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- Top 10 Ways You Can Ruin Your Summer Vacation
- Top 10 Reasons Not To Kill Your Boss
- Top 10 Things Not To Do To Avoid Getting Beat Up By A Police Officer
- Top 10 Superstitious Celebrities
- Top 10 Reasons Why The “Apple” Is Rotten
- World’s Top 10 Sites in Danger of Destruction
- Top 10 Best Hollywood Sequels Ever Made
- Top 10 Awesome Vending Machines
- Top 10 Reasons To Make Your Own Baby Food
- Top 10 August Events
Top 10 Ways You Can Ruin Your Summer Vacation Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:02 PM PDT Holidays are fun and wild for students on summer vacations. They attempt to do rash things that put themselves as well as others in danger. From drag racing to excessive drinking, I`ve seen it all in my 12 years working in a school environment. The goal of this article is to educate adolescents and teenagers on the necessity to stay safe and not to do things that could endanger their lives and the lives of others. As such, it will highlight 10 things that I`ve seen happen in hopes that it will prevent any further occurrences.
1. Assassin bugs:
2. Staying Indoors:
3. In Jail:
4. Racing:
5. Wave Pools:
6. Walking barefoot outside:
7. Drinking too much:
8. Bullying:
9. Taking sleeping pills on long flights:
10. Working:
Top 10 Reasons Not To Kill Your Boss Posted: 08 Aug 2012 09:03 PM PDT How many of us have been angry at our bosses? How many of us wanted to choke our bosses when they did something we hated? Murder is not the key and here are the reasons why.
1. The boss pays for your salary. The salary is what puts food on your table and a roof over your head. Even if it is a little, it is better than nothing. It is similar to the saying: do not bite the hand that feeds.
2. Repercussions: Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in jail? Premeditated murder is one crime that is scorned upon in Western cultures. Penalties: First Degree Murder carries up to 25 years jail Second Degree Murder carries a sentence of life imprisonment. It carries a sentence between 10 to 25 years, based on the discretion of the judge. Manslaughter: This does not carry an automatic sentence of life imprisonment. It carries usually up to 10 years.
3. I believe that there is always a reason for everything in life. If the two of you were put on earth to work together, it was meant to be. If you kill the boss, you will never understand what that meaning was in the first place.
4. Everyone is different; everyone has also a different character. You may not always agree on things, but that does not give you the right to kill your boss.
5. You are not the judge, jury and the executioner. You can never take law into your own hands, unless you are given that authority by someone with the authority. The choice of life and death remains in the hands of the supreme power.
6. What if the plan fails? Have any of you watched Horrible Bosses? You should watch this movie and see how things go wrong for 3 people who never planned nor thought about killing someone. When they do, their plans go down the drain a number of times.
7. There are more fascinating ways to tick off your boss. You can simply kill his/her ideas by saying you are busy. They are bound by the Department of Labour and/or the Ministry of Labour so they cannot reallyu fire you.
8. There are ways of getting back at the boss. Challenge the boss to something you are good at like a game of tennis or another sport. Beating your boss in that may lead you through avenues you never thought of.
9. It's more interesting to pursue this in a legal battle. Sue for harassment, call the ministry of labour, report them. Murder should be the last resort. There could have been so many ways the Horrible Bosses characters could have done it without incriminating themselves.
10. There are always ways to get back at bosses. Look at Milton in The Office Space, he got what he wanted and all the money he wanted. I am sure he thought about killing the boss, but did not. Arson, however, is not the correct form of punishment.
Top 10 Things Not To Do To Avoid Getting Beat Up By A Police Officer Posted: 07 Aug 2012 09:03 PM PDT There are some things that you should not do to a police officer. These things have happened before and people have made mistakes, double crossing the officer. Be law abiding citizens and stay out of trouble. This is one advise everyone should be given.
