Saturday, May 19, 2012



Top 10 Things President Obama Has Achieved….Going Into The Next Election

Posted: 18 May 2012 09:05 PM PDT

Top 10 Things President Obama Has Achieved….Going Into The Next Election photo

Please note some of the sarcasm in the achievements of President Obama. There are negative achievements which the President will need to answer in his bid for the next election.


# 1 Achievement:

200 million voters are not doing well. In fact, they are doing worse than they did when Obama came into power.


#2 Achievement:

In 2010, more than 1 million people lost their homes due to foreclosure. This means that many families are now outside on the street without a home.


#3 Achievement:

The average household debt in the United States is now 136% of US average income. Yikes!


#4 Achievement:

1 in 5 children live in poverty; 1 in 4 children live on food stamps.


#5 Achievement:

$1 trillion of student loans. The funniest thing is that Obama is trying to raise college tuition. Going to college costs minimum of $20,000/year.


#6 Achievement:

Unemployment stands at 9%. Recovery is an unlikely scene in the near future. Analysts believe that the rates will go down towards the end of the year. However, Obama's prediction of unemployment rates going down during election campaign were never met.


#7 Achievement:

He managed to single out and to bash a conservative news network: Fox News. He did not even invite them to the press conference on health care reforms.


#8 Achievement:

He snubbed the Dalai Lama. Does this guy have any respect?


# 9 Achievement:

He got the attention of many of his crowds and people. He was a guest on the View where he was chatting with 5 girls who love to gossip. This comes as a criticism as he should be doing his job to beat unemployment and poverty.


#10 Achievement:

He raised the debt ceiling. This means that USA can now keep on moving with the gravy train and push over the debt. What happens when the next president comes into office? He will inherit that big debt of Obama.


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