Friday, April 5, 2013



Top 10 Best Shampoos for Men with Hair Problems

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 09:00 PM PDT

Top 10 Best Shampoos for Men with Hair Problems photo



Hairs are necessary part of a personality and give you a distinct identity as well as graceful looks. There is always a great problem of choosing a shampoo. Some years back, there was not a serious trend with regards to the shampoo selection but with the passage of time and with the increase in the environmental pollution there is an increase in the trend of selecting the best shampoo that has the ability to conserve the original hair tone.

I myself am always changing shampoos. It's good to make that change, plus I am quite prone to buying whatever is on sale, as long as it smells good and makes me look sexy. Because of that trait, I have tried a lot of shampoos. Some of them are terrible, but the top 10 best shampoos on this top 10 list have made it into my permanent rotation, so I thought I would share them with everyone, especially for those with hair problems.

1. Head & Shoulders

Head and Shoulders

This shampoo for men is a miracle worker for men who have severe scalp problems. One consumer with dandruff so bad,  his scalp would “almost come off in chunks” says, “I have been using this for about 2 months now and I am completely dandruff free!” Another consumer who has psoriasis says, “As long as I use this shampoo daily (on both my face and hair) I have absolutely NO psoriasis breakouts! But go one day without it and the layers start building up and everything starts itching.”

Excess build up on your scalp can leave your hair looking thinner than it normally is. Head & Shoulders Hair Endurance for Men 2 in 1 Dandruff Shampoo + Conditioner has a specially designed hydrazinc formula that will remove build up and help restore your scalp to its healthy shape. It leaves you up to 100% flake free* and cleans for hair that’s fuller and thicker looking.


2. Men's Pantene Shampoo


Pantene Pro V formula helps to make your hairs healthy, long and stronger for life time provided the constant use of this shampoo. It results in a very healthy hair style for both men and women who seek healthy and smooth hairs. This shampoo makes the fundamentals of hairs roots sturdier to avoid hair fall.


3. Redken Extra Cleansing


If you use tens of hair products, or suffer from oily, greasy hair, then REDKEN Extra Cleansing shampoo will help you pull back the signs of damage and restore hair from the roots. This extra strength cleanser has grit-technology that stimulates hair follicles for a deep clean that also promotes new growth. Orange zest will leave you refreshed, and the brewers yeast is a powerful supplement that restores damaged hair. This is a great all-round shampoo that targets many of the men's hair care problems.


4. Bosley Shampoo


This is best for guys who are experiencing a thinning hairline. It contains DHT inhibitors that work best for men's scalp. DHT is the main reason why men are experiencing hair loss. This shampoo has plankton-derived laminarghane that fights DHT.Bosley is cheap in price and at the same time includes a lot of varieties for different hair categories. Bosley is ranked the 4th best shampoos for men by Top 10 lists.


5. Neutrogena Shampoo

neutrogena shampoo

It has herbal and synthetic products which act together to give quick action for your hair. The cooling effect of menthol will never be forgotten by you. Neutrogena has almost all the crops a man should ever want in keeping himself at his best looks. This herbal shampoo is very much popular in United States. Neutrogena does not only produce shampoos but they have a large range of cosmetic products.





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Top 10 Best Shampoos for Men with Hair Problems photo

Top 10 Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency To Watch Out For

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 09:00 PM PDT

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Since the online environment is full of health guides promoting the importance of nutrients for our body, it is safe to assume that everyone is aware of the important role vitamins and minerals play in the optimal functionality of the organism. What these nutrients actually do is lend a helping hand by facilitating a variety of biochemical reactions, from maintain the health of the eye tissues (vitamin A) to ensuring an efficient metabolic rate (complex B vitamins) and boosting the immune system (vitamin C).

Under normal circumstances, a person ensures an ideal intake of these nutrients via his diet. However, given the hectic lifestyles of modern man and the unsafe practices of the big corporations, the amount of nutrients we get from our meals is not nearly enough. In case you are wondering why a person should make sure he gets the recommended daily dose of vitamins, here are 10 examples of what could happen if you don’t have a sufficient amount of vitamins in your body.


1. Inflammation of the gums

Inflammation of the gums

In the eventuality that you are constantly experiencing pain while you brush your teeth or when you chew due to your slightly swollen gums, then there are high chances you might be having a vitamin C deficiency. Mostly renowned for its uncontested ability to ward off the common cold and the flu, this nutrient also has a major role in keeping your gums and teeth healthy. The consequences of vitamin C deficiencies can be observed in sailors who are out at sea for extended periods and because they don’t have access to this nutrient develop various periodontal issues, including scurvy.


2. Insomnia


According to various studies, people who have a hard time getting a good night’s rest might be suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. This nutrient has a crucial role in the first year of our lives and it is one of the organic compounds that have a major contribution in the formation of red cells. At the same time, B12 is the main regulator of melatonin, a hormone that essentially sets the circadian rhythms of the body. Therefore, if you had trouble with falling asleep lately perhaps you should consider B12 supplements or eating more meals with beef, lamb or seafood.


3. Migraines


Various clinical studies have shown that people who suffer from migraines and especially women who undergo excruciating headaches during menstruation usually have low vitamin E amounts stored in their bodies. While it is true that vitamin E deficiency is actually very rare, the side effects are extremely ugly and the treatment is typically performed under the supervision of a licensed nutritionist or a physician.


4. Night sweats

Night sweats

In case you are constantly waking up in wet bedding due to excessive sweating during the night, then there are high chances you might have a vitamin D deficiency and consequentially, calcium. In general, night sweats accompanied by hot flashes are symptoms mostly experienced by women about to reach menopause and who are prone to osteoporosis. However, research shows that smokers and people who typically drink a lot of coffee during the day could have the same levels of vitamin D and calcium as some women during menopause.


5. Anemia


If you are feeling dizzy all the time, are constantly tired (waking up tired after 7-8 hours of sleep) and don’t have the energy to carry out even the simplest of tasks, then you might be suffering from anemia or severe vitamin D deficiency. Besides calcium, vitamin D is responsible for a wide variety of mineral and other vitamins absorption, so basically without this nutrient your body cannot get the resources it needs to function properly.





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