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- Top 10 Things You Might Have Missed Out About Robert Downey Jr.
- Top 10 Mistakes That Video Game Developers Make
- Top 10 Popes That Shook The World
- Top 10 Preposterous And Ineffective Cash Saving Methods
- Top 10 Facebook Conspiracy Theories
- 10 Conspiracy Theories About Sandy Hook Shooting – Debunked!
- Top 10 Images That Shook The World
Top 10 Things You Might Have Missed Out About Robert Downey Jr. Posted: 17 Feb 2013 11:34 AM PST While the career of Robert Downey Jr. took a turn for the better over the last few years due to his brilliant interpretation in films like Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man, The Avengers and many more, the shadows of the past are not so easy to escape. With a history of drug abuse, jail time and violence, the actor is trying his best to put his past behind and turn over a new leaf. So far, he is managing this quite well and Hollywood’s favorite black sheep is quickly becoming the star of the flock. But let’s examine a few of the things that are less known about Robert Downey Jr., his acting career and his personal life.
1. Robert Downey Senior was the one who initiated him in the world of drugs One of the reasons RDJ started out on the downward spiral that is drug abuse stems from his less conscientious parental figure, but not in the way you might think. It wasn’t the neglect on the part of Robert Downey Senior or the need of the teen to rebel against the traditionalist ways of the parent that drove him to narcotics. In fact, his father, who was an underground film producer of the 60s and 70s, actually gave Robert Downey Jr. his first pot cigarette at a very fragile and undiscerning age, more exactly before the age of seven. You cannot blame Robert Downey Senior for not caring about his son, especially since he also constituted the original stepping-stone in the actor’s career by casting him in his first movie, Pound.
2. His relationship with actress Sarah Jessica Parker ended because of his drug abuse Sarah Jessica Parker and Robert Downey Jr. heated it off back in 1984, on the stage of the movie Firstborn. While they seem to go together like a horse and carriage – no pun intended – the romance abruptly ended in 1991 and it was all because RDJ could not keep his drug addiction under control. In spite of the uncannily strong connection between the Hollywood couple, Sarah Jessica Parker eventually gave up on trying to change RDJ and his chaotic lifestyle.
3. Robert Downey Jr. has kept his nose clean since 2003 RDJ made several attempts to give up narcotics and has ended up relapsing numerous times in the process. Having been arrested several times, the year he spent in jail finally caught with him, so when his epiphany in a fast food restaurant in California struck, Robert Downey Jr. decided it was time to put a stop to the addiction once and for all. And of course, he did it in the most dramatic way possible: dumping all the drugs he had in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.
4. Susan Levin Downey helps him stay away from narcotics RDJ has stated numerous times that he would have never been able to keep his nose clean without the aid of his wife, Susan Levin Downey. Unlike Sarah J. Parker, Susan managed to keep him on the straight path. That of course won’t stop RDJ from sometimes teasing her, like during the speech he gave at the Golden Globe Award ceremony.
5. His political views are conservative Although you might not expect a party boy like Robert Downey Jr. to uphold the traditionalistic values of the republicans, especially in a city where liberal views abound, this is the actor’s position on the political world. However, he did also state that his political opinion has shifted radically following his incarceration, a tragic experience that makes a person put things in a whole new perspective.
Top 10 Mistakes That Video Game Developers Make Posted: 16 Feb 2013 09:05 PM PST I’ve noticed that quite often, irrespective of the overall qualities and innovations of a game, developers appear to have a subconscious desire to balance out the attractiveness of the gameplay by introducing game-breaking blunders. What’s even worse is that these mistakes are stereotypical and repeated over and over again, since the dawn of time. Regardless of how many complaints they receive from the gaming community, the developers show no actual intention to stop introducing frustrating elements anytime soon. But let’s elaborate a bit on the aspects that gamers find extremely tedious and aggravating, particularly because they cannot be avoided if you really want to finish the content.
1. The cutscenes that cannot be skipped and/or paused The role of the cutscene is to immerse you further in the story and help you understand the events that take place in the game’s universe. However, assuming that the cutscene needs to be replayed at the start of a quest/mission that you end up failing for whatever reason, you will have to re-watch it several times over if the developers decide not to include a skip button. And, in order to make the absence of the feature even more bothersome, the length of the cutscene is usually directly proportional to the difficulty of the mission. At the same time, the inability to pause it doesn’t permit you to take a much needed bathroom break or attend to a spontaneous crisis event without missing a vital piece of the story.
