Monday, August 27, 2012



Top 10 Underrated Superheroes

Posted: 26 Aug 2012 09:22 PM PDT

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From DC to Marvel comics and Image to Dark Horse, there are dozens of superheroes and villains that have inspired the world for the past couple of decades. However, the same high number of heroes and bad guys is what makes some of them fall through the cracks. Let’s review 10 of the most underrated superheroes from both movies and comic books.


1. Captain Marvel (Shazam!)

Even though the vast majority of people view Captain Marvel as a poor copy of Superman, the truth is that Shazam! is one of the most powerful heroes in the DC universe. Introduced in 1940, Captain Marvel is in fact a grade-school boy who earns a multitude of abilities simply by uttering the word Shazam! Although a well constructed superhero, he did not receive half the attention he deserves and the various attempts of DC to revive the interest in this character failed miserably. Shazam! experienced the same fate in the animated series, as he only briefly appears in a fight against Superman on the Justice League Unlimited series.


2. The Black Panther

With Wolverine-like senses and an outstandingly sharp intelligence, Black Panther is among the few Marvel characters that actually has a very interesting background story. However, it seems that most comic book fans are not very impressed with either the story or the abilities of the hero that are coming from the technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda. In fact, they see this as a poor attempt of Marvel to get black people to read their comics. Nonetheless, looking beyond the controversy, you will discover an incredible character who married X-men member Storm and later on, got the chance to replace the Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four.


3. Elongated Man

Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for the limited popularity of Elongated Man resides in the fact that he was introduced in the 1960, a decade when any character with these abilities was easily overshadowed by incredible superheroes such as DC’s Plastic Man or Marvel’s Mr. Fantastic. Sadly, the world has lost a great superhero who was also an excellent detective besides being able to stretch, change his shape and withstand the amount of firepower that would destroy a building in a matter of seconds. Similar to Shazam!, Elongated Man appeared several times in the Justice League series.


4. Nightwing

The best way to describe Nightwing is that he is Robin, but only after he stopped acting like Robin. In a way, he is some sort of a Batman Jr. without the family fortune. As you probably guessed, he is not blessed with incredible super powers, but is very skilled in advanced fighting techniques and extreme agility. Although he had his own series (highly recommended), Nightwing also plays a central role in The Dark Knight Strikes Again movie and has been part of almost every series associated with Batman. However strange, this DC hero didn’t manage to draw the attention of the fan community either.


5. Iron Fist

Granted, Iron Fist does not have a dramatic or exciting back story. However, the whole idea around this superhero is special: he has an incredible strength and agility, he is a master in martial arts, he has the ability to heal himself and others and he is immune to danger (at least for a short while). Iron Fist was not greatly received by comic book fans, meaning that Marvel’s ongoing series – the Immortal Iron Fist – is far from being big hit. On the other hand, everyone is waiting for the movie, which is rumored to hit the box office in 2012 and that will feature Ray Park (Darth Maul).



6. Squirrel Girl

In spite of her rather ridiculous name, Squirrel Girl is mutant fighting evil with her two best friends: Tippy-Toe and Monkey Joe. And, if that didn't impress you enough, then you should know that her evil-fighting resume includes the defeat of Dr. Doom and Deadpool. Although she practically mopped the floor with two of the most loved comics’ characters, she is still underrated and only appears briefly in the new Fantastic Four TV show.


7. Captain Comet

A subtle combination of the Human Torch (lacking the Flame On!) and Flash Gordon, Captain Comet first made his appearance on DC’s series, Mystery of Space. At the same time, Captain Comet co-starred with the Man of Steel in DC Comics Present #22 and put on quite an impressive performance. The reasons for his apparent unpopularity cannot really be explained, considering his evil-fighting experience, style and overall CV.


8. The Freedom Fighters

Even though the Freedom Fighters count as a team and not an individual superhero, most comic book fans do not see anything wrong with it. After all, the current trends all seem to point out that teams are the next hype of the comic world, if you were to think about Avengers, the Fantastic Four or the X-Men for instance. One of the explanations for their little appeal to the public could reside in the fact that the members of the team, namely Phantom Lady, Doll Man, Uncle Sam, Human Bomb and Black Condor have not changed one bit ever since they were introduced, back in 1973.


9. Metamorpho

One of the founding members of the Outsiders and with several incarnations in the Justice League series, Metamorpho is a great superhero that everyone seems to have forgotten. And, he even has a very interesting and spicy back story: a traveler hired to retrieve an ancient Egyptian artifact, he is betrayed by his employee’s bodyguard and exposed to a highly radioactive meteorite. What is interesting about Metamorpho is the fact that he is among the few DC Comics superheroes who is unable to assume a full human form, as he is no longer made of flesh and bones.


10. Black Lightning

Black Lighting is another noteworthy member of the Outsiders who did not get the recognition he deserves. A rather impressive mix of the Black Dynamite and Shaft, Black Lighting is also the first major African-American superheroes in the DC Comics universe. Similarly to Metamorpho, DC tried to revive the public’s interest in this hero with a six-issue miniseries, an attempt which obviously did not succeed.


