Sunday, February 10, 2013



Top 10 Simple Concepts To Learn in Life

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 09:22 PM PST

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Being likable person will help you out in this globalizing world – help you find your ideal job,  start your own business, find yourself a good relationships, and help you out in life. I have spoken to many successful leaders and have determined the Top 10 criteria likable and successful leaders have in common. All of the concepts are simple, yet many of us lose sight of the simple things – things that not only make us human, but can actually help us be more successful. Everyone can achieve greatness, but it takes strength and endurance to do it.

1. Listening


“The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.” – Woodrow Wilson

Listening is the foundation of any good relationship. Great leaders and outstanding businessmen listen to what their customers and prospects say and need and listen to the challenges their customers face. It’s ultimately the customer’s needs that need to be met. If a leader cannot understand or is not willing to listen, he will not succeed in his endeavors.

Customers are not the only ones important; colleagues’ input is as relevant. Being open to new ideas makes a leader more likable and successful -charismatic in other words. Any colleague who knows they can rely on their leader will be more willing to work and will be more open.


2. Storytelling


After listening, it is important for leaders to tell or retell great stories in order for them to sell their products, but more important, in order to market across their ideas. Storytelling is what captivates people and drives them to act, just like Mr. Peterman on Seinfeld. Whether you’re telling a story to one prospect over lunch, a boardroom full of people, or hundreds of people in a conference room - storytelling wins over your followers and customers.


3. Authenticity


Great leaders are who they say they are, and they have integrity beyond compare. Vulnerability and humility are hallmarks of the authentic leader and create a positive, attractive energy. Customers, employees, and media all want to help an authentic person to succeed. There used to be a divide between one's public self and private self, but the social internet has blurred that line. Tomorrow’s leaders are transparent about who they are online, merging their personal and professional lives together.


4. Empowerment


The project leaders should think of the strategies as a learning process; with an understanding of what they can do best.  It is as important to invite others into the strategy process too. To empower people, the leader has to touch the positive side of people's emotional energy. He/she should be clear about his/her goals but will also be willing to allow the development of other people around him. The idea is that a tremendous amount to energy will be released into the organization, which allows the leader to achieve more than intended. This process is called: human capital development.


5. Team  Work


No matter how small your business is, you interact with others every day. Letting others shine, encouraging others to bring in innovative ideas, practicing humility, and following other rules for working in teams will help you become a better and more likeable leader – charisma all the way. You will need to set culture of success within your organization, one that includes out-of-the-box thinking, especially amongst your employees.





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Top 10 Shocking Trials Throughout History

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 09:01 PM PST

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Even though few actually say it out loud, the truth is that people have been fascinated with murder, atrocities, violence and crimes since immemorial times. Why do you think that the vast percentage of TV shows, movies, news and books often include – if they are not completely built – around murder and trials.

Irrespective of what draws people’s attention towards murder, be it the mystery of the crime itself or the fascination death exerts on us, one thing is for sure: when watching a show or reading a book regarding crimes, each and every one of us becomes captivated with the case and turns into a veritable detective. Let’s summarize the most shocking trials in history that still mesmerize people today.


1. The trial of Jesus

trial of Jesus

Irrespective of whether you are a religious person or an atheist, one fact remains: the Roman trial of Jesus Christ had a huge impact on the world. You just have to think about the numerous conflicts involving the believers and non-believers to realize the crucifixion was a paramount event. The mystery associated with Jesus and the way his trial was carried out is deepened by the fact that the only information people have about it comes from the Christian Bible.


2. The trials of the Spanish Inquisition

trials of the Spanish Inquisition

Until the reign of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, Spain was known as the most enlightened and modern empire in Europe. However, what was once the congregation of multiple cultures and faiths turned into a witch hunt aimed to enforce the Christian religion on the local Jewish and Muslim population. Even though most of the documentation involving the deeds of the Spanish Inquisition has been lost, it is said that this institution tortured and condemned to death thousands of people.


