenix sibling to have a bad day during an interview. Drus are the devil. Even if you stop using, they will eat you alive. Just look at what happened to Whitney Huston. When River Phoenix appeared on Bram van Splunteren's show promoting "Mt Own Private Idaho" in 1991, he didn't seem to be himself. He was lying on the couch and twitching nonstop the entire time. That was around the time Phoenix became involved with drugs. 10. Paula Abdul on Seattle Fox News 
Paula Abdul now has a reputation for acting like she is medication during some of her interviews. Whether, it is alcohol, drugs, painkiller, no one knows. This interview is just an example of her showing that behavior. She’s so unfocused that the network had to take a do-over, on live TV, and restart the interview. She blamed that embarrassing interview on exhaustion. 

Top 10 90s Soundtracks Posted: 05 Jul 2012 09:05 PM PDT 1. Jurassic Park 
Jurassic park was an absolute 90s classic. Spielberg’s dinosaur themed epic made history with its special effects. The score was written by film composer John Williams and became the soundtrack to a wave of 90s kids’ favourite movie. 2. Star Wars Episode I 
A Phantom Menace – John Williams’ second in the list, A Phantom Menace is not widely regarded as a classic, certainly not when compared to the rest of the Star Wars series, but the movie is undeniably well scored, and an orchestral masterpiece drives Anakin Skywalker on his adventures from start to finish. You’d expect nothing less than anthemic for a Star Wars movie, and John Williams certainly delivers here. 3. Trainspotting 
Trainspotting was a movie that encapsulated a generation. Danny Boyle’s masterpiece has developed a cult following and will surely go down in history as one of the greatest pieces of cinema of its time. This movie is not in here for original music scored for the movie, but for a classic selection of nineties tunes. Blur, Underworld, Elastica and Leftfield are just some of the British 90s heroes that make this soundtrack an alternative masterpiece. 4. Pulp Fiction 
Another film in here purely for the magnificent choice of music. Tunes such as ‘Son of a Preacher Man", "Flowers on the Wall", "Jungle Boogie" and more set the scene for the 90s most seminal of gangster movies, featuring huge names such as Bruce Willis, John Travolta, Uma Thurman and Samuel L. Jackson, but it is the inspired inclusion of Dick Dales "Misirlou" in both the movie and the trailers released beforehand that became truly iconic in the history of film. Tarantino’s music inclusion is always spot on, hence our next choice. 5. Reservoir Dogs 
The second of Quentin Tarantino’s gangster movies to find its way onto the list. Reservoir Dogs was released before Pulp Fiction, and features music from the 60s through to the 80s, including "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede, a selection of music performed by Steven Wright and of course the amazing Stealers Wheel song "Stuck in the Middle With You", another incredible selection of music to set a sinister tone to the movie. Quentin’s music choice is always original and seems to work perfectly, as demonstrated with the unusual choice of Harry Nilsson’s "Coconut" over the end credits. 6. Forrest Gump 
This was really one of the movies that put film composer Alan Silvestri on the map. He has gone on to be one of the most prolific composers for Hollywood over the past 20 years, and Forrest Gump truly displays why, with 21 pieces of original music composed to accompany this piece of Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis heroism. 7. The Shawshank Redemption 
Widely acclaimed as one of the best movies of all time (just check out IMDB), this absolutely superb film has a score to match by Thomas Newman. Newman is one of the most prolific scorer of movies the last thirty years has seen, and this is one of his best works, which was recognised with his nomination for an academy award for best original score. It is not quite his best in my book though, that title goes to… 8. American Beauty 
Just wow. Iconic, anthemic, beautiful… Just some of the words you could use to describe Newman’s score for an astonishing virtuoso performance from Kevin Spacey. Best remembered for the song also titled "American Beauty", accompanying the infamous ‘plastic bag scene’, this soundtrack has even been remixed and put into dance tracks. 9. The Lion King 
The only movie in the list made mainly for children, The Lion King’s theme tune features the work of a certain Elton John with the help of Tim Rice, and some orchestral work from Hans Zimmer. The soundtrack is one of the most memorable you’ll come across, featuring songs such as ‘Hakuna Matata’ and ‘Can you Feel The Love Tonight’ as well as ‘Circle of Life’, a dramatic and clever accompaniment to a movie every kid should see. 10. Fight Club 
The first rule of fight club is "You don’t talk about fight club" the second rule of fightclub is "The Soundtrack must be awesome!" or something like that anyway. A suave and clever soundtrack by the Dust Brothers to accompany David Fincher’s suave and clever movie. One of the first huge electronic soundtracks that fits it’s job description perfectly. This list is brought to you by Ben, a Film Score and Soundtrack enthusiast who runs Soundtrack Man, the ultimate resource on

