Friday, January 11, 2013



Top 10 Life-Saving Advantages of Viagra

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

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Viagra is one of the best-known drugs used by both men and women. Nearly every adult in America has heard of the drug and can tell you what it does. If they can’t, they are probably still living in the 1980s.

Since being introduced in 1998, former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole has served as a spokesman for the drug, the manufacturing of the counterfeit pills has gone through the roof, and Viagra jokes are now a permanent feature of the popular culture. Type in Viagra in Google and you will understand where I am coming from.

So what is the big deal with “the little blue pill? It’s simple: When it works, Viagra causes a man who is sexually stimulated to gain an erection.

However, Viagra is now being used to treat not only erectile dysfunction (ED). The drug has potential for treating several other conditions. Research has widely improved within the last few years and this article sets out to examine top 10 life-saving advantages of Viagra, the little blue pill that helps make sex 10 times better.

1. Cancer:


Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and VCU Massey Cancer Center researchers have demonstrated that the drug Viagra, when combined with doxorubicin, is an authoritative anti-cancer drug that improves its anti-tumor efficacy in prostate cancer while simultaneously lessening the damage to the heart.

For over 4 decades the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin was being used to treat a number of human cancers, including the prostate. Despite doxorubicin’s clinical efficacy for cancer treatment, its usage is associated with irreversible heart damage, often discovered several years later after treatment. Researchers have been working over the past decade or so to find the optimal therapeutic intervention for defending the heart against the cytotoxicity associated with doxorubicin.


2. Jet Lag:

jet lag

Viagra can help speed up the recovery from jet lag; that is according to the new research done by the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes in Buenos Aires. The brain’s master clock controls the sleep-wake cycle by discharging hormones and neurotransmitters that control a number of functions. It is widely believed that an enzyme called cGMP plays a crucial role in the regulation of the clock.

Viagra is able to boost the effects of cGMP by stopping it from being broken down by another enzyme, PDE5. Research done on the topic found that animals injected with the drug adapted faster to light switch changes, signifying that Viagra speeds up the time it takes for the human body to adapt to jet lag.


3. Stroke:


Recently, 80 stroke patients took part in the Viagra trial, taking place in Detroit. Doctors believe that if given within three days of a stroke, the drug could help both men and women regain and progress movement, language and thinking via its effect on the molecule cGMP, which is believed to generate new cells in the brain. The trial follows successful work with animals and a small number of patients.


4. Heart Failure:

heart failure

Research done at Milan University suggested that Viagra helps patients with heart failure gain the ability to exercise. The drug can increase oxygen uptake, can reduce pressure in the arteries, and improves the working of the lungs. Again, it’s thought that the drug does this by elevating levels of nitric oxide.


5. Endangered Pandas:

endangered panda

This is essentially a version of “I was helping an old lady across the street”, but you can insert your very own glorious adventures and fill in the gaps.

Pandas are the most reluctant breeders in captivity. It is quite understandable, since when do people want to become frisky in front of an audience. But with Viagra, magic can work and the desired activities can occur.

Interestingly enough, Pandas only like to be intimate for 30 seconds at a time while in captivity. The drug induced intimacy can last up to 20 minutes.

Pandas are rare today and are protected by law in China. It was only in 1963 that the first panda was exhibited in a zoo outside of China. Today, there are more than a dozen pandas in most zoos. Pandas can be seen in zoos in Washington D.C, Mexico City, London, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, and Berlin. All pandas in zoos are given double names, which is a Chinese custom. Scientists desire to study the zoo pandas in hopes that they will learn about how to save wild pandas from extinction. There are only about 700 to 1000 pandas alive in the world today so the numbers are quite bleak.





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Top 10 Conversation Icebreakers

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

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In spite of the misconception that icebreakers are only for shy people and the introverts, the truth is that sometimes even a skilled orator can have trouble finding his words or run out of ideas on how to initiate a discussion. More often than not, icebreakers are used at an event or a meeting, when a person is trying to conduct a discussion with a stranger or an acquaintance whom they do not really know much about.

Whether or not the following conversation icebreakers will be efficient in the situation you find yourself mostly depends on how comfortable you feel, as your confidence is what makes you a fun person, while you can be certain your interlocutors will feel at ease as well.

We understand that getting the conversation started is not an always easy task. To help you out, we’ve created a  top 10 list of conversation incebreaker ideas for fun and easy ways to break the ice.

1. Go say “Hello!”

Say Hello

Sometimes, breaking the ice is as simple as making the courage to go that person, saying Hi! and introducing yourself. Now, if you happen to build the confidence to put on an infectious, sincere smile you can be certain that the entire scene will not feel awkward. In general, a smile shows your interlocutor that you are a warm, kind person and you enjoy meeting new people. Therefore, he/she will not be forced to adopt a defensive position and will feel comfortable talking to you.


2. Help out with a small task

Help out with a small task

You won’t believe how many good friendships started out with somebody offering his/her help with a minor task. For instance, if you are at the gym, aiding somebody you like perform certain type of exercises is usually a surefire way to strike a conversation. At the same time, if you happen to be at a party, then helping the host or the person in charge of the drinks pour the beverage and serve the guest is surely not going to go by unnoticed.


3. Talk about music

Talk about music

In case the event or meeting you are attending implies music and dancing, then you can approach the person you like by making a smart remark about the band/artist/genre of music that is playing. Essentially, taking about music is two-folded, since you can create a connection based on the fact that you both enjoy the same music as well as get to learn more about your interlocutor’s preferences from the type of music and lifestyle he/she prefers. Therefore, not only will they share their personal insight on the music, but also will most likely explain why they like it as well.


4. Ask about their personal beliefs

Ask about their personal beliefs

In the eventuality that your interlocutor has been staring at a picture for a while now or simply wears a custom t-shirt with a quote, then use that as a conversation icebreaker. For example, if the person you would like to talk to is dressed in a t-shirt indicating that he/she fights for saving the environment and you ask about his opinion on the matter, the conversation will easily continue on its own.


5. Inquire about whether he/she is a night or day person

Night or day person

If you are at a meeting and you notice that the person you are interested in looks rather bored, yawns or is completely absent, then you can start a discussion by asking a silly question such as “Mornings are not your thing, huh?” or “So, you’re an owl just like X?”. Irrespective of whether you guessed the interlocutor’s answer, you can continue the conversation easily from this point. For instance, if he/she is a night person, then you can talk about your favorite things to do in town, the clubs you usually go to, etc. On the other hand, if she/he is a morning person then you can inquire about the favorite activities as well as find out where the person works, the favorite drinks, so on and so forth.





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