Thursday, December 13, 2012



Top 10 Interesting Things You Should Know About The Black Sea

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 09:19 PM PST

Top 10 Interesting Things You Should Know About The Black Sea photo



Connecting Europe to Asia Minor, the Black Sea is full of surprises and mysteries. From the various theories about how it got its name and rumors about it being the landing point of Noah’s Ark to the gruesome facts, such as the intact bodies still resting at the bottom of the sea, it is surely a place worth visiting. Here are some things you might find interesting about this location:


1. The largest basin to contain anoxic water

Perhaps the most intriguing thing about the Black Sea consists in the fact that it is currently the largest anoxic water body (depleted of oxygen) in the world. What this actually means is that the movement between the superior and inferior layers of water is very limited. The lack of oxygen in the lower water layer determines significant temperature differences, both factors making the bottom of the sea inactive. In fact, at around 200 meters of depth, the water contains a hydrogen sulphide zone that makes the presence of any life from impossible.

The Black Sea distinguishes itself via the fact that it has a positive freshwater balance, meaning that it receives more water from rivers and rain than it actually evaporates. The main source of salt water this sea receives comes from the transfer with the Mediterranean Sea. However, the replenishing process performed primarily through the Bosporus is extremely slow (it usually takes hundreds of years). The freshwater and salt water ratio changes according to the seasons, a key factor that has a significant impact on the marine creatures and plants living in the Black Sea.


2. Mysterious ancient shipwrecks

Recent diving expeditions have revealed several wooden shipwrecks perfectly preserved at the bed of the sea. The shipwrecks were dated back to the 3rd and 5th century B.C., a period which is associated with the ascension to glory of the ancient Greece. In addition to the preserved wood shipwrecks, scientists have also discovered the bones of a very large freshwater catfish species. The remains as well as the other items found at the site suggest that the Black Sea represented the crossroad of the Ancient World.


3. The largest underwater river

The mystery of the channels typically found at the bottom of the ocean floor is partially elucidated with the discovery of a very large underwater river in the Black Sea. The underwater river is the first flowing water that is still active and, because it carries sediments across the sea floor, researchers now believe that it has the potential of sustaining life in the inhospitable lower layer of the Black Sea. Sadly, verifying this hypothesis is extremely difficult due to the currents, rapids and waterfalls.


4. The water levels are always the same

Because the low and high tides in the Black Sea are absent, there are not fluctuations in the water levels. Consequentially, the sea surface is always calm, quiet and even serene.


5. Home to many exotic small islands

The Black Sea accommodates ten small islands, all of them incorporating unique eco systems with amazing flora and fauna. Add the fact that the islands are currently part of three different countries and you will understand why visiting these exotic islands is such a thrilling and interesting adventure.





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Top 10 Crazy Celebrity Mansions

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 09:52 PM PST

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If you're a rock star, a basketball player or a Hollywood A-Lister… then well done you. If you're not, then, like us, you're probably dying to see how they live. We've found the really wacky, but kind of impressive houses you'd expect from the rich and famous. After all, if you've ever watched MTV's "Cribs" and seen some celebs' identikit show homes, you always feel a sense of disappointment. What's the point of all that money if you don't go a bit left-field with the decor?! Worthy of mention, Mariah Carey didn't quite make the list but she has a closet that houses 1,000 pairs of shoes.


1. Marilyn Manson

He owns the skeletons of a 7ft man and a four year old Chinese girl and collects Victorian prosthetic limbs. So it's little wonder that the abode of Mr. Manson (aka Brian Hugh Warner) comes in at number one on our list. The garage houses this custom 1969 Lincoln Continental, complete with "Goth Thing" license plate.


2. Spelling Manor

This ridiculous $85m house has 14 bedrooms and 27 bathrooms. That fact alone just doesn't add up. The garage houses 100 cars, there's a bowling alley, flower cutting room and a room dedicated to gift wrapping. Gift wrapping?! It's now owned by equally humble family, The Ecclestones.


3. John Travolta

A 16 car garage? Well that's ostentatious, but the private runway sets this house apart from your average suburban semi. He also has a stables for 75 horses down the road. Can you imagine staying over and hearing the resident Boeing 707B or Gulfstream setting off from outside the house?


4. Bill Gates

The ultimate gadget house, naturally. You get a microchip so that when you enter a room it goes to your preferred temperature and music follows you around. A lot of houses have under-floor heating these days, but here even the driveway is heated.


5. Mukesh Ambani

Ironically overlooking the slums of Mumbai, there is 400,000m2 of living space, three helipads, nine lifts and an ice room with real snow, as well as the world's largest collection of antique sewing machines. Worth $1bn and owned by an Indian billionaire.





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Top 10 Confessions of a Lawyer

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 09:48 PM PST

Top 10 Confessions of a Lawyer photo



You can call me an honest liar. This is a cliche my friends have given me when they actually mean 'lawyer', my profession.

Many people just do not understand me. I am  a 300 lbs man, who is still unmarried, and approaching midlife crisis. I work as a lawyer and enjoy spending most of my time working and chilling with my "bummed" friends. One of them is a lawyer, but what kind of lawyer is he when he inhales illegal substances?

Today, I am going to intrigue you with some of my deepest, darkest secrets. They're juicy, they're scandalous and they are going to have your jaw dropping within seconds. So here are my top 10 confessions.


1. Confession # 1:

I have this friend; let's call him Nate. Nate is uneducated, has no job, lives off of his parents and smokes weed all day. Oh wait…I lied. He did work once at a Frozen Yogurt joint in the beach area. He ran the business down such a path that the grim reaper could have done a better job running it.

My friends, including Nate, and I go to Montreal. We have such a wonderful time together, but on the way back, we are stopped by the police for speeding. Nate almost gets us arrested because he decided to transport illegal drugs in his underwear-to be sold at home.


2. Confession #2:

Nate is not my only moron of a friend. Butch is even worse and when I say worse hold on to your jaws with this one because you are in for a shocker.

My friends and I go on vacation to Las Vegas. We stay at one of the most prestigious hotels on The Strip. A trip would not be a trip without a visit to Sapphire, the most dazzling strip club in the whole of Las Vegas. This is where Butch lost $3,500 on 1 stripper.

How? He gave the stripper $700 to come to his hotel room for some more 1 on 1. He spent $1,500 schmoozing with the stripper, buying her vodka and water. That's not all; he booked a hotel room for 2 at Wynn. The only problem-stripper never showed up.


3. Confession # 3:

My sister is getting married. She is such a doll. I cannot find a date for her wedding, so my friend refers me to a girl that is interested in 1 date guys. Those girls do not come cheap. In fact, the day before the wedding, I take her on a shopping spree to Buffalo, where she bought over $2,000 of merchandise. I might as well have used the money for an escort.


4. Confession #4:

I have a client who is 100 years old and is trying to evade her problematic son. The mother and son have been feuding for over 10 years. I defend the mother against the tyrant son, but when the mother dies, it is revealed that she was schizophrenic. Gee, maybe the son was right all along, the mother may have been crazy after all.


5. Confession #5:

I am late; I have never been on time, not even once. I book appointments and come 4 to 5 hours later. My friends keep screaming at me, but they simply cannot change me.





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