Monday, August 13, 2012



Top 10 Global Thinkers of 2012

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 09:05 PM PDT

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Globalization is a catchphrase commonly heard from journalists and politicians. In the past 100 years it has become a key idea for businesses and has been a matter of discourse and debate. There is no one way of describing globalization and its origins. However, theorists have come up with a definition which defines the term as a way to spread and interconnect production, communication and technology across the world. This spread has been interlacing with economic and cultural activity.

Globalization has brought with it the bad and the good. With increasing economics interconnecting, the poorer, peripheral countries have become more dependent on industrialized countries and their activity, capital and technical expertise.

There some thinkers who are aiming to be global figures. They aim to change the world and the way we do things for the better. This article shows some of the accomplishments the following people made with the spread of globalization.


1. Hilary Clinton:

In the last year as Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton is doing more than ever before, expanding her limited role in politics. She broke travel records, trying to pioneer partnerships and friendship and to allow ambassadors and other officers to finally start tweeting. Moreover, she has been a champion for women`s rights and progress, investing her time to advocate for their basic rights.

In 2011, Foreign Policy magazines placed her on the list of top 100 global thinkers. Along with her husband, they are known as the power couple who offers optimism to other Americans In 2011, Hilary Clinton was quite eventful for releasing the first Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, an agency-wide audit of the State Department`s best practices.

It is thus only fair to place Clinton again on this list as she never stops to amaze us.


2. Mustafa Abdel Jalil:

All eyes are on this man in Libya who leads the country through the transitional government. As acting president, he is responsible for preventing collapse and for avoiding the country`s descent into chaos.

We can never forget the events that unfolded in Libya on February 17, 2011. Major protests began in the country opposing Muammar Gaddafi`s rule. These protests had gained momentum, and size and caused chaos up until October of 2011. Gaddafi was adamant on not giving up, accusing rebels of being drug addicts and linked to al-Qaeda. In fact he provided his soldiers with Viagra-type pills to rape innocent women.


3. Marie Colvin:

This reporter who worked for the Sunday Times in Britain dedicated her life's work to bringing people the truth. All eyes were on her this year as she was killed covering the chaos in Syria.

Throughout her career, she has covered most conflicts including Chechnya, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka. Most notably she has been given credit for saving 1500 women and children besieged by Indonesian backed forces. Before her death, she lost her sight in her left eye due a blast by rocket propeller in Sri Lanka.

She was a global thinker, aiming to bring change and democracy to countries torn by war. Hopefully her efforts in Syria do not go in vain.


4. Marc Andreesseen:

The growth of the World Wide Web could not have been made possible without this man and a simple product called browser. The browser was invented by Marc Andreessen. The program was called the Mosaic program when he was in college; it later became known as the Netscape Navigator, a company he founded in 1994. The browser had a large significance on us, it stimulated 10,000% increase in web users within 2 years.

In 2012, he continued to make Silicon Valley magical. In his company Andreessen Horowitz, headed up by him and Ben Horowitz, competition has been fierce. The firm has funded some of the largest and well-known companies we use today, including Facebook, Twitter, Groupon and Zynga.


5. Michael Bloomberg:

This New York mayor is one of the most prominent advocates for immigration. In recent years, most notably 2012, he fought for more inclusivity and tolerance in society. He equally started a bipartisan partnership for a New American Economy, building coalitions between leaders and pushing the way for common sense immigration reform. Creating jobs and expand the middle class are some of his other concern.

Most notable are his efforts for religious freedom. In 2011, he was nominated for the Foreign Policy list for trying to include Muslims in the cliché of Americans.



6. Lucas Papademos:

All eyes are one Greece and its Prime Minister who assumed office in November 2011. He formed a coalition between 3-5 parliamentary parties. Now they are battling over a task to allow EU`s bailout to proceed and eventually lead to new elections of a newly formed government. Will he be able to save Greece?


7. Teresa Bo:

Teresa Bo is a correspondent for and is based in Buenos Aires. She has dedicated her recent work to investigating Argentinian politics and has fought against the war on drugs. She's traveled to countries like Columbia, Bolivia and Peru, reporting on the in-depth and up-to-date news on the issue that troubles the world.

For this work, she has won 2 awards in Spain, including the prestigious Lara Prize for Best Journalist.


8. Gene Sharp:

Sharp has been known for making headlines regarding his commitment to change. He has written a catalog of 2000 non-violent techniques and has inspired China's Tiananmen square in 1989 and Egypt's Arab Spring protests in 2009/2010. He believes that non-violent protests are more legitimize, allowing a broad alliance between the people and the government.


9. Lubna Hussein:

In 2009, Hussein stood up to her country's (Sudan) strict laws forbidding women to wear trousers in public. Facing scrutiny and lashings, she stood up in court and fought for women's right for expression. She is now facing up to 40 lashes for her crimes as she was arrested. It's up to her now to be defiant and to lead the way for change in an unequal society.