3. The trial of Martin Luther

trial of Martin Luther

Soon after Martin Luther was excommunicated by the Catholic Church, he was called before an assembly of the Holy Roman Empire to defend himself. While the holy assembly was debating the arguments as to why Martin Luther does not repudiate his criticism, he ran away. Apparently, Martin Luther had a hunch about the jury’s decision, as the assembly ordered his capture and demanded a severe punishment to be enforced by the emperor.


4. The trial of Galileo Galilei

trial of Galileo Galilei

The trial of Galileo Galilei was one of the first great confrontations between the mystical realm of religion and the factual nature of science. In spite of the fact that many scholars agreed with his views and there was sufficient evidence to back up the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun, he was trialed by the Inquisition and sentenced to house arrest. Heresy seems like a serious crime in the church’s view, considering that they admitted they were wrong and cleared Galileo’s name 300 years later.


5. The trial of Socrates

trial of Socrates

Because he always tried to challenge people’s thinking with circular and endless dialogues, Socrates was not the most popular man in ancient Athens. Perhaps, this is the main reason why he faced an unjust trial after being accused of corrupting the teens of Greece. According to some of his students (Xenophon and Plato), Socrates could have easily escaped town after the jury condemned him to death and he didn’t even try to convince the court of his innocence. Socrates preferred to remain loyal to the principle and played the role of executioner by willingly drinking poison.





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Top 10 Things You Should Not Reveal On Facebook

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

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A single picture, post or comment on Facebook can rob you of your dream job or cause you problems and headaches. These are increasingly used as a talent sourcing and reference check-point. Irresponsible Facebooking, tweeting or any compromise of social media hygiene could lead to some of the largest rejections, issues or problems you will face in life.

There are already many cases where offer letters have been withdrawn, or employees have been fired after social media revealed unpleasant details. So do yourself a favor and refrain from posting the following Top 10 things.

1. Password Hints

password hints

If you’ve got online accounts, you’ve probably answered a dozen different security questions, telling your bank or brokerage firm your Mom’s maiden name; the church you were married in; or the name of your favorite song. Have similar things on the information page of your Facebook profile? You’re in for a royal treat by giving crooks an easy way to guess your passwords. Big NO NO!


2. Home Addresses

Home Address

Facebook is a great way for organizing meet-ups with friends, but listing your private house party on there is not a very good idea. Unless you’re up for the kind of shindig that involves hundreds of party crashers  ripping up the carpet, spilling booze all over and doing away with your family valuable. To be honest, we would have thought people wised up by now after the dangers of Craigslist were exposed, but I still see this happening and people are still posting their personal information on Facebook


3.  Vacation Messages

Vacation Messages

Time for a bit of holiday in the sun? Good for you because you deserve it. Just try not to sign off for your trip with a status update along the lines of: ‘Yippee! Off to France for 10 days tomorrow!’ It’s not that we’re jealous (honest), it’s just that putting that kind of information online is little better than slapping a ‘not home for weeks’ poster on your front door. Even if you’ve taken the sensible precaution of not including your address on your Facebook page, it can still be easily found elsewhere online, especially with the new graph search.

Facebook knows who you are, what you're interested in, where you go on the web, what apps you use, and more with this new graph search. However, other companies have bits and pieces of these data sets. LinkedIn knows your resume, Google knows your web searches, Twitter knows who and what  you follow, Apple and Amazon have your all credit card number on file, and your phone's OS maker knows what apps you've downloaded. This is CIA of 21 st century. Who your real-life friends are, though, is Facebook's domain. Nothing is every private.

There's plenty of noise about all this. Some people blindly accept most requests they get, while others send them to anyone they meet once, and all the connections and networks grow over the years and quadruple. Still, if you want to jumpstart a social app, Facebook's Find Friends feature is very valuable. It can be the difference between an empty feed and low retention, and a vibrant, addictive feed teeming with content from people you care about.