1. Urinate: One drug dealer was caught urinating on a police officer while the officer was trying to remove 89 bags of dope which were tied to his penis. The police offer saw a lot of things in his career as a cop but never like this. The criminal was Ray Woods. He was already pulled over before on a routine patrol for broken rear light and marijuana finding in the car.
2. Hurt them: Do not try to hurt a police officer who is either arresting you or trying to apprehend you. You really do not want him to use a Taser or even a gun. In fact, the police officer may beat you up before carting you away to a jail cell.
3. Confuse him for the Village People: This would be a great joke, but to a police officer this is no joke. He may think you're either drunk or high on something. The next thing you know you are on the ground being checked for everything you can ever imagine.
4. Report him/her: If you got a ticket, never go report the police officer to his/her superior. You may have a better chance at winning a case if you never reported them. In fact, most police officers will not come to the courtroom for minor cases. But if you were a difficult one, causing too much headache, you may be out of luck. One of my friends did that. The police officer came gunning for her even harder.
5. Offer bribe: Sorry guys, this does not work. You cannot bribe a police officer. In fact you may find yourself in trouble with the law and also on the ground with a foot on your body. Arrested definitely!
6. Run: Don't run, just listen and follow instructions. Don't think that alcohol can outrun the police officer and his squad, helicopters and force. They will track you down like a hawk.
7. Yell: Stay calm. Do not start yelling, it may not work in your defense. In fact, the police officer may remember you even more for being difficult and for not co-operating. The more you yell, the more you can get apprehended.
8. Harass Harassment includes taunting. Never taunt a police officer as that may also not end well for you. Also do not come close to them, as they may fear for their life and go after the gun to stop you from coming any further.
9. Swear: Definitely this will tick the police officer off. In actuality, this may even make the police officer retaliate. One of my mentees told the police officer the F word. He was tased and taken to the ground within seconds.
10. Come on to them: Do not use your sexuality to try to get to police officers. In fact, you may look like you are soliciting the police officer.
Top 10 Superstitious Celebrities Posted: 06 Aug 2012 09:05 PM PDT You are not the only one to believe in something and will do everything possible to prevent a bad occurrence from happening. Many stars are as superstitious. Some are really ridiculous, while others are preposterous. Others have truly understood the concept of superstitions and do it just for the heck of it. So here is the list of 10 superstitious celebrities.
1. Meatloaf:
2. Lady Gaga:
3. Paris Hilton:
4. Jennifer Aniston:
5. Star Jones:
6. Missy Elliot:
7. Michael Jordan:
8. Kristin Chenoweth:
9. Emma Roberts:
10. Angela Kinsey:
Top 10 Reasons Why The “Apple” Is Rotten Posted: 05 Aug 2012 09:04 PM PDT Apple is an American multinational corporation that specializes in consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. It is best known for hardware products such as MacIntosh, iPod, iPhone and the iPad. In over 10 countries, the company has 357 stores. It also has one of the largest online stores worldwide. Overall, the company has the largest IPO companies in the world. It has a capitalization of over $150 billion. It is also worth more than Google and Microsoft combined and includes 60, 4000 permanent full-time employees. The annual sales total $65 billion, which grew to $108 billion in 2011. With every company, there is a rot or Achilles heel. Let's take a look at what makes Apple Inc. a rotten apple.
1. Safari Updates:
The software was not really an update for many users. In fact, it was newly installed software that was never on the computer before, adds John Lilly, Mozilla CEO. For him, a relationship must be built naturally and not by force. Was Apple correct when it forced its users to download Safari? Vote now.
2. Sweatshops in China:
Workers continue to die and sustain injuries in accidents that could be easily prevented. Many of them are forced to work from morning to night for slave wages ($0.70/h) in dismaying conditions. New York Times was the first to report on this. It noted that Apple pledged to improve safety records and working practices. Things have yet to improve. For the price we pay for Apple products, should we expect better conditions?
3. Suicide Rates:
4. Child Labour:
5. Dump Polluted Waste & Toxic Metals:
Apple had already committed to being a green country. Ma Jun, the director of the group, stated that they now needed to fulfill their commitment and become responsible for their suppliers' pollution.