2. The incompatibility between the game and a certain operating system or piece of hardware One of the latest examples for this issue is the highly anticipated RPG game, Diablo 3. Leaving aside the overall disappointment that the game presented for the diehard fans of the series – Blizzard seems keen on killing its customer base – Diablo 3 has a wide array of incompatibilities with video cards that, based on their benchmarks and technical specifications, should be fully able to support the game. However, if you look on the forums, you will notice a plethora of complaints regarding hardware compatibility issues. Sadly, this is only one example of games with average level graphics that require a monstrous amount of resources or that have not been adapted to function on all platforms.
3. Collectibles with no actual applicability Batman and L.A. Noire are two highly acclaimed games that include hidden collectibles and respectively clues that serve no purpose. If there is no motivation for the player to actually discover the secret areas aside from level statistics, why would he even bother? And, if he did, he would probably utilize a guide rather than spend hours searching for them.
4. The repetitive nature of the gameplay Go from point A to point B and deliver this package to NPC X. Kill 10 NPCs and bring me their furs. Shoot 20 enemy soldiers and destroy the doomsday device. Build 10 farms and 2 barracks to spawn 30 foot soldiers. This summarizes the “originality” of the content – which on a side note is getting shorter and shorter – included in the modern games. The gameplay has been recycled so many times that it seems unreasonable to buy yet another war shooter/RPG/strategy game, because they seem to look like variants with different skins.
5. The fact that you need DLC content I personally find this issue the most aggravating. Instead of getting a full game for my purchase, I find that I have acquired something a bit more than a demo version. Therefore, in order to actually gain access to the content that should have been there in the first place, you need to spend more money on the content that is gradually being released. However beneficial this strategy might be for the developers from the short-term financial point of view, it is slowly killing their clientele.
Top 10 Popes That Shook The World Posted: 16 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST Benedict XVI may not be the only controversial figure to walk the Vatican planks. As controversy swirls around the Catholic Church and noted atheists such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins call for Pope Benedict XVI’s arrest for “crimes against humanity.” There were worse Popes than the one we currently have. In fact, the following top 10 Popes not only shook this world, but they also rocked it upside down with their heinous crimes. 1. Pope Pius XII One horrible Pius wasn't enough for this world to handle. Pope Pius XII came into power, ruling the Vatican not long after his predecessor Pius IX, the pope who supplied the orders to execute Lincoln. It is important to study the era during which Pius XII held the Chair of Peter – it was between 1939 and 1958. If anyone was curious enough to know where exactly Hitler got the notion that Jews were to be exterminated by the millions between 1939 – 1945, they need to look no further than Pius XII. Pope Pope Pius XII personally Hitler detailed instructions on how to methodically exterminate non-Catholic minorities across all of Europe and how death camps were to be constructed for the sole purpose of their murder.
2. Pope Julius III
Decades before becoming pope, Julius was traded as a hostage by the dumb and pusillanimous Pope Clement VII to Emperor Charles V during the sacking of Rome. Julius would have been killed, if it were not for a complicated twist, Cardinal Pompeo Colonna, an enemy of Clement VII and rogue commando cardinal. Cardinal Pompeo Colonna rescued the hostages, including Julius III, from the clutches of the Emperor. Once he was elected pope, Julius III sacked the papal coffers to refurbish his mansion in Rome. The Villa Giula became the full-time residence of Julius III and the pope personally oversaw the construction. He hired only the best (including Michelangelo) and had little interest in the affairs of being a pope. In addition to the extensive looting of the Catholic treasury so that he could flip his house, Julius III was known to have a crush on younger men. Yes it's true, he liked to have sex with kids and was infamous for it.
3. Pope Innocent III
Innocent called the Fourth Crusade, which was preoccupied with Constantinople. The pope excommunicated the Crusaders who attacked Christian cities, but he made no move to halt or topple their actions because he felt that the Latin presence would bring about a understanding between the Eastern and Western Churches. Innocent also ordered a crusade against the Albigenses, which successfully subdued the Cathar heresy in France but at a great cost in life and blood.