10. Julian Assange:

He and Wikileaks have exposed more organizations and leaders for corruption behind politics. Supporting him,could bring more truthfulness to global politics and hold the leaders in each country accountable for his/her actions. Sadly, we cannot make this consistent or homogeneous.


Further Readings:


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Top 10 Silly Conspiracy Theories

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 07:54 AM PDT

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The appeal of conspiracy theories is not that strange if you think about. People see patterns everywhere and hence, want to connect the dots of random events. In addition, it is rather simple to do so if the conspiracy is presented along with clear evidence of things that people already believe is true. However, supporting the authenticity of these patterns has certain limits that once broken can easily enter the realm of ridiculousness. Let’s explore the top 10 silliest conspiracy theories people accept as true nowadays.


1. KFC and black men impotence

The rumors regarding this conspiracy theory came to life after Colonel Sanders’s death when the world found out that the owner of the chain left 10% of his earning to the infamous KKK group. The association between Colonel Sanders and the Ku Klux Klan lead many to believe that the fast food giant has been ruled by this racist organization ever since. Even though the gossip's credibility is escalated by the fact that KFC has several secret herb blends, the ironic part is that nowadays, the chain is owned by a black man.


2. The Nazi reached the Moon long before Neil Armstrong

Most army experts agree that the best way to show your own countrymen that you are fighting a fair cause is to convince them of the threat posed by a ruthless enemy. It is very likely that the stories regarding the Nazi regime reaching and building a military base on the Moon started at the beginning or at some point throughout the course of WW2, when the US was indecisive of whether to enter the war or not. If this conspiracy theory were true than rest assured that the world would have been a lot different today.


3. The Paul McCartney of today is an impostor

According to the supporters of this conspiracy theory, Paul McCartney died in a car accident in 1966 and The Beatles were forced to replace their singer with a look-a-like. The reason why this preposterous hypothesis emerged is twofold: the covers of the Abbey Road album and Fab Four, which are said to refer to the dead Paul McCartney when played backwards.


4. An ancient reptilian race is living among us

The promoter of this theory, David Icke, claims that a blood drinking reptilian race is living among us and will bring impending doom to mankind. In addition, this ancient race has been on Earth from the beginning of civilization and has always decided where this world should be heading. This is why David Icke and other supporters claim that the reptilian overlords currently occupy top positions. Nobody is spared the accusations, from the US presidents to the British Royal family, everyone is a reptilian according to Icke.


5. Elvis Presley faked his own death

It was shocking, it was unexpected and the King’s fans will not simply accept the premature death of Elvis Presley. With several obscure sighting reported by doubtful witnesses across the US, there are many people who strongly believe that the King faked his own death just to get away from it all. If were to think about the more recent speculations regarding the death of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, an explanation for this silly hypothesis is that simply the fact that certain fans have a difficult time accepting their idols’ passing.



6. The barcodes are the proof the Antichrist is here

Perhaps one of the most discussed conspiracy theories, particularly in 2012, is the one involving the Apocalypse. The Holy Bible points out that at the end of times, mankind will go through several trials before the second coming , one of them being that you need to accept the Mark of the Beast/Antichrist in order to be able to sell or buy. Even though John’s Apocalypse is filled with metaphors and vivid details that can signify virtually anything, many are convinced that the barcodes found on every product today is proof that the Antichrist is walking the Earth.


7. The theories on Princess Diana’s death

Princess Diana was the kind of person that could not simply go by unnoticed. Because many loved and admired Diana, her death came as a shock and it was difficult to accept that the Princess of Hearts is gone. All the theories regarding her death come from that unfortunate night in Paris and the terrible (and perhaps a bit inexplicable) car accident that instantly killed her and her boyfriend. Actually, it was as simple as a car accident that really killed them!


8. Marilyn Monroe was assassinated on JFK’s order

Granted, Marilyn Monroe’s death is followed by the assassination of JFK and his brother rather quickly. However, it seems that some people do not accept or want to believe in coincidence and point out to clues that – in their opinion – prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Marilyn was murdered for the purpose of silencing her regarding the affair with JFK.


9. Worldwide corporations’ logos are in fact occult symbols that contain hidden messages

This laughable conspiracy theory started off in 1992 with the introduction of the Wingdings font. Back then, some people that most likely had too much spare time on their hands, started to play with the new font, which changes the well-known letters to various symbols. And this is how the entire hysteria regarding the major corporations and the secrets there are hiding was born. From satanic teachings to global enslavement, everything can be proven by typing in the name of a corporation in the Wingdings font. Little do they know that the Wingdings symbols are actually random.


10. Michael Jackson’s second persona: LaToya Jackson

As previously mentioned, some fans simply cannot accept their idols’ death. The idea that the King of Pop died of drug overdose is something way below his name. While there have been several conspiracy theories that claimed Michael is still alive, the silliest of them all done not only state that MJ is still very much alive, but he also decided to carry on with his life as LaToya Jackson. It is true that they look incredibly similar and that they were both big fans of plastic surgery. However, let’s not forget that they have been in the same room together several times!


