Thursday, January 10, 2013



Top 10 Uncanny Last Words

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Uncanny Last Words photo



No one is really sure about what happens to you upon death. One thing for sure is that the last moments in life are filled with honesty, unless you are one of the egoistic, sadistic individuals who only care about themselves.

I believe that the final word a person speaks are quite revealing and speaks volumes about a person's character. They show the rest of us what exactly they are feeling, thinking and seeing.

This article examines 10 uncanny last words from people we may or may not remember for good or bad reasons. Let's see if you agree. Be sure to comment about your likes and dislikes.


1. Humphrey Bogart:

Humphrey Bogart

Quote: "I Should Never Have Switched From Scotch to Martini"

Description: An American actor, he was widely regarded as a cultural icon. He died at 57, weighing only 80 lbs. when he died, after falling into a coma. America lost one of the greatest stars in the history of American Cinema; that is according to American Film Institute.


2. Carl Panzram

Carl Panzram

Quote: "Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard, I could kill ten men while you're fooling around."

Description: Carl Panzram was an American serial killer, rapist, arsonist and burglar. He was executed on September 30, 1930. In his last words, the word "Hoosier" was used. It referred to people from Indiana. It came from the Gene Hackman movie about the basketball team.


3. James French:

James French

Quote: "Hey Fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? 'French Fries.'"

Description: French was serving a life sentence when he realized that a life sentence is a long time. Unwilling to complete it, he killed his cell mate in an effort to have himself executed. He was afraid of suicide and was not willing to go through with it.


4. Jack Daniel:

Jack Daniel

Quote: "One last drink please."

Description: Daniel was an American distiller and founder of the Tennessee whiskey of the same name. He died of blood poisoning on October 10, 1911, which started in his big toe, which he injured kicking a safe. Even.


5. George Harrison:

George Harrison

Quote: "Love one another."

Description: What a sweet man. This world did not just lose a Beatle, it lost a young legend with much potential ahead of him.





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Top 10 Extreme Excuses For Being Late

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Extreme Excuses For Being Late photo



The worst part of being late for an appointment, work or date is that you have to come up with an actually credible story to justify your disregard for punctuality and of course, the other person’s carefully planned schedule that you have just messed up. Also, the story has to be concocted in such a manner that detracts from potential sanctions – be them pay cuts or sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week – while emphasizing the idea that you had no control over the circumstances. Either that or you can bite the bullet and present the situation in good humor, it’s basically your call.

However, before we begin, I want to underline on the importance of using a detailed and particular variant of the story, rather than the general lie that most bosses are already accustomed to. You should have plenty of time to invent something while you are busy being late!


1. I got stuck in traffic!

This is probably the simplest, yet least creative excuse for your lack of punctuality, but that does not mean you cannot build up from it. On a side note, before you apply the traffic excuse, be sure that the other person did not reach his/her destination via the same route or you’ll really get in trouble. The variants of the traffic story can include road repairs, accidents that blocked the traffic, unforeseen tailbacks, etc. If you’re going with the accident version, try to make a shocked face while you are depicting horrendously graphic details, it might just make the interlocutor sympathetic with your shock or sufficiently sickened to drop the questioning.


2. The alarm clock didn’t go off, but with a twist!

Sure, sure, the alarm didn’t go off. You turned it off and went back to sleep is more likely! However, we all know that power-outs related to storms have a tendency of resetting electrical appliances. Or even short-circuit them completely. So then, does the other person know how the weather was in your area last night? If not, then this is certainly an effective excuse.


3. Misplaced the car keys

In its generalist form – simply saying I couldn’t find the keys – this story should be utilized sparingly because it makes you appear careless and sloppy. Since that's not the impression you want to leave on your boss because you’re hunting for a promotion, why not tell him an adorable story about how your 1 year old baby flushed them down the toilet? When you realized what happened, you immediately called an emergency locksmith service because you knew you had to be at work, come hell or high water! Of course, the baby excuse is probably not a good conversation starter on a first date, especially if you don’t want her to know you’re married.


4. Blame the public transportation poorly conceived infrastructure

The delays proprietary to public transportation can be a good explanation for being late, providing that you were not seen parking the car. If you don’t normally travel this way, then you will need a good story about how some reckless, no good punk who didn’t respect the traffic lights crashed into you and now your car is in the shop. Also, you should probably consider leaving by public transportation, as not to arouse suspicions.


5. My high ethical principles demanded I land a helping hand to someone in need

This is essentially a version of “I was helping an old lady across the street”, but you can insert your very own glorious adventures and fill in the gaps. Due to my good nature, I have:

• Helped an old person change a flat tire

• Driven a pregnant woman to the hospital because she went into labor

• Valiantly stopped a thief who stole a woman’s purse





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