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Top 10 Most Delicious Exotic Fruits

Posted: 25 Aug 2012 09:01 PM PDT

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Exotic holiday destinations are not all about sunbathing and diving into crystal clear waters, but also about trying new things. Irrespective of whether you are fond of dainties or not, one of the things you should not pass on when travelling to exotic location is the local cuisine.

Granted, not everyone can think of food when the weather outside exceeds 40 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, if you are looking for something refreshing, you can always taste the exotic fruits that are usually available in such destination. Here is a top 10 list of the most delicious exotic fruits you absolutely must indulge in.


1. Passion fruit

The passion fruit can be described as the edible part of the passion flower and it is mostly grown in South America, particularly in the regions between Brazil to Paraguay. An interesting fact about the passion fruit consists in the fact that it is commonly utilized in other juices in order to boost their flavor. The vast majority of people who tried it state that its taste is slightly bitter. However, it is necessary to mention that the bitter taste is due to the seeds, which can be easily removed by pressing the soft, juicy interior through a small strainer.


2. Star fruit

Many people who have tasted a star fruit came to the conclusion that it has an extremely interesting flavor. While some describe the taste as a combination of plums, pineapple and lemons, others state that the star fruit reminds them more of a mixture containing kiwis, pineapples and apples. Maybe, the unique taste experience is what determines some to make wine out of it. The fruit is an excellent choice for people who are on a diet and prefer having a low-calorie (under 30 calories) sweet desert.


3. Kumquat

The kumquat does not look like much, considering that they are as small as an olive and appear to resemble miniature oranges. However, this fruit has its own unique citrus taste and you can eat it along with the peel. In fact, eating the fruit this way is highly advisable, since the sweetest part is actually the peel. As a side note, even though they are commonly found in supermarkets, the truth is that the fresh crops native to China have a completely different aroma than the kumquats available in markets.


4. Dragon fruit

Perhaps because it is part of a cactus species, the dragon fruit looks like a plant from an alien world. However, once you cut it, you will discover a creamy and delicious pulp that reminds you of melon or a combination between a melon and a kiwi. The dragon fruit commonly grows across various regions of Central America, the most delicious fruit being the red variety from Mexico. An interesting fact about the dragon fruit is that you can also eat its flowers raw or use them for tea.


5. African cucumber

If you are familiar with the over the counter weight loss supplements, then it is very probable that you heard of the African cucumber by now. However, just because it is the main active ingredient of a weight loss supplement that does not automatically mean its taste is bland. In fact, the dark green pulp of this fruit is a mixture that combines the tastes of bananas, cucumber, passion fruit and limes. The vast majority of people who savored it said that you have no other options but to fall in with it love or hate on the spot.



6. Durian

What is intriguing about durian is the fact that it has a very repelling smell, something similar to sewage waste or skunk spray. Consequentially, you should not expect to find them in hotels and public transportation in the Southeast parts of Asia. However, as the more adventurous tourists claim, the experience is totally worth it. Once the hard husk with responsible for the disagreeable smell is removed, you will be able to enjoy a divine flavor that is words cannot even begin to describe. In essence, it is something like soft nougat that melts in your mouth.


7. Sugar apple

The sugar apple is Mother Nature’s way of showing us what a great chef she is. The overall appearance of the fruit is not mind-blowing, considering that it looks like a pine cone with a 10 cm diameter. However, after you get rid of the lumpy and hard skin, prepare for a feast: the white and aromatic pulp is a combination between custard and something like a pear that has been sweetened with a lot of sugar.


8. Salmonberry

The salmonberry is a shrub native to the Western Coasts of America, its growing area stretching from Alaska all the way down to California. You are very likely to find these shrubs in moist forests and you can easily recognize them because of their resemblance to raspberries. Essentially, the only difference between salmonberries and raspberries is that the first ones have a stronger tone of orange. Even though they are absolutely delicious when eaten raw, most people prefer to use them in the making of jams, candy or jellies, while others distil wine from them.


9. Lychee

The lychee is the fruit of an evergreen tree with the same name, specific for the tropical and subtropical Southern regions of Asia. Unlike many other tropical fruits, the lychee is unique because it does not continue to ripe after it has been picked. Consequentially, the taste of this fruit will be directly influenced by the harvest period; essentially, if it is picked too soon, it will have a bitter taste followed by an unpleasant aftertaste. However, when picked at the right moment, you will be impressed by the unique taste and grape-like texture.


10. Jackfruit

Native to Australia and Southern Asia, the jackfruit is considered one of the largest fruit bearing trees in the world. What is amazing about the jackfruit is that it has a different taste, depending on how you eat it. If you eat it raw, then the taste is a combination of banana and pineapple, yet the notion of sweet in this case has totally different meaning. On the other hand, if you cook it, it is very likely that it will taste like chicken meat, making it a great choice for vegetarians.


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