Top 10 Habits of Safe Drivers Posted: 04 Jul 2012 09:05 PM PDT When I was first learning to drive, I remember in my driver's handbook there was a very good quote "When you drive there is always risk, but you don’t have to be a risky driver!" This is probably the best quote about driving I have ever heard! One of the ways you can be a less risky driver is to develop safe driving habits. If you develop safe driving habits you can prevent accidents and not getting into accidents prevents repair costs, injury and it may even safe you money on insurance. Here are some habits that can help you become a safe driver. 1. Learn Defensive Driving If you didn’t do it when you got your license may be take a defensive driving course. Not only will it make you a safer driver on the road but it will lower your insurance costs as well. 2. Watch out for other bad drivers This may be hard at times, but try to avoid bad drivers on the road the best you can. 3. Avoid in car distractions Avoid in car distractions such as talking on your phone, texting, watching a movie, loud music or fooling around in your car. 4. Don’t drive when tired Make sure you get enough sleep or that you are well rested before driving. The last thing you would want to happen is to fall asleep at the wheel. 5. Use your turn signals You may think this is common sense, but a lot of drivers when they get older get lazy. They use their turn signals less and may cut someone off and cause an accident because of it. So always use your turn signals when changing lanes or turning. 6. Keep a distance between the cars in front of you and yourself What I am trying to say is DON’T TAILGATE! Tailgating has a good chance you rear ending the car in front of you and that never ends well. 7. Reduce your speed when passing near road hazards or in bad weather When it is raining drive slower than normal to help prevent accidents. 8. Keep your car tuned up and maintained Make sure your oil is good, your tires have air, no engine problems and most the important, have good working brakes! 9. Check your blind spots Make sure you know where your blind spots are on car. Check them before you turn so you don’t end up like the lady in that All-State commercial. 10. Make sure your safety features work By safety features I mean turn signals, lights, seat belts, etc. Make sure all of these things are working and use them while driving. All of these habits can be learned in a very short time and they will help keep you safe on the road. They may help you prevent accidents, injury and the one most of you want to hear, they will help lower your insurance rates! Josh is car addict and blogs frequently at
. His passions are classic cars and choppers. 

Top 10 Things You’d Hate To Find In Your Bed Posted: 03 Jul 2012 09:05 PM PDT This article was created for entertainment purposes . Surveying 100 people, these were the answers that made it to the top of the list. 1. Fox: 
Alexander West was stunned to see a baby fox lying in his bed on the second floor of his home in Hemel Hemstead, Herts. The boy forgot to close the back door to his home while playing outside. The fox made herself comfortable for up to 4 hours before being discovered. 2. Dirty Sheets: 
Nothing's worse than coming to a hotel room where there are dirty sheets. We were on vacation and staying at a 3 star hotel. The 4 girls traveling with us decided to share the room. They got a room with one king bed and one sofa bed. When opening a sofa bed, they found bed bugs. They went downstairs to get a number room, only to find blood stained sheets on the sofa bed. 3. Bed Bugs/Lice: 
# 2 brings us to Bed Bugs/Lice. Pests are not good comforts. So do yourself a favour and throw away mattresses as soon as you find something fishy. 4. Goldilocks: 
There are strangers and burglars who decide to let themselves in without permission. When they cannot get out in time, they take refuge in the bedroom and sometimes under the bed. If you are the big bad wolf, you'd be taking over the bed as well. 5. Food: 
You may love to have breakfast in bed, but that may not be wise if you are eating something with crumbs. This could attract things you would not want to see, especially on the bed. 6. Spiders: 
Spiders do love to crawl. They find their way through anything, especially making webs underneath the bed frame. I had a few cases of these, but they are supposed to bring good luck. 7. Used Condom: 
This has happened before. In 2010, allegations were made against Wyndham Garden Hotel over its uncleanliness. Carmen Jones' grandson (4 years old) found a used condom on a bed. The grandson has been to the doctor daily after the incident. After finding the condom on the bed sheets, the boy began playing with it. 8. Used Needle: 
Sarah Burnett was visiting her partner in NHS hospital when she discovered shocking activities which included a needle in her partner's bed. Her story is not the only horror story, every patient treated there comes away with a horror story. Between April 2004 and September 2006, 90 patients at 3 Kent Hospitals were killed by C. Difficle. 9. Adulterer/adulteress: 
You would never want to walk in on your significant other with their mistress or lover. A friend of mine was suspicious of her husband's activities. She and her mother in law went to check out the activity of the husband. They found more than what they asked for. 10. Something sticky: 
This has happened before, especially with people eating in bed a lot. This could ruin clothes, pajamas and other things. 

