Monday, December 10, 2012



Top 10 Last Meals for Death Rows

Posted: 09 Dec 2012 10:12 PM PST

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Julie Ziegler-Haynes reports how on death row, last meals tend to be high calories and heavy on meat. French fries, chicken, steak and pie are common things that inmates ask for. This reveals an underlying cause for combined lavish menus and speaks volumes about the US justice system and about how inmates spend their last minutes before death.

One thing is for sure the final meals of condemned prisoners are enduring, if not morbid, and also a source of fascination. The average meal request does come at an estimate of 2756 calories, more than what a typical man has for the whole day.

So what is ordered? Let's take a look at some of the most fascinating last meals.


1. Robert Anthony Buell:

His last meal was eaten on September 24, 2002. The meal only consisted of a single black, unpitted olive. He died by legal injection for killing 11 year old Krista Lee Harrison in 1982. Two other girls were thought to be victims of Buell. Buell, however, was never charged for those two crimes.


2. Victor Feguer:

You would expect an inmate to want a good meal before death. For the second time in arrow, another inmate asked for a single olive with the pit in it. Feguer was accused of kidnapping and murder. He was the last person to be put to death in the state of Iowa on March 15, 1963.


3. Hastings Arthur Wise:

His last meal was on November 4, 2004. He requested a lobster tail, french fries some coleslaw, banana pudding and a glass of milk. Hastings was a convicted mass murderer who was executed in South Carolina for killing 4 of his former coworkers. He previously served time for bank robbery and receipt of stolen goods.


4. Ricky Ray Rector:

This Arkansas man was tried for 2 counts of murder. He died by lethal injection on January 24, 1992. His last meal was a steak, fried chicken, cherry Kool-Aid and pecan pie. He left the pie, telling the guard he was saving it for later.


5. Saddam Hussein:

This tyrant was executed on December 30, 2006 in a televised hanging. His last meal consisted of chicken and rice, with a cup of hot water and honey.





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Top 10 Ways To Celebrate Chanukah

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 09:05 PM PST

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On Chanukah, the Jewish people light Chanukah candles to remember the Maccabee victory and how the oil burnt for eight days in the holy Temple. This article examines 10 ways people celebrate the holiday in today's society.


1. Light the Menorah:

Everyone is allowed to light the menorah. It should be lit outside the doorway and at the window after nightfall. You light the middle candle first and begin with the candles on the far right.


2. Games (Dreidel):

Kids enjoy playing games on Chanukah, especially with the dreidel (a top). Each side has acronyms which stand for Nes Gadol Haya Sham which means “A great miracle happened there.”


3. Chanukah Gelt:

Nothing beats Chanukah then Chanukah gelt. Many kids get candy, gifts and even money. It's one holiday many kids look forward to.


4. Cooking:

Everything cooked should be done in oil. Latkes and donuts are the most popular. You cannot miss eating them. You would not be in the Chanukah spirit otherwise.


5. Crafts/Decorations:

Making crafts are also popular on the holiday. Decorating the home and creating the different crafts will bring up spirits. Kids particularly enjoy making gelt bags which are like stockings during Christmas.





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Top 10 Silly Ways To Pull Out A Loose Tooth

Posted: 07 Dec 2012 09:00 PM PST

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Pulling teeth by wiggling and going to the dentist is the conventional way. There are other ways that many people have tried.  Tell me if this shocks you. Some of the ways were shocking: rockets, pliers. Anyone has any other ideas? Hopefully nothing to rash.

1. Pliers:

Ian Boynton could not afford to go to the dentist, so he decided to take action himself. He took a pair of pliers are removed 13 of his own teeth. He was not looked by a dentist for 6 years.


2. Doorknob and string:

Many kids would attach their teeth to a string which is tied to a door. As soon as the tooth is attached they would move back forcing a pull on the tooth.


3. Rocket:

There is a video going around the internet showing people how to do this. I have never seen this happen, but it has occurred before.


4. Towel:

You can bite on a very thick towel to extract your tooth. A hard bite could be the force the tooth needs to be extracted. For sanitary reasons, you should get one that is clean and not similar to a kitchen towel.