6. Misleading warranty:
7. Products overheat:
8. Expensive:
9. Monopoly:
10. Overall Feel:
More reads: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/252034/Apple_Accused_of_Bad_Business_Tactics_in_Distribution_of_Web_Browser http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2096551/Apple-shamed-Chinas-iPod-sweatshops-SIX-YEARS-expos.html
World’s Top 10 Sites in Danger of Destruction Posted: 04 Aug 2012 09:01 PM PDT A UNESCO World Heritage Site is place of special cultural and physical importance. The site is often administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Programme. As of 2011, 935 sites are listed on the list of World Heritage Sites. Many of these sites are listed as in danger of becoming extinct. This article examines the sites that need further attention, whether they are or are not included in the list provided by UNESCO.
1. Dead Sea:
Tourists & locals are not alone in their love for the Dead Sea. Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher, often applauded the sea's remarkable properties. Cleopatra praised its medicinal and cosmetic possibilities. The Nabateans extracted hundreds of tons of its bitumen, to be used for embalming mummies. Now this sea that touched the hearts of millions is in danger of extinction. With the high demand of water, the Dead Sea has been drying up at a dramatic rate of 1 metre a year. BBC News once reported in August of 2001 that the sea was expected to disappear by 2050. This report comes after Environmentalists in Jordan offered a somber warning. Things are not as bleak as they sound. In 2011, scientists have come up with a proposal to pump water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea more than 110 miles away. An international consortium of researchers have weighed the impact of the million dollar plan. Only time will tell if this project will work.
2. Medieval Monuments in Kosovo:
3. Everglades National Park:
The area is quite significant for many reasons. The park is the largest designated sub-tropical wilderness reserve in North American continent. Its juncture, fresh and brackish water, shallow bays and deeper coastal waters further provide complex habitats with high diversity of flora and fauna. Everglades is equally significant as it is a flat seabed that flooded at the end of the Ice Age. It also contains vast subtropical wetlands and coastal/marine ecosystems which include freshwater marshes, tropical hardwood hammocks and saltwater marshes. The loss of habitat in the Everglades, alteration of water flow, pollution and human intervention has caused significant damage. 14 endangered species in the area, including the Tiger, are now threatened with extinction. Hurricane Andrew in 1992 did not help. It caused massive destruction to southern Florida and south central Louisiana. Rain totaled 7 inches and was as high as 11.9 inches in Hammond, LA. Specifically it caused structural damages to the wetlands in Everglades National Park, damaging trees and destroying habitats.
4. Olympia, Greece:
The sanctuary includes a number of buildings in no specific order: temenos, Temple of Hera, Temple of Zeus, the Pelopion and the area of the alter where sacrifices were made. Lately, the city has been ravaged by wildfires which were caused by rising temperatures. The many remnants of the city are in danger of destruction.
5. Great Pyramid of Giza:
Interestingly enough, the pyramid were built as a tomb for the fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharoah Khufu. The pyramid weighs an estimate of 5.9 million tonnes, its thallium (internal hillock) is roughly 2, 500,000 m^3. It remains to this date the tallest man-made structure in the world. From pollution to camel dung to manmade destruction, the Pyramids of Giza took a large hit. Now officials are forbidding people and tourists from riding their camels are around the pyramids.
6. Bam & its Cultural landscapes:
7. Rainforest of the Atsinanana:
The site has been listed as a World Heritage Site in danger. This is mostly because of illegal logging and hunting of lemurs, which are rarely found in other parts of the world. The situation is no different than Amazon where hunters kill not only animals but native tribes who stand in their way.