4. Pope Alexander VI Pope Alexander VI had a special place reserved in Hell. On Halloween night of 1501, he was said to have prearranged and participated in the worst orgy in the history of Vatican While sex with promiscuous women while unwed and sworn to celibacy and a life devoted to God may be forgivable in certain circles, his other most appalling conducts would be scowled upon by just about any member of our contemporary civilized society. Alexander VI would also regularly have sex with his two sisters and his daughter. For the crime of incest, Alexander VI is surely one of the most evil popes to live this planet.
5. Pope Pius IX Let it first be known that Pius IX resided in the Vatican as Pope for the longest time: 33 years. Let it alsoc be known that there was a direct correlation between his constant scheming and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Both funding for and the mission plan itself had made its way from the papal office to the hands of John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln dead on April 15th, 1865 at the Ford Theater in Washington D.C. Yes, despite criticisms, Lincoln died as per the orders given by the Roman Catholic Church.
Top 10 Preposterous And Ineffective Cash Saving Methods Posted: 15 Feb 2013 09:05 PM PST Because the global economy has taken a wrong turn (at least) and it might require several years before it actually recovers, people nowadays are doing everything in their power to cut down the expenses and cope with the burden of debt and increasing bills. And what better way to learn more about how you too can put some money aside for the rainy days than the internet? While some guides provide useful information and promote reasonable techniques that can actually be applied in practice, some self-proclaimed gurus offer really terrible advice. Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures…but some measures are just mind-boggling to say the least. Let’s elaborate.
1. People will pay to see your body rot naturally
2. Make your own feminine hygiene products
3. Separating the layers of your toilet paper helps you save an amazing sum of…
4. Finally you can achieve your lifelong dream of becoming the Hobo King
5. Why bother with quality dental plans, when you can always visit a Mexican dentist
Top 10 Facebook Conspiracy Theories Posted: 15 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST Some people feel that every time they go on the Internet, their digital selves are being hijacked and driven to a shady data broker's garage, where they get sliced, diced, and mined and even sold for various purposes that are unknown to society. The people who feel like they're getting info-jacked are starting to fight back by providing false-information security system. Kevin Ludlow, a 33-year-old Texan software developer, calls this phenomena"Bayesian flooding" and as a data miner he wants to protect against is Facebook. The problem with this is that once information has been collected, it will always be stored and associated with you and your name. He therefore argues that trying to hide information from Facebook may not work. A possible solution would be to overwhelm the social media platform with too much information." This article examines the top 10 Facebook conspiracy theories that hit the roof recently and had many, many fans going crazy. You can never been to sure about Mark Zuckerberg and his intentions. What is conspiracy theory? A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public. 1. Global Revolution Many conspiracy theorists argue that Facebook and other social media websites conspired to birth the political uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. After all, they argue that Facebook offered of a forum for acute sociability and democratic processes, which have given the youth of those countries a taste for democracy. The Occupy Movement in the U.S. holds a very similar philosophy. Except the part where they fight tanks.
2. High Divorce Rates In a study done on UK divorce proceedings, it was found that 20 percent of divorce suits filed mentioned Facebook as a contributing factor to marital unhappiness. Couples the world-over began to flock away from the site now painted as a direct road to infidelity. But what media channels failed to offer was that unhappy marriages just happened to be more prone to spending time apart, especially on Facebook. To this day, people are still frightened over the myth that Facebook itself causes divorces. But, the social media platform is still growing and becoming even more popular.
3. Mark Zuckerberg is reading your mail
The Next Web, amongst other sources, revealed that if you mention a Facebook page in your private messages the likes for that page will increase. Admittedly it sounds a little innocuous at first, but surely it means someone was going through your messages and looking at the content. Facebook admitted that it has been scanning messages but that’s an honest mistake. Mark Zuckerberg does not give a crap about who you’re dating. The whole purpose was to create those cute little thumbnails that come up at the bottom and the increased likes are apparently a virus. But who would trust Zuckerberg…would you?
4. Facebook uses your photos for advertisement When Facebook updated its terms of service back in 2009 many started question whether users really own their content once it’s uploaded to the site or whether it becomes fair game as soon as it hits the social network. A Vancouver, B.C woman filed a class action lawsuit against Facebook in2012 for profiting from an advertisement that used her photo and profile information without her consent. Debbie Douez claimed that Facebook, Inc. allowed her name and photo to be used without her permission and acknowledgement for an advertisement that appeared on Facebook last year.