5. Doorway:

People who are desperate or were desperate went through the door to get the teeth out. They would ask someone to open the door as they stand too close. This is risk as your face could be hurt. Not recommended for anyone.





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Top Ten Places You Must Visit In Your Lifetime

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 09:36 PM PST

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1. Dubai

Well, who wouldn't want to visit the world richest country? Dubai city is one of the brightest and most colourful places in the whole of the world. It's hard to believe that a few years ago this place was just basically a baron wasteland, but then when they struck oil they made billions and basically everyone is rich that lives here now! you need to come here for a few reasons, the heat (it never goes under 30 degrees centigrade), the food (there is a whole road where every fast food restaurant you can think of is down, the employees come out to your car to serve you.), the shopping (everything is really cheap! plus the world's largest mall is here)


2. New York

Who doesn't like New York? It's crazy one of the best places in the world, there is so much food, so many people and so much to do here at the big apple. Everyone has heard of this iconic city and everyone wants to go, the best times arte either right in the peak of summer in June time, or at Christmas time to see all the lights and street vendors. Nearly every country's food is in this compact city, from Asian inspired food to family run Italian pizza.


3. Tokyo

If you are into weird things then you need to come here, also you can buy electronics extremely cheap here too. All through Tokyo city is little hidden gems of things that make you go "whoa" such as vending machines that deposit crabs, or watching some sumo wrestling at the ryogoku kokugikan arena.


4. The Bahamas

Oh yeah, everyone loves the Bahamas, imagine it now sat on a white sandy beach with a cocktail in your hand listening to steel drums in the distance. Many popular destinations in the Bahamas are places like Nassau which are extremely popular to the cruise industry

and the locals welcome people with great care offering drinks and culinary delicacies. One of the most laid back places in the world. arriving to the Bahamas on a cruise is the only way to arrive in style, seeing the palm trees and the beaches as you dock gives you the true feeling of luxury.


5. Stonehenge

Just near the little countryside county of Wiltshire, this place is extremely eerie, when you come here you have a weird aura around you, you know that this place is special. It's crazy to think that still no one knows how the huge rocks got on top- of each other, considering how old the structures are. Extremely popular to druids throughout the world, this place is a must see destination.





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Top 10 Unlawful Forms Of Punishment

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 09:05 PM PST

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When we think of punishment, spanking, grounding and taking away privileges come to mind. There are other methods parents use. This article sets out to examine these unconventional forms of punishment.

1. Savannah Hardin:

This 9 year old died after being forced to run for 3 hours without any stops. The punishment was for lying to her grandmother about candy bars. The girl was severely dehydrated and suffered a number of seizures. Both her grandmother and step mother are facing murder charges. The step mother called the police reporting a seizure and unresponsiveness.


2. Tomny Jordan:

He posted a video on Facebook and Youtube to make a solid point. Jordan's daughter was alleged to have posted curse words at her parents on Facebook. Her dad viewed the comment and made a video where he shot his daughter's laptop as a form of punishment. He was not happy with her suggestion to get paid to do house chores.


3. Pankaj Singh:

An Indian boy from New Delhi died after being punished in school. The 6 year old fell ill, stopped eating and died after being locked in a dark schoolroom for hours. The punishment was for not doing homework. Parents filed a complaint against the school to the police.


4. Chandler Scott Fallaw:

A school in Chicago in 2006 ordered Fallaw's mother to spank her son. He was removed from the system and was being homeschooled until the family moved.


5. He Liesheng:

This father forced his 4 year old son to run in the snow in just his underpants and shoes. He also took a video of it. Sparking outrage, the father told the press that he wanted his son to develop a masculine temperament. Liesheng has been nicknamed the Eagle Dad.





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Top 10 Most Memorable Politicians

Posted: 04 Dec 2012 09:05 PM PST

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Men and women seem to be on fairly even footing — from a demographics standpoint, at least. According to 2012 worldwide estimates from the CIA, for every female baby born on the planet, 1.07 male babies are born, meaning that boys slightly outnumber girls. However, that his-to-hers ratio has evened out over the years, since men are known to die sooner than women.