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Top 10 Bands Everyone Grew Tired Of

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 09:03 PM PDT

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Perhaps the media is to blame for this, but certain musicians are simply over commercialized and the only thing they manage to do is annoy you whenever you hear their songs. Sure, the bands/musicians are amazing, creative and innovative. How else would their songs be able to make such a strong impression on their fans? Nonetheless, music is a field where the saying “too much of a good thing is not a good thing anymore” applies very well. Let’s review the musicians that have become outworn.


1. Nirvana

Even though nobody can deny the genius of Kurt Cobain and can easily forgive the repetitiveness of the genre, the constant abuse of the band’s hits is enough to get on the nerves of even the biggest Nirvana fan. In addition to hearing the same Nirvana hits in most pubs and bars, there is another reason why people grew tired of the band. With Cobain’s death, the band became what the lead singer hated most: a corporate enterprise that inspired other punk rock bands to sell out and transform into commodities.


2. AC/DC

All critics admit the level of creativity AC/DC brought to the music world with just three chords and the famous bludgeoning riffs. On the other hand, this is also the precise reason why these rock kings made it in the top of the bands everyone grew weary of. Some rock fans will even go so far as to state that AC/DC represents the last pulse of classic rock music, let’s just say that they do not deserve to be on the pedestal media gave them. Especially not after agreeing to have avatars in Guitar Heroes!


3. Nickelback

In all honesty, Nickelback is the most disturbing example of a band that is out for the money and not for the music and fans. Even though they started as a grunge, they soon transformed into a pop band with extremely low standards even for this genre. True, their terrible pop album sold around 8 billion copies in just two years. On the other hand, the overwhelming attention from the media and their inexplicable success in the LA clubs is one of the biggest music mysteries.


4. Metallica

The simple fact that there is not a person on this planet who hasn’t heard of Metallica nowadays is the living proof that rock fans no longer appreciate them. Despite the common belief, Metallica did not reinvent thrash metal and are not that major creative influence they are advertised to be. While nobody contests the genius of their first albums, the last ones are hollow both lyrically and musically to say the least.


5. The Beach Boys

Yes, they practically invented California rock, yes, they made Smile and yes, they managed to create the catchiest songs the music world has witnessed. But all that happened in the 1960s! Listening closer, you will discover that the catchy songs and rhythms are indistinguishable among each other and that their influence in music has long ceased to exist.



6. Guns N’ Roses

If you want an example of the overrated hair metal band vocal, then you do not need to look further than Guns N’ Roses. Axl Rose distinguished himself with his crankiness and flashiness and many have mistaken that attitude for ambition. However, how you get from that to “the greatest influence in rock nowadays” is simply beyond me.

At the same time, do not forget Slash, a great guitarist with incredible creativity and genius. Without contesting his indisputable talent, let’s just say that his amazing solos do not compensate for songs. Overall, Guns N’ Roses are an amazing guitar band, but looking in perspective, you have to admit they leave much to be desired.


7. U2

Back in the 1980s, U2 was a highly influential, imaginative powerhouse and perhaps the greatest stadium band the world got to see. On the other hand, the band’s music these days seems to have lost its meditative appeal and the notorious vamping guitar appears plainer. Still, even with the mediocre songs, Bono’s voice is as astounding as ever and very able to make it to the major airplay.


8. Green Day

Similarly to Metallica, Green Day ceased to be a great, fresh and innovative band with the release of the American Idiot track. After that, Green Day practically became a franchise and does not have that young band appeal able to crank out delicious and pure punk songs. In short, from the great band it was before 2004, Green Day became the ultimate example of how to sell stadium concert tickets in three easy steps. What is truly sad for the rock community is that their tremendous selling success inspired many bands afterwards to follow this path to success. From this point of view, punk rock fans have Green Day to blame for the death of this music genre.


9. Bon Jovi

The poster boys of the 1980s, Bon Jovi band members stated in an interview that they will never try to make an experimental album or change their style in any way, so they do not disappoint their fans. Perhaps they should, as fans these days are simply unable to distinguish the repetitive clones that are their singles. In addition, as time has proven over and over again, experimenting and being selfish are both important elements when you make art. At this point, the Bon Jovi tracks are the kind of songs that nobody criticizes, mostly because they are too bland and can be easily ignored.


10. Red Hot Chili Peppers

RHCP are actually an enjoyable band with nice tracks that can be best described as a combination of incendiary funk with a little intrusion of grunge. Therefore, they are not even near the primordial musicians or as influential as the critics made them appear. In the past 20 years, RHCP has remained faithful to this formula and it is true that sometimes it worked. However, in the vast majority of cases, this style proves to be rather tedious. Ironically, their biggest hits are the ones involving the annoying, sappy sentimentality.


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