Sunday, October 21, 2012



Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 07:11 AM PDT

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

The brilliant imagination of science fiction writers and movie producers always leaves us hoping that the devices and gadgets presented in books and Hollywood productions became a reality. Some of these tools would have numerous practical applications while other would, well, just be cool to have.

However, although the sci-fi devices are based on dazzling concepts, they are also beyond the realm of possibility due to the current level of technological advancements. Nevertheless, that won’t stop people from thinking of numerous ways they could put them into practice in order to improve their lives or simply have fun. Let’s review a top ten of the anxiously anticipated science fiction devices.


1. The light sabers from Star Wars

The light saber might not be an exactly original concept, but the Star Wars series is definitely what made it so popular. Sci-fi books like “Gather Darkness”, “Ringworld” or “Pastel City” also have their rudimentary versions of light sabers, but thanks to the brilliant vision of animator Nelson Shin, Star Wars now has its very own signature weapon. Surprisingly enough, even though the Lucas Arts universe includes blasters, the light saber is certainly the star of the show. The ability to slash through virtually anything, its distinctive hum, the sharp fluorescent looks and the fact that its requires a lot of skill to wield make every Star Wars fan eagerly await the moment when they can butter the toast with a miniature light saber.


2. Tricorders, the multifunctional scanners used in Star Trek

The newest technology integrated in smartphones and tablets suggests we’re getting closer and closer to getting our very own multipurpose scanner/sensor/data recorder. Tricorders come in 3 basic versions in the Star Trek universe, the ones used by engineers to gather information regarding the status of the ship’s engines, the type employed by the medical personnel to diagnose patients and the category utilized by the field teams to scan the environment. Considering that a simple hand-held gadget could permit us to acquire information about anything in our proximity, who wouldn’t want one?


3. Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver

Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver is basically an improved version of the tricorder, but with a twist. The sonic gadget popularized by the British movies and TV series has numerous functions in addition to the multipurpose scanning feature. It can act as triangulation device, hacking tool, cutter, light source, defensive weapon and yes, even as an actual screwdriver. In spite of the name that suggests it utilizes sonic waves, the Gallifrey-based technology is never fully explained. However, there are hints that lead fans to believe the Doctor is actually the one who invented it and, in the episode “The Sound of Drums”, his arch nemesis has his very own version of the tool: the laser screwdriver.


4. The Babel fish from the book “A Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”

Among the many innovative concepts brought to life by the brilliant mind of Douglas Adams, the Babel fish is probably the most useful one. This little yellow creature with a slug-like appearance is described as one of the oldest beings in existence and it functions as an universal translator. Douglas Adams depicts its modus operandi as feeding on the brain’s waves of energy and excreting telepathic matrixes that are afterwards decoded and transmitted to the speech center of the brain. Voila, instant translation between all languages of the universe.


5. The M41-A pulse rifles from Aliens

In the Alien universe, the M41-A pulse rifle constitutes the standard issue weapon of the Marine Corps, but many variants of the rifle exist. The pulse rifles are constructed from extremely lightweight materials, have an incredible rate of fire, an automatic computer-assisted accuracy booster and 4 grenades with a massive splash damage radius. However, they become obsolete later on with the introduction of heavily armored Praetorians.



6. The phasers from the Star Trek television series

Another weapon, this time from the Star Trek world, the phaser can also be regarded as a multipurpose tool. It has shoot to kill settings, it can act as a stun gun and you could also use it as a blowtorch that cuts through the most durable materials. Very few alien species presented in Star Trek were actually immune or able to withstand a phaser blast.


7. The “point of view” guns seen in “A Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”

The “point of view” gun is not really a weapon, but rather a communication enhancer. To put it simply, its main role is to make your interlocutor see things from your perspective after firing at them. The “Guide” informs readers that the original purpose of the weapon was to help in the search for the answer to life, but ended up being utilized by the Consortium of Angry Housewives in order to make their oblivious and insensible husbands understand their point of view.


8. The Holodeck from the Star Trek series

Holodecks are the virtual reality simulators of the Star Trek universe and also one of best representations of the concept in the entire sci-fi world. The primary application of the Holodeck was entertainment, but in several episodes it also helps the team solve mysteries and recuperate from various emotional traumas.


9. Doctor Who’s Tardis

The only thing better than simulating any reality you choose is being able to visit any point in time and space. That is exactly what Doctor Who’s ship – the Tardis – permits you to do, but the only setback of the vehicle consists of its inability to travel between parallel universes without generating a fissure in the fabric of time and space. The impenetrable, immovable and indestructible ship is also a living creature with a mind and soul of its own.


10. The Neuralyzer in the Men in Black trilogy

Even though the Men in Black movie trilogy introduced a myriad of advanced technological gadgets, the Neuralyzer will always be the most popular one. This little device has the ability to wipe out the short term memory of a person and its role is to help the MIB agency in preventing the public discovery of aliens on our planet. However, the negative potential of the Neuralyzer makes it difficult to believe that scientists would make it available to the world in the event that they could actually create it.