5. Facebook charges for accounts This has to be the most popular rumor. Despite myths, top 10 list believes that Facebook is not charging and never will. However thousands of users every day, and frequently many more, spread the myth that Facebook is about to start charging for the service. The price tends to differ each time the myth arises, yet people continue to fall for this myth over and over again. We will have to wait and see if this will happen. For now, Facebook is introducing new features, most recently the Graph Search and before that it was the messenger.
10 Conspiracy Theories About Sandy Hook Shooting – Debunked! Posted: 14 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST A YouTube video, “The Sandy Hook Shooting—Fully Exposed,” has surfaced on the web and has been viewed by more than 10 million viewers. Gene Rosen, a Newtown resident who sheltered six children during the shooting, was recently prank called and emailed by those who believe he is an actor. Top 10 list feels the following theories need to be debunked and most of these ridiculous accusations need to be withdrawn. It’s absolutely insane how people try to take away a person’s loss and belittle the family members into thinking that they did something wrong. It goes without saying that we should stand up to these bullies and support the family members who lost their loved ones. Stand up to this hatred and let’s not make history repeat itself. Culprits? James Tracy, a Florida Atlantic University tenured communications professor, claimed that the timeline of the Sandy Hook tragedy showed that there was a coordinated effort to hide the ‘real’ story. This nutty professor eventually retracted his statement and said, “‘There are certainly people that lost their loved ones, there is no doubt about it.” There are more, but we can start with Tracy. For every theory, we’ve added a picture of an innocent child that was lost to violence. as a reminder to the deniers how precious and innocent they were. We mourn their loss and stand united with the parents to ensure justice and peace for the future. 1. Theory # 1 One conspiracy theory argues that something is amiss because the adults in Newtown did not grieved hard enough. According to this theory, many of the shattered adults we have seen on camera are actors.
2. Theory # 2 The second conspiracy theory claims that Emilie is still alive and has appeared in photograph with President Obama. Despite these heinous beliefs, it was not Emilie in the picture; it was her sister. The theories came about after Robbie Parker went on television to make a statement about his daughter’s death.
3. Theory #3 The third theory claims that memorial websites were set up before the shooting took place on Dec. 14. The reason for this is because Google search result entries are not always precise and do not always accurately reflect the date on which the reference material first appeared on the we.
4. Theory #4 One of the first conspiracies about Sandy Hook is that there was a second shooter. News coverage on the day of the murders showed a man in camouflage who had been arrested in the woods near the school. Bystanders reported that the man said, "I didn't do it," but no information on the man's identity was forthcoming. The mystery was solved within two weeks of the murders. On Dec. 27, it was reported that the man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town. The SWAT officer was not the only person detained by police near Sandy Hook the day of the shooting. Chris Manfredonia, a father of a 6 year old, was running around the school trying to find his daughter when he was handcuffed by police. Manfredonia was released and he found his daughter alive.
5. Theory #5 The weapon used by Lanza has also been the source of confusion. Paul Vance of the State Police confirmed to CNN that Lanza carried three guns in the attack. The primary weapon was a Bushmaster AR-15, but he also carried Glock 10 mm and Sig Sauer 9 mm pistols. Early reports that the AR-15 was found in the trunk of Lanza's (not Rodia's) car were not correct. The weapon recovered from the trunk was actually a shotgun. A Youtube video showed police removing the gun, which does not appear to be an AR-15, from the trunk of the car.
Top 10 Images That Shook The World Posted: 14 Feb 2013 04:10 PM PST There’s nothing more heartbreaking than to look at some of these images. Millions of children continue to suffer from poverty, malnutrition, war and global strife. As the world's only true governing body, the United Nations has become the foremost forum to address issues that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by one country acting alone. To its initial goals of safeguarding peace, protecting human rights, establishing the framework for international justice and promoting economic and social progress, since its creation, the United Nations has added on new challenges and goals, and these include climate change, international terrorism and AIDS. While conflict resolution and peacekeeping continue to be among its most visible efforts, the UN, along with various other specialized international organizations, is also engaged in a wide array of activities to improve people's lives all across the world. |
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