Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

The reason why so many people are confused regarding whether or not they should drink water, what type and how much, resides in the conflicting information that is widely accessible on the internet nowadays. While the medical community advocates one thing, you will also be able to find exactly the opposite suggestions somewhere else. Most misconceptions arise from the misinterpretation of the doctor's advice and here is a short top ten list for the most frequently encountered ones. However, keep in mind that this specific list is not exhaustive and you should consult with your physician for further clarifications.


1. The 8 glass of 8 ounce per day rule always applies for everyone

This myth most likely originates from the RDA recommendations issued more than 50 years ago, but more recent studies indicate that the 8 glasses of water is not exactly the optimal quantity. Specialists suggest that you should aim to ingest approximately 12 glasses of 8 ounces of liquid (irrespective of its provenience, be it juice, fruit, vegetables, etc.). The researchers from Institute of Medicine who issued these recommendations also advise increasing the quantity in accordance to the intensity of the daily physical effort and excessive heat that determines more perspiration.


2. Tooth decay is primary determined by drinking bottled water

Well, tooth decay is more of an indirect effect of the widespread bottled water consumption. The origins of this misconception come from the association of the higher occurrence of dental cavities with the popularization of the bottled water. Because the substance known as fluoride is not present in bottled water as it is in its tap counterpart and due to the fact that fluoride helps in mineralizing the teeth, it is easy to understand the roots of this myth. However, the fluoride deficiency can be compensated by switching to a brand of toothpaste that contains a higher quantity.


3. Drinking water is directly responsible for skin moisture

The effects of water on the moisture levels of the epidermis are negligible at best. The only time when there is a clear link between them is when you are experience severe dehydration. In fact, the dryness/moisture levels of the skin are influenced by external factors and in an extremely low percentage by the internal ones.


4. The proper water consumption has no influence on weight loss

It is fairly true that water has no direct impact on the person's weight, but the indirect effects are definitely real. For example, when you switch from beverages with a high amount of calories to water, you will be able to quench your thirst without adding to your weight. In addition, water has the ability to make your stomach feel full, making it less tempting for you to eat at random points of the day. Take into account the cleansing properties and the ability to hasten the metabolism and you can easily understand the link between water and weight loss.


5. Drinking water during your meal has a negative impact on digestion

The theory that water should not be included in your meal and that you should wait a bit to drink water after you eat have absolutely no scientific basis. In other words, there is no hard evidence to support them. These ideas most likely come from the fact that diluting the gastric acid slows down the digestive process, but they have not been proven so far. Therefore, researchers even recommend that you drink one glass with your meal, because you will feel full faster.



6. There is no limit for how much water you should drink

This myth has been debunked quite recently, when several studies revealed the fact that ingesting an excessive amount of water can have extremely unpleasant consequences. More precisely, it can trigger a condition referred to as water intoxication, in which the salt concentration is considerably lowered and the kidneys are no longer able to process it.


7. Bottled water is always a healthier solution compared to tap water

Simply because bottled water does not contain the same dangerous substances that are commonly found in tap water does not make it 100% safe. Granted, certain brands of water are healthier solutions, but in numerous cases the substances used in the manufacturing of the bottles will leak into the water. To put it simply, bottled water just presents different risks.


8. The urban water infrastructure has no issues with runoffs

Most people tend to consider that the runoff issues are proprietary to rural areas when in fact it is a component in the normal cycle of the water in nature. Because it exists in various forms, all water infrastructures are subjected to runoffs, irrespective of where you live.


9. Any water filter can protect you from dangerous chemicals and microorganism

Like with virtually every product on the market nowadays, there are effective filters that can safely eliminate the hazards in the tap water as well completely useless ones. Therefore, if you decide to shop for a water filter that can protect you and your family, you should carefully read the specifications and some specialized reviews in order to find out the full extent of its capabilities. While certain cheaper models can filter only a few of the existing pollutants, the more expensive ones provide superior versatility. In addition, you should also consult the local authorities to find out about the typical substances in your tap water.


10. Dehydration can occur overnight

The reason why this myth is so popular comes from a poor understanding of the concept of dehydration. To put it simply, in order to suffer from dehydration, your organism will first need to eliminate more than 2% of the total weight in water. Now, it is highly unlikely that you will ever find yourself in that situation without engaging in highly intensive workouts on a hot summer day. Therefore, while it is advisable to slightly increase your water consumption when you play sports, remember the water intoxication mentioned at point 6. Specialists suggest that 16 ounces of liquid prior to physical exercise is the optimal quantity that can maintain your body within the normal levels of hydration.


Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

Top 10 Frequently Encountered Misconceptions Concerning Water photo

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