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Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Gadgets That Should Be Invented photo

Top 10 Popular Urban Legends

Posted: 20 Oct 2012 09:05 PM PDT

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From a broad perspective, urban legends express a modern form of mythology and folklore with strong roots in the natural human fear of the unknown. Even though most people are aware of the fictional nature of the stories, some of these urban myths enjoy an astounding amount of credibility.

It is possible that the plausibility of such tales has something to do with the fact that they always seem to happen to a friend, cousin or friend’s cousin, a fact that gives the storyteller a certain level of authority. In reality, urban legends are nothing more than good stories that have a moral and perhaps, this is one of the explanations to why so many people fall for them. Let’s examine the modern myths that have managed to gain a lot of popularity nowadays.


1. Bloody Mary

Often played at children slumber parties, the myth of Bloody Mary appearing after being summoned three times is nothing more than folklore. Obviously, it is basically than a test of courage for children, particularly since the summoning of the alleged witch Mary Worth must take place in a completely dark room.


2. Cokelore

There have been so many rumors and misinformation regarding the most popular soft drink in the world, that it deservers its own name: “Cokelore”. Essentially, numerous pseudo-experts claim that Coca-Cola has the capacity to dissolve anything, from teeth to tissue overnight. Well, this is partially true: some of the ingredients found in Coca-Cola like phosphoric and citric acids can dissolve various items given a certain time. However, the concentration of acids in this soft drink is actually very low and the digestive system is very capable of dealing with them.


3. The good Samaritan

This urban myth has been around for a very long time and underwent several variations. Nonetheless, the basic idea is the same in all variants: somebody stops to help a motorist change a flat tire and he is being asked for his home address so that he can be rewarded. After a certain period, the motorist who lends a helping hand will find a check for a large sum of money signed by a celebrity. Considering that rumors suggest it was Donald Trump who paid off his helper’s mortgage, you can understand why this is legend seems implausible.


4. The alligators in the sewer

If you were to believe the gossip, the sewer system of New York is currently overwhelmed by deadly alligators that were released by their masters after they became big and aggressive. Even though some animals that escaped from the zoo have been found in the system, there are actually no alligators lurking around in the NY sewers!


5. The mysterious hitchhiker

Considering the popularity of this urban legend, you surely heard at least one its variation. To summarize, a motorist picks up a hitchhiker (usually a young woman) on a deserted road and drives her home. When they get to the destination, the young woman suddenly disappears and the confused driver decides to ring the doorbell of the house she indicated. To his surprise, the person answering the door tells him that the woman has been dead for a few years, killed in a car accident that took place at the exact spot he picked her up.



6. Strangers are out to steal your kidney

This scary urban legend has been intensely promoted by Hollywood and many people believe it is authentic. Essentially, a solitary traveler stops to get something to eat in a restaurant when a stranger joins him and offers him something to drink. The next day, the traveler wakes up in terrible pain and finds a note informing him to call 911 because they stole his kidney. According to the National Kidney Foundation, none of these cases has been confirmed.


7. Shaving will make your hair grow coarser

Numerous people stay clear of hair remove methods like shaving because they fear that will make it grow back thicker and denser than before. This idea comes from the fact that short hair is in general perceived as coarser than long hair. If you were to compare the ends of long hair and short hair, you will notice that the latter is indeed thicker than the first. However, it has nothing to do with shaving and it is related to the fact that the short hair has a blunt end, whereas hair left to grow naturally will become tampered.


8. HIV spread through a syringe

Truth be told, this particular myth has created a tremendous hysteria among people, especially since there have been numerous reports of people getting stung with a syringe needle and being informed via a note that they just got infected with the HIV virus. While it is easy to understand people’s panic with the issue given the growing numbers of AIDS and HIV cases, let’s not forget that the virus itself is incapable of living outside the body for more than a few minutes.


9. People use only 10% of their brain

While there are many variants to this modern myth, one of them is most commonly accepted: according to psychics and other paranormal activities supporters, the brain is separated into a conscious part (The 10%) and an unconscious part (90%). Now, when you see things from this perspective, you can understand the longevity of this particular urban legend. With the risk of disappointing believers in the paranormal, it is necessary to mention the fact that there are numerous imaging research techniques which clearly indicate that people use most areas of the brain.


10. Cryogenics and Walt Disney

Even though nobody can state for certain how this urban legend got started, it is very likely that it has something to do with Walt Disney’s secretive funeral and his reputation as an inventor. To summarize, rumor has it that Walt Disney’s body is currently cryogenically frozen and conserved until the time the scientists figure out a means to re-animate him. However, the truth is that following his death in 1966, his body was cremated according to his wishes.


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