Tuesday, November 6, 2012



Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today

Posted: 05 Nov 2012 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Generally speaking, RPG fans are already accustomed to the clichés and repetitions found in their favorite game genre. It is kind of comforting to know what to expect – even from the moment when you read title of the game – and now, many fans of the role-playing games are starting to grow bored with certain repetitions as well as, why not admit it, long winded storyline, character builds, NPCs and so on. Let’s review the most irritating elements found in modern RPGs.


1. Does the plot really need to be in medieval times?

Wandering and fighting in a medieval setting and an entire world populated with castles, kings and princesses was fun once. In fact, when the RPG genre first appeared, the stories in these games were one of the major appeals. However, everything found on the market in the past couple of years, gives people the impression of a bad remake. The bottom line is that RPGs can exist outside the sixteenth century and the Mass Effect series is the living proof of that.


2. What happened to the content?

Many passionate gamers happily recollect the times when they needed several weeks at least to finish a game. Nowadays, they complain that the RPG world is filled with DLC and expansions. In order to get a clue about the lack of interesting content these days, you only need to look at the recently released Diablo 3. It was perhaps one of the most awaited games of 2012 (it took 11 years to develop), yet the content was completed in less than 6 hours; this is true in normal difficulty mode.


3. Totally uninspired hero names

Some games allow the players to choose the name of the heroes, while others really like to spoil it by giving their characters silly and goofy names. The harsh reality is this: even the most stereotypical Japanese RPG on this planet cannot justify naming the main hero ‘Knight Swordmaster’. On a side note, in the defense of the Final Fantasy hero – Cloud – it is enough to say that even though his name is rather ridiculous, he earned his chops.


4. If you’re going to use voice acting, don't skimp

Back in the days, voice acting was not “a must-have” for the genre and people were free to let their imagination do the work for them. However, the new hype is to attribute a voice to the heroes and other secondary characters. The problem here is that not all voice acts are rich in character personality or memorable and at times, the heroes’ voices are enough to break or make the game. Basically, add a bad speech to a show of poor voice acting and you will surely not impress anyone.


5. There are too many kids in the story. Really, stop it!

There is not a single RPG game that does not include kids in the story, from orphans whose parents were killed by the villain (like in most of them) to child princes ruling over entire kingdoms. Even though nobody is against including children in role-playing games, many players like us believe the developers are overdoing it.



6. Wandering aimlessly indefinitely is not as exciting as developers think

Sure, wandering around and discovering the universe of the game is part of the RPG experience (think of Skyrim for example). However, this does not necessarily entail that developers should not provide any clue about where your hero is supposed to be heading, especially at the beginning of the game when the player is in the learning phase. If the game does not include at least a basic map, then developers should consider other options, like the ones used in Hunted: The Demon’s Forge for instance (the virtual trail).


7. Why are those animals carrying sacks of gold anyhow?

Truth be told, chests found in the middle of nowhere and animals carrying gold has been around in the RPG realm like what seems eternity . While most players are not bothered with this issue at first, the trend in nowadays RPGs should aim for more realism. Nonetheless, if a game were to contain random chests and drops, developers should really consider a different approach, such as hiding them better and providing skills that help players discover them easier.


8. We’re here to slay, not waste time with shopping

Even though the whole idea of RPGs is to convey a certain degree of realism, this should not imply overdoing it with the shopping experience in the game. Essentially, when it comes to shopping, nobody wants to waste his time listening to the merchant’s line, then browse through various menus, open a new menu to compare the vendor’s items with the ones equipped on the hero and this list could go on forever. Most players know that the best items of the game are not found at vendors and hence, they prefer a straightforward shopping experience: walk in, sell and leave.


9. True, the cutscenes are nice … for the first couple of times

Another popular trend with RPG games have is a somewhat bizarre tendency of including cutscenes before important or dramatic points of the story. While there is nothing wrong with this approach, there is practically no reason why games should include multi-scenes in critical points or that they last longer than two minutes.

In addition, besides the fact that there are many and rather long, certain games do not include the skip option and force the player to watch the same scenes repeatedly. Yes, they may be interesting and they may be an important component in the story of the game. Nonetheless, developers should acknowledge the fact that they also get boring after viewing them a couple of times.


10. Simple battle systems are what make RPGs good in the first place

In an attempt to spice up the RPG experience and avoid the endless grinding specific to the genre, numerous developers decide that the best approach is to alter the battle system. On the other hand, in some games, altering the battle system simply is taking a few steps too far, adding so many useless things that players find themselves completely distracted from the battle. There is nothing more frustrating than having a bunch of enemies on you and being clueless about how to pull a certain combo or being forced to enter a new menu to drink a health potion!


Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

Top 10 Annoying Elements In RPGs Today photo

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