4.  Facebook Games


Time for a reality check. No one cares that you found a golden egg in your imaginary cowshed or that your cafe is growing super-great or farm is multiplying after being watered by good friend. In fact, people care so little, there are now even browser plug-ins available that will prevent Facebook game updates from showing in Facebook feeds. If you’re going to waste your time on Farmville or similar games, fair enough. Just turn off the auto-updates, please?


5. Confessions


This is not the place to make a big, large confession. You may hate your job, lie on your taxes or be a really good illicit drugs, but this is no place to confess it. Employers commonly peruse social networking sites to determine who they will hire — and, sometimes, who to fire.

Need proof? An emergency dispatcher was fired in Wisconsin for revealing drug use; a waitress got canned for complaining about customers and the Pittsburgh Pirate’s mascot was dumped for bashing the team on Facebook.  All in all, an estimated  8% of companies fired someone for “misuse” of social media.

The most appalling story?  A mother of three  was canned for posting on Facebook. She was fired after her employer claimed she violated the company’s social media policy by posting that the Harbin Clinic could not treat her sick child. Like millions of other, Roberson joined Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends.





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Top 10 Embarrassing Gadgets You Should Stop Using

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

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Technology should move us forward.  Every once in a while, the wheels of progress get stuck in the ditch of “terrible ideas”. The following top 10 gadgets are an embarrassment and should not be used.

1. Blackberry



BlackBerry is one of the most under-featured and under-powered gadgets, especially when you compare it to other top-tier smartphones out there. It is also about to go completely irrelevant once RIM unveils its new mobile operating system, BlackBerry 10.

BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM)  has had some rough years, prompting experts to speculate whether the Canadian telecommunications equipment company is inching closer to its demise. It’s quite the change from just five years ago when RIM was leading the smart phone sales game with its seemingly ubiquitous BlackBerry line of handheld devices.

But with competitors such as Apple's iPhone and the Android-based devices rapidly gaining ground and winning over smartphone customers, RIM and Blackberry has really lost its niche on the global markets. Its stocks have fallen to unprecedented low levels, and has in the past year lost 77 percent of its value.

Adding to RIM's hardship is the laundry list of misfortunes, including a multiple-day global service outage in October 2011, which prompted infuriated users to take to Twitter to vent their frustrations. Another service disruption occurred in March 2012, affecting users in the Asia Pacific region. The problem was solved within hours but it nonetheless the nightmare still had its effect on the brand.


2. Toshiba Excite 13

Toshiba Excite 13

Smartphones and waistlines are expanding to include tablets on the market. It seemed that this was what Toshiba was think when it  introduced the Excite 13, a "family friendly" 13-inch Android tablet that is being sold for just over $600. Unfortunately, the 1600 x 900-pixel display had a lower resolution and brightness than the iPad and the Android Tablet. And, you think stretched-out Android phone apps look bad on a 10-inch screen? They looked even worse on this gadget. They need to do better, if they want to compete with ASUS, Samsung and Apple.


3. Google Nexus Q

Google Nexus Q

A failed Apple TV mimic – indeed!

Nexus Q is similar to the modern Apple TV and Roku. It is basically a streaming device. Unlike the Apple TV, you can’t use it to stream video from an attached drive or from  a server.

Instead, all you can play on it are videos and music from Google’s Play Music, Play Movies and TV, and, YouTube. Netflix? Sports? Not present. All your content must be kept in Google’s cloud services.

To play these, the Nexus Q supports 10/100GB Ethernet. It does  not support the new Gigabit Ethernet. You can also use 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, but do not count on it to support the newest popular wireless standard: 802.11ac.

To manage your content you must utilize an application on your Android smartphone or tablet. Google also sees a big selling point as that your friends can also access and control your Nexus Q Google entertainment library from their phones or tablets.

You can do without it.


4. Sony VAIO Duo 11

Sony Vaio Duo 11


Sony's Vaio Duo 11 is a convertible Windows 8 tablet/laptop. I heard about it on the radio, while driving to work.

The 11.6-inch screen is situated on the face of the 18mm, 1.3kg device. Slide the screen backward and up, and you have a laptop with an 11 cm deep keyboard and a fixed 45-degree screen incline.