8. Great Barrier Reef:
9. Zahara de la Sierra:
10. Historic Town of Zabid:
Sources: http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/ http://www.thestar.com/news/article/208677–pyramids-of-giza-in-peril
Top 10 Best Hollywood Sequels Ever Made Posted: 03 Aug 2012 09:05 PM PDT It's raining sequels in Hollywood! They say it is not good to gild a lily but in some cases, it is a great thing. Here is a look at my pick of the Top 10 Best Hollywood Sequels Ever Made.
1. The Dark Knight
2. The Godfather Part II
3. Rocky II
4. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
6. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
7. Toy Story 2
8. The Bourne Supremacy
9. Aliens
10. Superman II
This is a guest post by Mark Bennett of OnlineComcast.com, a site that offers savings and current information on comcast internet |
Top 10 Awesome Vending Machines Posted: 02 Aug 2012 09:05 PM PDT http://www.flickr.com/photos/kalleboo/ When you think of vending machines you think of a packet of crisps or a cool drink, but many vending machine owners have taken these handy on the go machines to the extreme.
1. Live Crab Anyone?
In a China subway station you will find the strangest vending machine offering live crab along with vinegar enabling commuters to enjoy seafood on the go. The interesting fact about this machine is that it is selling over two hundred live crabs each day.
2. Need to Hire a Bicycle?
If you're in the Netherlands and want to hire a bicycle for a day, then you can head to bicycle vending machines. These vending machines were introduced in 2005 enabling people to rent a bicycle at anytime from anywhere, all you have to do when you are finished is return the bicycle to the nearest bicycle vending machine. The bicycles do have chips, so they can be tracked, a handy feature if you forget where you left it.
3. Gold on the Go
When staying at a hotel in Abu Dhabi, it's an inconvenience to go down to the bank to buy your gold bars and coins. Here you can get them out of a vending machine. The machine offers up to date gold prices for the user's convenience.
4. Feeling a Little Angry?
Had a frustrating day at work or an argument with a loved one and need to vent some of that anger? You can now head to the nearest anger release vending machine where you pop a coin in, choose your china and watch as it releases smashing to the bottom and leaving you feeling much better.
5. Autowed
While a novelty vending machine, with Autowed you can enjoy audio prompts, music, rings and a personalised certificate.
6. Flat Shoes
Two British companies are targeting club goers with their flat shoe vending machine ideas. A night of dancing in heels can leave any woman in agony, now she can buy some biodegradable ballet shoes with their own little matching bag, allowing her to dance the night away and take her new shoes home with her.
7. Smart Car Vending Machine
Only in Japan can you find something as awesome as a smart car vending machine. While this is a concept idea, the machine has a full sized Smart Car with the choice of carbio or coupe.
8. Hair Straightening Machine
If your hair is getting a little wild while you are out on the town, don't despair you can use a hair straightening vending machine. Pop your coins in for the time you need the straightener for and get perfect looking locks.
9. Motorola Vending Machine
Motorola has been using vending machines since 2006 selling phones, Bluetooth headsets and chargers on the go. Need a phone fast? Just pop along to your closest Motorola vending machine.
10. Phone Chargers On the Move
There is nothing worse than your mobile phone going flat while you are out, but there is a solution. Phone Charger vending machines enable you to recharge your mobile phone whatever phone you have. Pop your money in and let the phone charge up before heading off again.
This top ten was brought to you by Alton Towers Breaks |
Top 10 Reasons To Make Your Own Baby Food Posted: 01 Aug 2012 09:02 PM PDT When you have just a few kitchen tools, such as a steamer and a blender, the sky is the limit when it comes to making your own baby food. Armed with just a few simple kitchen utensils you can produce a medley of tasty, nutritious and cost effective baby food. Heck, even with a fork you can make a delicious concoction for your tiny tot. Why should you bother? Below is a list of points to consider that would make you a believer.
1. You control the ingredients Yes, you are in control. When you know exactly what went into your baby's food, it can give you that peace of mind about what your baby eats. As long as you plan out your menu and make sure your baby gets adequate nutrients and calories, you can let your imagination run wild. Just remember to consult your physician and baby food guides to make sure you are on the right track.
