Wednesday, January 9, 2013



Top 10 Evolving Technologies

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

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Technology is never at a standstill and every science discipline is constantly searching for ways to improve the existing methods and develop newer, more applicable solutions to address the world’s problems. However, the evolution of science is made on a trial and error basis and, while some theories prove valid and are successfully applied in practice, others have to be discarded and replaced with more suitable ones.

But that is just the beauty of science, its never-ending quest for knowledge, as the light of reasons shine across the darkened corridors of the universe, hallway after hallway. Let’s explore what currently constitutes the primary attraction point for the world’s most brilliant minds.


1. P2P internet versus today’s design

P2P internet

Ted Stevens was widely ridiculed because of his clumsy definition of the internet, which he compared to a vast series of “tubes”. His metaphor was expanded by humorists to “a series of tubes full of cat”, which in all fairness, is not that far off. Joke aside, the massive amounts of digital information that is constantly increasing in proportion to the available storage space and comprises of movies, TV shows, user made videos, etc. will eventually slow down the transfer rate to full stop. What Ted Stevens was trying to state with his comparison is that the internet has a fractal-like structure and once a section of the fractal becomes overburdened, the impact transmits to the other branches as well, right up to the source. However, since peer-to-peer transfer would provide a safe haven for piracy although it could solve the “clogging” problem, the architecture of such a network requires a few improvements.


2. Nano-charging solar power via quantum dots

quantum dots

In spite of the fact that solar power is the cleanest and safest form of energy, the technology in its current state is perceived as inefficient. To summarize the main issue that scientists battle, the electrons running through semiconductor circuitry from the source to the depository are partially lost, making the transfer unfeasible and inefficient. The alternative, which implies utilizing photovoltaic materials like silicon is extremely costly. However, expert chemists are considering replacing the standard method with quantum dots, which are essentially miniature semiconductors that measure a couple of nanometers and have excellent capabilities of interacting with photons.


3. The cloak of invisibility

the cloak of invisibility

What was until not long ago a science fiction topic – see H.G. Wells – might just be possible within our lifetime thanks to David R. Smith and his crew. The underlying principle comprises of utilizing photonic crystals to mitigate the propagation of visible light wavelengths. To simplify the theory, he explains that it is basically like inserting a needle in a tightly woven thread, because it forces the threads in its proximity to bend around it.


4. Individual medical monitoring

individual medical monitoring

John Guttag came with the idea of individual health monitoring systems following an unfortunate event, more exactly his son being diagnosed with a collapsed lung which he had for an year, although he showed no detectable symptoms. The idea is that, because they often fail to notice symptoms before the condition reaches an advanced stage, people are forced to engage in difficult and expensive medical procedures to regain their health. However, with the aid of a personalized health monitor, these issues would become obsolete.


5. Diagnosing a person with a single cell

a single cell

Paying too much attention to a group of cells is a surefire way to miss a critical aspect that an individual cell presents and that is exactly what Norman Dovichi, who is an expert chemist working for the University of Washington intends to prove. In essence, he theorizes that the properties of cell are altered with the advancement of specific illnesses and that could be the key to unlocking a new step in modern medical diagnosis.





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Top 10 Strangest Foods You Should Try

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 09:08 PM PST

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Humans are known for their strange eating habits, as they are able to eat almost everything that is there in the food chain. Every day, we discover new food sources and love trying new things. But the question is: how could someone dine eating things that are creepy, strange and which look disgusting.

You may want to try at least some of the food choices on the list before you die. You can really say that you have lived your life to the fullest and have experienced the cultures in multiple countries and not just one.

So here is the list of 10 strangest foods you should try at least once.


1. Fried-brain sandwich:

This is generally a sandwich with sliced calves' brains on sliced bread. Thinly sliced fried slabs on white toast became global on menus in St. Louis, Missouri, after the rise of the city's stockyards in the late 1880s. Although the demand and popularity has decreased, some of the restaurants still serve it.

The dish also remains popular in the Ohio River valley where it is served heavily battered on hamburger buns. Mom and pop restaurants in Evansville, Indiana still serve the dishes as well.


2. Fogu:

The sea offers a number of strange aphrodisiacs. One of the weirdest and also the deadliest sea creature is referred to as the blowfish or the fugu. Japanese chefs must be specially licensed to prepare and serve this somewhat deadly delicacy. Studies have demonstrated that the toxins in this aphrodisiac can be more lethal than cyanide, causing the mouth to become numb. As the numb wears off, people tend to experience a lingering tingling on their lips and inside their cheeks.