It’s completely non-adjustable, meaning that the only way to change your viewing angle is to change the height of your chair. If you are trying to watch a video from a meter away, forget about it.

The keyboard is below full-size, with tiny buttons that are too far spread out for quick typing. Travel is minimal – more like buttons than keys – which is quiet but uncomfortable. I was able to type at up to 100 WPM, but not with my usual accuracy nor for any great length of time.

There's also no room for a typical touchpad; instead there's a micro touchpad about the size of a small joystick and located in the centre of the keyboard. It's hard to navigate it, but the good news is that it provides more accuracy.


5. Acer Aspire 5552

ACER Aspire 5552

I bought this laptop 2 years ago, since then it broke down twice on me. The Hard Drive got busted after just two years of use. The up arrow key broke off in the first month. The speakers got busted after 1 year.

If you are looking for an inexpensive laptop, you don't have to limit yourself to this netbook's small screen and keyboard. You can do better, if you want things to last. My Toshiba laptop is still working 9 years later and in perfect condition and so is my Compaq Presario.





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Top 10 Things To Add To Your Snow Safety Checklist

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 09:35 PM PST

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Every winter, there is some kind of snow story that make the top headlines. Some trapped in the snow and ice on blocked freeways or lonely deserted roads fare better than others. An 80-year-old Hamilton woman has died while shoveling snow in February of 2013. She’s not alone, there are millions of others who met the same faith.

Preparing yourself and your vehicle for snow storms, drifts and no-visibility blizzards might take a little work but can save hours of misery.

1. Winter Tires

winter tires

Snow safety is impossible or incomprehensible without good winter tires. They must have good tread to have the best traction. That means at least 6/32 inches deep. All-weather tires, even high-performance ones, are no good as they have little grip on snow and ice. Choose winter tires and look for a “snowflake on the mountain” symbol. This is the tire industry symbol for its snow traction standard.


2. Snow Thrower

snow thrower

When you're enjoying those final days of summer, the last thing anyone wants to think about is snow removal. But if you're in the market for a new snow thrower or blower, it's a good idea to consider all of your options before the flurries start flying. A snow thrower may not seem like a complicated purchase, but there are a number of important things to consider before you start shopping.

If you regularly receive less than five inches of snow, then a snow thrower may not be the machine you need. Ergonomic snow shovels or scoops are a much better choice for these low-snowfall areas. If you're consistently clearing less than 10 inches of snowfall, then a light-duty, electric snow thrower should be able to do the job and are much more efficient. If you have up to 16 inches to clear then you may want to move up to a medium-duty machine. A single-stage, gas-powered model is better equipped to handle those deeper drifts. If your area is prone to getting more than 16 inches or you are getting wet snowfall,heavy-duty snow removal helps.

You also need to keep in mind the surface that you're going to be clearing, both the size and what it's made of. If you have a wide driveway or parking area to clear, a machine with a larger clearing path is going to allow you to clear snow with fewer passes and less effort. If you have a small, one car driveway then a smaller one should be enough to help you.


3. Proper Footwear

Proper Footwear

Wear waterproof, insulated boots to keep your feet warm and dry and to maintain your footing in ice and snow. These boots may cost you a lot of money, but are well worth every penny. You may not be able to feel your feet, if you fail to wear the proper footwear. Those boots will last you for years and consider spending $200 as a multi-year investment.

4. Minimize Travel


Minimize travel. If travel is necessary, keep a disaster supplies kit in your vehicle. Those can be found by going to Survival Plus

.  You can never be too prepared for these things. You should always buy extra supplies just in case you need to share them or you need to help someone else in the same situation.


5. Salt

Winter Salt

Stock up your home or your office with a large supply of ice salt to spread on your walkways and driveways when they become icy. The salt helps melt the ice and adds traction, preventing cars from spinning and fish-tailing and preventing people from slipping and falling and breaking their backs. It’s always good to put a couple of salt packs in your trunk as it provides balance for your car when you drive.





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