But for all of that statistical equality, it’s a well-known fact that the places men and women live are often almost always living in a society dominated by the menfolk. The United States has yet to elect a female president, and as of 2012, women held 90 congressional seats, which might sound like a lot but is only 16.8 percent of the total numbers. Female senators are a similarly select group, making up only 17 of the 100 positions. The gender gap has still not been bridged and also extends beyond American borders, since there is less than 10 percent of female government leaders and fewer than one in five female parliament members worldwide.

As governments and organizations strive to close that sprawling disparity and get more women involved in political decision-making, it’s worthwhile to recognize those who’ve already done their parts to achieve that goal. Around the world, here are the top 10 pioneering politicians who have attempted to make our globalizing society a better place, for not just women, but blacks, the proletariat etc.

1. Jack Layton:

This NDP and the Official Position Party Leader of Canada was the first to be known by his first name. He talked to the people instead of at the people. He advocated for equality and for social justice across Canada and in Ontario.

Why No.1?  For the New Democratic Party, he was the leader who effectively moved them beyond just being a protest party. He gave reactionaries a taste of pragmatism that wasn’t too punitive for palates long familiar to ideological purity. In doing so, he opened the door for the more politically conventional style of the leader who filled his shoes, Thomas Mulcair. One need not be an NDP supporter to be impressed by Layton's achievements and accomplishments. He therefore deserves to be on this list of most memorable politicians


2.  Barack Obama:

This is one president who is a risk taker who took on a big risk by promising to deal with the debt default by August of 2011. Not many politicians can take such a gamble on their life.

Stephen Rattner believes that the president understanding of the need for a long-term solution to the country’s deficit and other major budgetary matters, such as tax reform, will  most likely “define” his legacy as United States president. Although he was far from perfect and did not achieve much in his first term, President Obama made the effort that most presidents failed to do.


3. Sarah Palin:

This Vice-Presidential candidate was unconventional. Not many predecessors could say they were women running for presidency and a mom of 5 children, oldest being 20 and the youngest being 1 at the time of Presidential elections. She proudly endorsed herself as a hockey mom. AMERICA IS CHANGING!

Why one of the 10 most memorable politicians? In sum, Sarah Palin has have had a significant influence on presidential politics even if she never seeks office again as President or Vice-President. By a long shot bet, she may one day explore a Senate run in Arizona, where she recently purchased property. Meanwhile, I’ll think of her every time a politician makes the jump from campaigning to Fox News or reality television or any as yet untapped revenue stream.

4. Jesse Ventura:

This wrestler won the election for Governor of Minnesota in 1998. He did not follow he predecessors as soon as he entered office. He decided to take residence in his home, Maple Grove, instead of the Governor's mansion. This created criticism as well as loss of jobs for some.


5. Ross Perot:

This Independent Presidential candidate is definitely unconventional. He announced his presidency on TV in the funniest way. He said that he would run, if voluntary people would put his name on the ballot in 50 states.

Why 1 of 10 most memorable politicians?  Perot (Reform Party) came too close for comfort in his presidential bid and the 2 major parties vowed to never allow a 3rd party be in those debates again after his run. The very REASON Perot got so many votes is because he was allowed into those debates.




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Top 10 List of Animated Cartoons with Sexual References

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 09:04 PM PST

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DreamWorks, Pixar and Disney are all using a vividly apparent strategy of sex appeal to raise their ratings. Disney is specifically pushing the envelope and is ready to subject the innocent youth to such images in order to obtain higher quality ratings. The industry that we speak about is the movie industry. Most of the viewers are comprised of young innocent children, thus begging the question that all Disney movies are innocent.

As sex sells in the entertainment industry, so do the numerous cartoon movies. Although most cartoons, like Disney, are portrayed as the edifice of culture and joy for children, the hidden signs and messages shown in popular children cartoons may change the attitudes some viewers will have. This is not the most appropriate "subject" for children 10 years and younger to study.

If you are a parent with kids 10 years and younger, you may want to consider banning the following 10 cartoons and animations with sexual references.


1. Hey Arnold!:

I'll start with the most obvious where every characters' heads are shaped like a penis, including Grandpa's. With Arnold's head being shaped like a football, many critics to name him the Football Head, as a pun.


