Monday, March 25, 2013



Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 09:00 PM PDT

Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo



Chocolates are delicacies and to a certain degree healthy to eat. If money is not an issue, feel free to buy one of the most expensive boxes of chocolate in the world for the love of your life. We have built a list of the ten most expensive chocolates available on the market today.

1. Chocopologie by Knipschildt

Chocopologie by Knipschildt

Cost: $2,600 per pound
Web site:

Knipschildt Chocolatier was founded in 1999 by Fritz Knipschildt, who began his culinary journey as a chef in Odense, Denmark. The most-expensive chocolate he sells–a $250 dark chocolate truffle with a French black truffle inside–is available only on a preorder-only basis. It’s made of 70% Valrhona cacao, which is blended into a creamy ganache with truffle oil. The truffle is then magnificantly hand-rolled with a dark truffle on the inside and dusted with cocoa powder.

Chocopologie is much more than a chocolate factory in Connecticut—it’s an trendy European-style cafĂ© that serves light fare from 7 a.m. to midnight, including specialty coffees and teas, and, of course, some of the finest chocolates in the United States.


2. Noka Vintages Collection

Noka Vintages Collection

Cost: $854 per pound
Web site:

Noka chocolate is a mixture of the finest dark chocolates, exclusively extracted from plantations in Venezuela, Trinidad, Cote d’Ivoire and Ecuador. The Vintages Collection of chocolate is 75% pure, single-origin cacao, with other ingredients that include cacao butter and sugar. Noka does not use any soy lecithin or vanilla n their chocolate-making process.

Perfect chocolate pairing: Noka recommends bold red wines and brut champagnes as the ideal complements to its chocolates. If you have the money, I definitely recommend you try both.


3. Delafee


Cost: $508 per pound

Web site:

For those who love a bit of sparkle in their chocolate, there’s always Delafee. The chocolate is specially prepared with fine cocoa beans and flakes of edible 24-karat gold applied by hand to each bar. Other ingredients include sugar, coconut oil, cocoa butter, milk powder and vanilla.


4. Godiva “G” Collection

Godiva G Collection

Cost: $120 per pound
Web site:

The well-known chocolate brand maker, which first originated in Belgium, introduced the “G” Collection of chocolates, which are made with various ingredients and flavors, such as Palet d’Or, Tasmanian Honey and Mexican Hot Chocolate. Each chocolate is comprised of premium cocoa beans and other ingredients that are dependent on each type of bonbon.

The collection itself is made up of 15 true artisan quality chocolates designed by an exceptional pastry chef, Norman Love. The pieces in the collection are simply exquisite and the flavors all too die for.


5. Richart:


Cost: $120 per pound
Web site:

The Richart chocolate tradition originated in Lyon, France and has been on the market 1925. Today they operate more than a dozen boutiques across Europe and also in the U.S. and Tokyo. Richart's range is vast. The first time you indulge in Richart chocolates, you probably won't know where to begin. If it's one of Richart's special occasion assortments, you'll find the petits (chocolates) hidden beneath an inscribed chocolate plaque. In the case of the Envol ballotin, you'll be faced with some 49 luscious cubes decorated with hand-applied cocoa butter designs. Each is a small, but unique, work of art, pleasing to both eye and palate.






Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo

Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo

Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo

Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo

Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo

Top Ten Most Expensive Chocolates in the World photo

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 08:28 PM PDT

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo



9/11 was the  single most horrific terrorist mass-murder in world history.

It was the first major and multiple hijacking in the United States ad the first in the world in more than thirty years. On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists boarded four commercial jetliners, all  were transcontinental flights, carrying a maximum load of 11,400 gallons of jet fuel. Their objective was to take control of the planes once they were airborne and turn them into  weapons of mass destruction.

Four targets had been chosen, all iconic and populous American buildings that would send a clear message of the depth of their hatred for the United States. All four planes crashed, killing all on board—terrorists, crew members, and passengers included, along with hundreds who were killed inside the structures, on the ground, and the men and women who ran into the collapsing buildings in an effort to try and save others.

Only one of the four planes missed its target. Thanks to efforts of the people on the plan who chose to sacrifice themselves rather than let another plane devastate a fourth target and avoiding the killing even more innocent people.

Since that fateful day, the US and its NATO allies have embarked on a ruthless mission to eliminate Al-Qaeda leadership using drone, cruise missile and air strikes as well as ground operations. This top 10 list examined the top 10 Al-Qaeda leaders they have managed to assassinate.


1. Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden

For the longest time, this most wanted leader of butchery and murder seemed untraceable and indestructible. Ever since his escape, he managed to slither his way, for almost 10 years, into dark pits which seemed out of reach for technological and undercover work to detect. But he was finally found, almost miraculously, in the early hours of 2nd May, 2011, not in a cave, not in an accessible mountain fortress, not in a grave but in a mansion located in the inhabited city known as Abbottabad. He was swiftly dispatched with a shot above the eyes. It's still questionable whether the master of hide and seek was traced out, spied out or sold out


2. Yousef al-Eiery

al qaeda

Eiry was the the leading al Qaeda militant in Saudi Arabia who many believed was behind the May 2003 suicide bombings in Riyadh which killed at least 35 people. He was shot dead by Saudi police shortly after the attacks.

Several of Eiery’s successors, including Khaled Ali Haj, Abdulaziz al-Muqrin and Saleh al-Awfi, were also killed by Saudi security forces over the next two years.


3. Mokhtar Belmokhtar

Mokhtar Belmokhtar

Nicknamed Mr. Marlboro after amassing a fortune by smuggling cigarettes and drugs across the Sahara – is said to have died along with 14 of his men in an attack by soldiers on a mountain stronghold in Mali in March of 2013. He had been killed in a raid by Chadian troops against a terrorist base in Mali.

In 2003, the United Nations placed Belmokhtar amongst al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist and the US Treasury Department listed him as a financier of a terrorist organization. In 2004, an Algerian court sentenced him in absentia to life imprisonment for forming “terrorist” groups, robbery, detention, and use of illegal weapons in Africa. In 2007, another Algerian court sentenced him to death for forming terrorist group and for carrying out armed attacks, kidnapping foreigners, and importing and trafficking in illegal weapons. In 2008, an Algerian court convicted and sentenced him to death for murdering 13 customs officers.


4. Muhammad Atef

Muhammad Atef

Muhammad Atef — whose daughter is married to one of bin Laden’s sons — was among the top three in al Qaeda since 1996. At the time of death, he was considered al Qaeda’s military chief and bin Laden’s likely successor. The other man in the top three, Ayman al Zawahiri, were considered the brains of the terrorist operation.

Atef, was killed along with guard Abu Ali al-Yafi’i and six others, in a U.S. air-strike on his home near Kabul during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan between November 14–16, 2001. American intelligence intercepted communications from those digging through the rubble of Atef’s home, leading them to believe they had been successful in killing him.

A video was released in 2006 with Atef explaining how al Qaeda planned out 9/11.


5. Ilyas Kashmiri

Ilyas Kashmiri

Ilyas Kashmiri was one of the most perilous Al-Qaeda members, with a large experience as a strategist and as a military commander. Kashmiri was also seen as one of the possible leaders of Al Qaeda to succeed Osama Bin Laden after his death. Apparently, someone else will be promoted in his place because the US forces managed to take him down on June, 3 2011, in West Waziristan, during a predator airstrike.





Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo

Top 10 al Qaeda Leaders killed since 9/11 photo

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