Sunday, January 6, 2013



Top 10 Incredible Moons of Our Solar System

Posted: 05 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Incredible Moons of Our Solar System photo



The very first space exploration missions were rather disappointing, considering that the only things we actually found were bland, colorless and inhospitable environments where life as we know it would be impossible. However, as the space shuttles dived further into the solar system, most scientists realized just how wrong they were.

At this point, there are over 200 natural satellites recorded in the solar system, some of which having incredible features and a remarkable diversity. In fact, some of these moons are so amazing that some researchers believe they can foster life. Let’s review 10 of the most fascinating natural satellites in the solar system.


1. Titan

While many scientists dub the second largest moon in the solar system as the Second Earth, looks can be deceiving. Even though Saturn’s natural satellite includes a dense atmosphere and it is mostly composed of nitrogen, Titan’s atmosphere also includes methane and ethane. Moreover, in spite of the fact that it is the only planetoids except Earth to contain liquid seas, lakes and oceans (deducted via the bright regions observed on its surface), they are actually composed of hydrocarbons and methane gases. Yet, many researchers believe that we will colonize Titan (even just for the purpose of harvesting Saturn’s resources) at one point or another.


2. Io

According to our current knowledge, an object the size of Io should have been geologically inactive for quite some time now. Yet, the huge tidal friction from Jupiter as well as a few other natural satellites of the solar system’s giant (Europa and Ganymede) makes Io the most volcanic place in the solar system. As a matter of fact, the tidal friction exerted by Jupiter and its nearby moons create an enormous amount of heat that maintains Io’s surface constantly liquid (and renewable). Due to the tremendous eruptions, some of which rising as high as 190 miles, no space shuttle was able to examine the composition of the liquid surface of Io, although some assume it is mostly molten sulfur like in the atmosphere.


3. Europa

Europa represents the second celestial body in the solar system where scientists believe life would be possible. Perhaps the most distinguishable fact about Europa, its incredibly smooth surface is actually an ice crust hiding a huge ocean that spans throughout the entire surface. Similar to Io, this moon is affected by the tidal friction of Jupiter, an aspect that opens several discussions regarding the temperatures of the liquid. Considering that Europa also has an iron core (like Earth), you can understand where the speculations about extraterrestrial life on it come from.


4. Ganymede

With a diameter of 3,270 miles, Ganymede is actually larger than planet Mercury and gracefully holds the title of the largest moon of the solar system. At first glance, Ganymede does not impress much, considering that it looks pretty much like the Moon. However, the big difference between Ganymede and Moon consists of the fact that the former is so large that it has its own magnetic field. Because magnetic fields are associated with planets, many scientists have suggested that Jupiter’s moon is actually a planet. Well, if Ganymede were orbiting the Sun instead of Jupiter, then it would surely have been considered a planet.


5. Enceladus

Hiding deep inside Saturn’s inner rings, Enceladus is the only body in the solar system that reflects 100% of the light hitting its surface, making this moon the second brightest object after the Sun. Still, this is not the most interesting aspect of Enceladus. Observations show that its surface is subjected to major resurfacing events and that the Southern polar region contains massive geysers, which are the main source of the ice and dust particles of Saturn’s E ring.





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Top 10 Incredible Moons of Our Solar System photo

Top 10 Money Making Dead Celebrities

Posted: 04 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Money Making Dead Celebrities photo



Even after they’re gone, their financial legacies live on and the stars continue to live in our hearts for eternity. From historic icons like Marilyn Monroe to recent losses like Michael Jackson, Top 10 List has compiled a list of dead celebrities that are still earning the big bucks and profiting big time.

1. Elizabeth Taylor:

elizabeth taylor

Glamour will never be the same again, not after Elizabeth Taylor  died in 2011. But for her heirs,  she’s still spiritually and monetarily with us. Her perfume line has brought in a hefty $12 million to herinvestors. Her belongings will be auctioned off, with proceeds estimated to be around $30 million. And we're not even talking about her image license. In 2012, she was rumoured to have been worth $210 million.

2. Michael Jackson



Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 of propofol intoxication . He suffered a cardiac arrest at his home in California. His physician, Conrad Murray, said he had found Jackson in his room, not breathing and that he administered CPR on his bed but with no success.

In August of 2009, the Los Angeles County Coroner ruled Jackson’s death a homicide. Shortly before his death, Jackson had been administered propofol and two anti-anxiety benzodiazepines – lorazepam and midazolam in his home, which needed to have been done in a hospital by a licensed doctor/ Murray was convicted in November 2011 of involuntary manslaughter and is now serving a 4 year sentence for his role in Michael Jackson’s death.

Jackson's estate has a number of steady revenue streams. Not only does it earn from sales of Jackson’s own music, Jackson owned 50% of Sony’s ATV catalog stocks,; this includes artists like The Beatles and Lady Gaga. His estate also derives its success from the successful Cirque Du Soleil show The Immortal Tour. He is now worth a total of $145 million  as of 2012.

He’s held the top spot since his death in 2009, only to be beaten in 2012 by his best friend, Elizabeth Taylor. I am sure they are drinking it up in heaven and having a blast knowing they are still earning the big bucks down here.

3. Elvis Presley

The King of Rock 'n' Roll died in 1977 of a heart attack.

Although he can no sing and dance the way he used and hasn not done it for more than three decades, Elvis Presley is still earning money and according to Forbes Magazine, he remains one of the top earning dead celebrity.

According to news sources, the "King of Rock n' Roll" pulled in $55 million dollars in 2012, which is not bad for a dead celebrity for 36 years  This figure did increase substantially as more visitors came to Graceland to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death and publicity was also generated by new ventures such as the Elvis Sirius Satellite Radio show.


4. Charles M. Schulz

This cartoonist created Peanuts and died in the year 2000, aged 77 of colon cancer. He earns about 35 million dollars ever year because the cartoon is still published in over 2,100 newspapers all over the world. Most of the money comes from the merchandise that is created and sold to the ever-doting public year after year.


5. John Lennon

John Lennon was a part of the celebrated rock band, The Beatles. He died in 1980 when Mark David Chapman shot him four times outside his apartment.  The Beatles still sell more than a million records a year, despite splitting up in 1970. Lennon’s solo work also makes sales in the hundreds of thousands of copies each year. In addition, widow Yoko Ono filed a $10 million lawsuit against record company EMI so she can earn back royalties and master recordings, boosting Lennon’s bank account as a result.





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