Top 10 Most Exciting Holidays Posted: 02 Jul 2012 09:05 PM PDT A holiday is a day designated as having special importance for which the people, a government, or religious/secular group have deemed warranting of a celebration. Holidays do not always necessitate the need to exclude doing everyday work, while others require an observance, whether it is fasting or not operating a vehicle. We all heard about New Year’s, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Chinese New Year, and Ramadan. However, I’d be surprised if you heard about these exciting holidays. Be sure to comment, should you disagree. 1. March 30: National Cleavage Day: 
Not many people knew there was such a thing as this. Many men would die to have known that this is a national holiday. It is, however, not much of a holiday, as it is a marketing gimmick. Created by bra giant, Wonderbra, the holiday highlights women's independence and power. Okay…and also draws attention towards the cleavage that men go after day in and day out. Check out Ann Summers' video on YouTube and see how they celebrate this day and the 30th anniversary. They actually staged a traffic stopping spectacle. 2. December 23: Festivus Day: 
This is a secular day celebrated the day before Christmas Eve. The holiday season is amongst many, those who do not want to participate in the festivities or its commercialism, celebrate festivus. The holiday is most popularly known when introduced on the TV sitcom Seinfeld in 1997. It was preconceived by writer Dan O'Keefe who celebrated the holiday with his family since 1966. The favourite part of this all, is the telling of the grievances and also how Frank Constanza says, "Festivus is for the rest of us." 3. Turkmenistan: Melon Day: 
This is a national holiday in Turkmenistan. It is devoted to festivities which celebrate the Turkmenbashi melon and the country's muskmelon. Turkmenbashi melon was named after the country's first president and is seen as a great fruit with an excellent aroma, taste and size. It was established in 1994 by President Niyazov, who preferred to be the leader of Turkmens and also Turkmenbashi. How many fruit do we see named after the President? 4. September 7 & 8: Driving Side Switch Days 
I never thought this would be possible until now. In Samoa, people are given the day off on September 7 & 8 to practice driving on the left side of the road and not on the right. Not all the population is for this switch, especially since most cars are right hand drives. The festivities begin at 6am on September 7. If you go to Samoa and are driving make sure you follow directions quite well. 5. November 21: World Hello Day 
This day is the most exciting, yet simplistic. Anyone can participate in this day by saying hello to 10 people. The celebrations began interestingly enough in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel in the Fall of 1973. Now it is being observed by 180 countries and more. News Flicks: 31 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize realized the value of this day and how instrumental it is to preserving peace. 6. March 22: International Goof-off Day: 
This is a day mostly made for relaxing and enjoying time to oneself. It could also be considered a day for good-humoured fun and silliness. This really means that you should forget all your responsibilities that day and just goof off. It's like April fool's day, but less known and kind of weird. 7. September 24: National Punctuation Day: 
This is one of the weirdest and oddest holidays anyone could observe. You can celebrate it by reading a newspaper and by circling all the punctuation errors. You may also correct people if they are wrong in using punctuation. 8. November 6: Obama Day: 
This may not be the day that USA and Americans celebrate, but it is the day that Kenyans and people in Kenya celebrate and have made a national holiday. This is where most of the paternal relatives of the current US President live and lived. I am sure they are happy about a black man being President of a first world country like United States. No surprise there. 9. January 3: Festival of Sleep Day 
This is the day you can really sleep in and snooze and do absolutely nothing. It gives people a chance to wind down after the holidays and let the batteries recharge for school and work again. Still there is some speculation about who invented this day. No one can really pinpoint the origins. 10. July 2: I forgot day: 
Make your anniversary fall on this day. At least you have a reason to forget. It also gives people the opportunity to express their regret about their forgets. How many of us will actually admit to this? Not many. 

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