Why the popularity? The tingling causes sexual arousal.


3. Drunken Shrimp:

This is one of the cruellest, but very popular dishes in China. The shrimps are eaten alive and are prepared in strong liquor called bajiu to make it easier for consumption. It is served in different types of fast food restaurants and can be prepared in just 30 seconds. If you are not up for this, you can try marinating the shrimps in alcohol and eat them dead.

Be forewarned that if your body is not used to eating uncooked shellfish, you shouldn't try it. It could pose a health hazard and a risk of paragonimiasis.


4. Bugs:

There is a term for eating insects and it is called entomophagy. It is fairly common in many parts of the world, except in Europe and North America. It is not too uncommon to find vendors who sell fried grasshoppers, crickets, spiders and worms on the streets of Bangkok, Thailand. It was even popularized on the television shows called "Fear Factor" and "Survivor".

If you are on a diet, you should know that insects are high in protein and consist of important fatty acids and vitamins. Next time you drink something and notice a dead fly inside, don't get scared. It may be healthy to eat it. :D


5. Sea Slugs:

If you are in Korea, you might want to try their delicacy, a sea slug. Koreans would slice them into pieces, throw away the utu and give you the fish with a yellow sauce in a cup. It is crunchy and tastes like radish.

If you are wondering what sea slugs are, they are basically saltwater snails that lack a shell or have only an internal shell. It is a paraphyletic name used for various lineages of marine gastropod mollusks that are either non-conchiferous or appear not to be non-conchiferous.





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Top 10 Lethal Viruses Present Today

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

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Viruses can be defined as a microscopic infectious pathogenic agent that can only replicate within the living cells on an organism. In other words, even though they are rather small and can be observed exclusively through the lens of a microscope, their nature as well as the fact that they infect virtually any type of organism from humans and animals to plants and bacteria is what makes them the world’s most prolific killers.

In spite of the efforts medicine has made to eradicate them through the ages, the viruses are very resilient and new ones appear every day. In fact, nowadays over 5,000 known viruses claim the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Let’s find out the more about the invisible assassins out there that are on the lookout for their next victim.


1. HIV


HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus represents the deadliest virus of the planet. HIV kills over 3 million people each year needs no further presentation, it has no effective cure except prevention, it can stay latent for more than 15 years and it leaves the infected person defenseless in the face of numerous infections.


2. H1N1 virus

H1N1 virus

When Alexander Flaming discovered penicillin, it was believed that medicine had finally found a cure for the common cold and its older eccentric brother, influenza. Nothing can be further from the truth and the recent epidemics of swine and aviary flu stand as proof of that. The H1N1 virus is an airborne agent that quickly makes its way into the lungs and takes hold of the mechanisms of the cells. While many infected people recover within a maximum of two weeks, it is necessary to mention that the infection is highly contagious and that people with preexisting respiratory conditions face a high risk of death.


3. HCV


At this point, it is estimated that around 300 million people are infected with HCV or Hepatitis C and they do not even know it. In fact, most of the individuals only learn about the condition years later when they first experience signs of liver failure. The good news is that the infection only spreads via direct contact with the blood, mainly from tattoos, piercing, sharing a syringe needle, blood transfusion and organ transplants. While the chances of contagion are limited, the WHO reports that Hepatitis C is the main reason for liver transplants. Deaths due to liver failure and complications are estimated at half a million globally per year.


4. Rotavirus


According to the World Health Organization, every child on this planet will get infected with the Rotavirus at least once until the age of five. While in the developed countries the Rotavirus is very unlikely to claim any victims, in under-developed states it takes the lives of more than half of a million children. Take note that while the virus affects the digestive tract and its main symptom consists of diarrhea, it is not mandatory that a child exhibits this sign during a Rotavirus infection.


5. HBV


Similar to Hepatitis C, the virus responsible for Hepatitis B can be transmitted via exposure to infected blood. Even though the virus attacks the liver, the WHO claims that over 90% of the adults and older children contaminated with Hepatitis B will make a full recover, despite the fact that there is no specific treatment for the infection. However, compared to HCV, the symptoms of Hepatitis B are more unpleasant, as its trademark consists of a persistent yellowing of the skin.





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