2. Batman: The Brave and the Bold:

The latest animated adaptation of the Caped Crusader breaks down the darker elements of the antagonistic character and gives them a more classical approach. The character designs are Golden Age, the violence is peaceful and non-aggressive and so on. Also, each episode gives us a team up of Batman and various other super heroes. This team-up always ends in something interesting.

The Dark Knight springs up partnerships with many different heroes and heroines that it’s hard to keep track of all them. However, this does not stop the female cast members from daydreaming about whose penis is better at getting their "rocks off".

What? In one episode titled “Birds of Prey”, Batman is off duty and is struck with amnesia and believes that he is a gangster, named Matches Malone. MM is the alter ego he occasionally uses to permeate Gotham’s crime syndicates. Three friendly associates: CatWoman, Black Canary and Huntress, team up to save the Dark Knight from himself as the eponymous lady team.


3. Aladdin:

There is a scene in Aladdin, where Aladdin invites Jasmine onto the magic carpet for a ride, no pun intended. It seems like a nice gesture at first. But, many parents do not catch on to Aladdin muttering under his breath, "Teenagers take off your clothes". Disney fired back saying the phrase was "C'mon….good kitty. Take off and go." The closed caption begs to differ as it states "Good kitty. Take Off!" A verbal hidden message indeed.


4. The Lion King:

This movie has several hidden sexual messages. Midway through the movie Simba plops down and a cloud of dust rises above him. As the dust rolls off, it forms the word SEX with each letter fading as the next becomes clear. In another segment, Simba is talking to his father in the night sky. Upon connecting the stars, they magically form a penis. This is a hidden message that viewers should not have directly seen.

Disney movies are mostly for young youth who do not need to see these dirty gestures. An anti-abortion group, based in Strafford, VA, campaign against Walt Disney and attempted to remove The Lion King from the video stores as a result.


5. The Flintstones:

The Flintstones offer a noticeable dick joke in the episode where Fred and Barney are to find a Halloween costume. When asked what he wants to be, Barney says that he wants something will make him look tall. Fred responded by saying "How about another Head?" and chuckles. Barney responds by saying "Another one? What do I need three of them for?" This series definitely deserves to be on this list of 10 cartoons with sexual references.





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Top 10 Most Popular Sports Websites

Posted: 02 Dec 2012 09:25 PM PST

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Sports is a hugely popular online category across the world with billions of people visiting a sports website every year. People mostly enjoy following their various sports online and are constantly updated with the latest developments. There are a number of popular sports websites to turn to for the latest developments. These websites provide news, gossip and opinions about almost every sport imaginable.



The website primarily covers North American sports. It stands as the most popular sports website in the world, primarily covering NFL, NBA, NHL, and NASCAR. The website also has sections for other sports like soccer, tennis, and boxing and provides live score updates.


2. Yahoo Sports

This is a complete sports website covers most major sporting events in Europe and the North American regions like football, NFL, NBA, MLB, and NASCAR. They also offer live scores on many sport events on their website. The rumours section is one of the most visited pages, as it provides its viewers with up to date gossip.


3. Sports Illustrated

This popular sports website comes in at #3. Owned by Time Warner and with 3.5 million subscribers to their magazine, the website largely covers the sports from the North American regions. The SI photos are tremendously popular around the world. Viewers know where to look to find the breaking news, live scores and daily analysis of all NA sport events.


4. ESPN Cricinfo

One of the most popular sites for cricket news, lives scores and photos. It was originally conceived in the pre-WWW form in 1993 by Dr. Simon King and was acquired by Wisden Group in 2002.


5. Fox Sports

Fox Sports is a major part of the Fox Broadcasting Company (part of News Corporation). It was created in 1994 with Fox’s acquirement of broadcast rights to National Football League games. In the following years, it has televised the National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, Bowl Championship Series, as well as the World Cup. ‎





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Top 10 Confessions of a Debauched Loser

Posted: 01 Dec 2012 09:01 PM PST

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Hello, my name Barnie and I am 26 years old. I am a narcissistic assbite who takes pleasure in other people's misery. My cocky attitude should win the Nobel Peace prize as I am a no good two shoe type of guy.


Confession # 1:

I've been dating this girl Lisa for almost 3 years. We met each other on a New York trip in December of 2009. Initially I did not feel any attraction towards Robyn, as I was more interested in her best friend, Carly. Carly goes to school in another town and was too much of a princess type for me to date. So I stole Meagan right from under my best friend's nose and started dating her instead.

