Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet

Posted: 26 Mar 2013 09:05 PM PDT

Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo



Owls are indeed beautiful, majestic creatures and at the same time you can find a plethora of pictures on the internet with simply adorable specimens. These factors have lead many people to believe that a pet owl would constitute a perfect companion, not to mention that the fact that it’s less “mainstream” than cats, dogs, fish or hamsters.

Sorry to disappoint, but first of all in the vast majority of countries – including the U.S. – keeping an owl as pet is against the law. The only circumstances when caring for an owl is legal imply being a certified and bonded professional, the owl can only be kept in temporary fostering for rehabilitation/breeding/training (certain species make half-decent falconry birds) AND you cannot hold legal ownership over it.

Even in the aforementioned situations, the best you can hope for is stewardship and the Wildlife Service can recall the owl if you fail to meet all the requirements at any given time. But in addition to the legal complications, there are other reasons why an owl is not exactly the best pet bird. Let’s elaborate.


1. They cannot be left unsupervised for prolonged periods

A human-imprinted owl – meaning an owl that was raised by a specialized trainer since a young age, rather than develop in the wilderness – will not accept another person caring for it with ease. This means that if the owl is accustomed to you, you will have a hard time finding a replacement in the event that you want to go on vacation or you have to take a business trip. And don’t think you can simply take the owl with you, because most airlines require a ton of permits and bureaucratic papers for traveling with this type of bird because of the strict wildlife regulations. Moreover, any break from their normal routine is a stressful, borderline traumatic experience for the owl.


2. These birds have a very destructive nature

The natural killing instincts are not restricted to other living things in your home. In fact, the owl will attempt to brutally “murder” any inanimate object that its claws can tear through, including sheets, rugs, pillows, plush animals, woodwork, etc. At the same time, if the owl “feels” a certain item does not belong in its high altitude habitat, which will typically consist of the topside of your dresser or cabinets, it won’t hesitate to drop it to the floor.


3. You and your neighbors will go nuts during the mating season

Owls are nocturnal birds, so during the nights of the mating season they will proceed to hooting and mating loudly, especially at early morning/late evening hours. Human imprinted owls perceive themselves as human and their mating call is directed to the owner, which means that you will have to “hoot along” otherwise they will get very cranky. And you don’t want to see them while they’re cranky!


4. Petting and cuddling is out of the question with owls

You will have to refrain from trying to pet the owl no matter how cute and fuzzy it looks, that is if you care about your fingers. The owl can and will bite you if you touch its backside, no matter how “humanized” it became or how much time it had to adjust to you. Don’t forget that it is after all a predatory specie.


5. Owls have very strict caring necessities

Not only will you have to engage in a strict and lengthy routine of cleaning and feeding the owl at predetermined times during the day, but you will also have to fly it regularly. Flying is mandatory for these birds – providing of course they are capable of flight – and if you cannot do that you at least have to host it in a decently sized cage to enable it this activity.





Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo

Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo

Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo

Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo

Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo

Top 10 Reasons Why An Owl Would Be A Terrible Household Pet photo

Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World

Posted: 26 Mar 2013 09:00 PM PDT



Tequila  is a spirit drink made from the aged blue agave plant, primarily found in the city of Tequila, 65 kilometres (40 mi) n.w. of Guadalajara, and in the highlands (Los Altos) of the western Mexican state of Jalisco. Tequila is most often made at a 38–40% alcohol (76–80 proof), but can also produce between 35–55% alcohol content (70–110 proof).Though most tequilas are 80 proof, many distillers will distill to 100 proof and then dilute it with water to reduce the harshness of its alcohol.

This top 10 list presents to you our research on the top ten most expensive tequilas in the world starting with the Ultra Premium tequila Ley .925 Pasion Azteca, which is worth $225,000.


1. Ultra Premium tequila Ley .925 Pasion Azteca

This tequila is the most expensive tequila in the world. You will surely buy it, if you can afford to pay $225,000 in one shot. What makes this tequila worth $225,000? It's the hand-crafted, one liter, two-piece bottle. One half of the bottle is pure platinum while the other is pure white gold. The two halves are held together by a solid platinum emblem.S till have money left? For a mere $100K finder's fee, the company will locate one of the few diamond-encrusted bottles that may or may not be for sale. These definitions of wealth can be bought for approximately $1.5 million each.


2. Barrique de Ponciano Porfidio

You cannot really imagine spending $2,000 just for a bottle of tequila. But for others who really love to taste different tequila, there is no doubt that they should try this. Barrique de Ponciano Porfidio is one of the most expensive tequilas in the world that most tequila lovers want to have a sip of this great tequila.

Barrique de Ponciano Porfidio touted is the pinnacle of the art distillery. Drinks are limited and only comes in 100 containers and aged a minimum of one year before then get packed into just 2,000 bottles. Of these 2,000 bottles, most of the bott;less exported to Japan.


3. 1800 Coleccion

Many tequila drinkers doubtless know distiller Jose Cuervo simply by his first name, but very few gentlemen know senor Cuervo well enough to appreciate his 1800 Coleccion, a bottle that stands at No.3 on this list.

Created by marrying a selection of the finest 100% blue agave vintages, the 1800 Coleccion is the crowning achievement of maestro tequilero Luis Yerenas, of the Jose Cuervo estate.

Production of the 1800 Coleccion is a slow and meticulous process, every stage of which — from the planting of the agaves to their selection and distillation — is overseen by senor Yerenas hmself. The result is an ultra-premium bottle that's double distilled and aged in charred barrels of French oak and blended with reserves as old as 50 years.


4. AsomBroso Reserva Del Porto

It might surprise you to learn that most expensive tequila in the world is not Mexican but Texan. Dos Lunas distillery owner Richard C. Poe II has said that he wants to create the world’s best tequila — and in the form of the Dos Lunas Grand Reserve, his company may just have done that.

Only 1,000 bottles of Dos Lunas Grand Reserve  were ever made. The drink is as good to drink as it is rare, which is why it's secured in a lockable case that comes with its own special key.

If you have lots of money,  do not hesitate to buy one of that expensive tequila in the world. There is no doubt that you will buy one of those if you really love tequilas.


5. Tres-Quatro-Cinco

This tequila drink is one of the products that is produced by the Fonseca family, Mexico’s fourth generation in the growing and distillation of aged tequila,  and some people said that it is consist of three separate combination.

This bottle is a 100% handmade, with unique crystal decanter,  and is created by artist Mr. Alonso Gonzalez Jr., Of Mexico City. Only 1000 bottles made for the world, each signed and numbered by the artist.





Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World photo

Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World photo

Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World photo

Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World photo

Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World photo

Top 10 Most Expensive Tequilas in the World photo

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