2. Fresh When you use fresh ingredients, you end up with food that is higher in enzymes and vitamins. This means that your baby is going to have better digestion and that little tummy is going to thank you! A jar of yams and carrots just doesn't taste or smell the same way home made does, as it has been processed to sit on that shelf. Have you ever speculated why some baby food has an expiration date of a year or more? When it comes to homemade, fresh is best!
3. Taste and smell Doesn't your baby deserve a great tasting meal? Some of the commercially available baby food just doesn't taste or smell that great. Do your baby a favor, and try some tasty options. Those peas and carrots can be blended with organic milk, and those peaches can be creamed with a bit of yogurt and a dash of cinnamon. Variety is also good to make sure your baby develops those tiny taste buds. Try a taste test, and smell your home made food, to make sure it has the right consistency and texture.
4. Faster and easier Well, you may think that driving to the store, packing your shopping cart and standing for hours in that endless checkout line may be the smarter and faster option. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can whip up something for your baby in minutes. It does require some shopping ahead, and careful menu planning; however with practice you will find this to be a fast and easy way to feed your little one.
5. No added chemicals of preservatives Homemade is pure, wholesome nutrition which contains only what you have added. Some store bought food contains additives and fillers that aren't needed for a baby's nutrition. These chemicals could range from added sugar and salt to preservatives, as well as taste and color enhancers. Some of the nutrients and vitamins are also lost in the commercial process and are often added artificially at the end of the process. When you cook your own food at home from fresh ingredients you can maximize nutrition as well as great taste and color.
6. Minimize nitrate and pesticide exposure Going with organic, home grown or local, pesticide free produce means your baby has the needed building blocks to grow into a healthy adult. To make sure you minimize your baby's nitrate exposure you can test your water, and try using fresh vegetables as soon as you get them into your kitchen (as nitrate concentration increases over time). Using frozen vegetables is another option. If you do buy commercial, baby food companies do test their product and most store bought brands should have a safe level of these chemicals. Finally, read labels as organic vegetables tend to have less nitrates and pesticides.
7. Nutritious Using fresh ingredients, makes sure that what you make is nutritious. You can also add in some extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil or coconut oil for that extra boost. There are many options to make sure you maximize the nutrient content of your food so that your baby gets everything she needs. If you start out with fresh nutritious food, your tot would be more open to try a variety of fresh foods when she grows up.
8. Organic and natural Babies consume more vegetables and fruit than adults, and thus end up taking in more pesticides per pound of weight than adults. Organic foods tend to have less chemicals and pesticides, and you can select from organic chicken, milk and eggs, to fruits and vegetables. According to US standards, organic foods are not genetically modified (GMO), which some may argue is another benefit of going organic. One of my favorite recipes is to steam several organic fruits and vegies, and put them through a blender with organic goat milk.
9. Environmentally friendly You can make food from locally grown produce, thus supporting your community and the local farmer. Another benefit is that making your own baby food requires no extra packaging to dispose of. Just think about it, no need to purchase food in jars, cans and plastic containers. Not only do you save the environment, you are able to reuse and recycle right in your own kitchen.
10. Cost effective One of the most important issues is cost. Making your own baby food can give you a great bang for your buck. Should a tiny jar of peas cost you a dollar or more? Have you wondered how many peas and carrots you can make at home when you use similar ingredients in your fridge and freezer for the same amount of money? You can even make a bit extra and freeze for when you are in a crunch. By Alina R. |
Posted: 31 Jul 2012 09:03 PM PDT August is an eventful month of the year. There are specific events which occurred which deserve mention. Here they are, raise your hand if you recognize 1 or 2.
1. August 1, 1800:
2. August 1, 1914:
3. August 1, 1944:
4. August 5, 1962:
5. August 6, 1945:
6. August 9, 1945
7. August 14, 1893:
8. August 17, 1915:
9. August 27, 1927:
10. August 29, 1966:
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