Our dating life was not much for the first 3 months. In fact, it took me 3 months to declare my love for Lisa and another month more to kiss her. Then I messaged my friends saying "I finally found the balls to kiss her."


Confession # 2:

My friend Adam is very introverted. He came out of a long term relationship with a medical student and was dealing with the repercussions. When we went on the France trip together, he fell in love with an average girl. It took him forever to ask that girl out. What do I do? I talk in Spanish behind his back, trying to make him grow some balls that I seem to not have.


Confession 3:

I am missing some bollox, can anyone spare me a few? I get boners from watching butt-pirates kiss each other.

I am actually a homophobic jerk, if you have not guessed so already. I will not be friends with anyone who is homosexual. In fact, I called the police on a guy who I thought was gay and reported him for being a stalker. He turned out to be cooler than I am and is now getting married to a real woman or at least I hope she is.


Confession #4:

My friend Callum got married this past September. Callum and I have been best buds for over 10 years. When it comes to mutual friends, we do not see eye to eye.

I did not want to go to Callum's wedding because he invited that butt-pirate I called the police on. I initially said I was going, but told my friend Adam to tell Callum that I, in fact, was not going. Adam forgot to say something to Callum.

I ended up texting Callum 1 week before the wedding using Robyn's phone, telling him we will not come. What a dolt; am I not?


Confession #5:

I'm a bad loser. Experience has taught me how to be gracious in triumph. I just take pleasure in seeing other people suffering. Am I so bad?

Confession # 6:

You see, I am far from being an idiot, I simply possess an openness that most of us reserve for the sake of polite society.


Confession # 7:

Still, unmarried! I play tricks in my mind, and you can see me slowly losing my sanity. I even started not to believe who I really am anymore. I am not the king of the suburbs….I am the king of the janitorial business.


Confession # 8:

I recently opened up a forum to connect those who need help with those who can provide help. Hmm..maybe I can find some psychologists on here.


Confession # 9:

I enjoy torturing others and making them pay. In fact, I am the type of person that loves rubbing salt on other peoples' wounds.


Confession #10:

I am a virgin and proud of it. I intend to do it with my gf when and if we get married.



This article is a figure of my imagination. All of the confessions stipulated in this post have been fictionalized.

There is a moral lesson to this article. You need to be considerate of others and treat everyone around you with respect. Some of these confessions, I've seen all too many times, and hope they raise the message to stop bullying.


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Top 10 Winter Stag Do Activities

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 09:27 PM PST

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Are you planning a winter stag do and wondering about activities to include? Although the weather won't be hot and sunny, there are lots of fun things you can plan for the entire gang to enjoy. Some activities can be exciting throughout the year, and other events are strictly for the winter months. Read on to learn about winter activities that will entertain you and everyone else who will be taking part in your stag weekend.


1. Paintball

This is such a fun activity, and it is a great way to spend time during a stag do weekend. You can enjoy this sport either indoors or outdoors, and it can be awesome when you indulge in paintball out in the snow. Guys enjoy shooting each other, and paintball is one of the most popular activities for a stag do event. The guys are unlikely to complain if you include a few hours of this sport when you make plans for your stag do weekend.


2. Rock Climbing

If the guys are athletic and enjoy activities that will put their muscles to work, rock climbing might be the perfect activity. It may take some effort but will be well worth it, especially when you can admire a wonderful view when you reach the top of your destination.


3. Ice Fishing

How about ice fishing for a fun stag activity? For men who do not mind being out in the cold, it can be extremely exhilarating to take part in this event. You might want to have a contest to see who can catch the most fish.


4. Ice Karting

This activity is catching on as a fast and furious way for the guys to spend time together. Even if you are not familiar with the sport at all, you will be introduced to it and also told about safety issues so that you can have a great time and also stay safe. If you think go karting is fun, you will really enjoy ice karting.


5. Skiing

What would a winter stag do be without skiing? Even if you are not a pro on the slopes, you can have a great time flying down hills after you have received a few lessons. Many ski resorts provide great skiing during the daylight hours and exciting nightlife after the sun has gone down.





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