World War 2 is the kind of event that nobody can condone and the struggle for political power and territory at that time brought millions of innocent lives to an abrupt end. However, in the struggle for dominance, both sides were forced to develop new technology that would allow them to outsmart, outplay and outgun their adversaries. As a result, the WW2 period was extremely lucrative in terms of inventions, some of which you still utilize today. Let's find out more about what World War 2 brought us in addition to slaughter and a new geopolitical map of the old continent.
1. Penicillin

Originally, the discovery of the capabilities of the Penicillium Notatum mold on killing bacteria was made in 1869 by Ernest Duchesne and Sir Alexander Fleming made it popular later or in 1928 with his studies on the matter. However, it was not until 1939 when Dr. Howard Florey's research was able to prove the effectiveness of penicillin without a shadow of a doubt and with the aid of Andrew J. Moyer he developed the most powerful antibacterial substance in the world. Needless to say, with all the wounded soldiers dying from simple infections, it was about time.
2. Jerrycans

If you own a car, then you probably have a few motor oil and gasoline cans in your garage/trunk. However, the cans you utilize to transport fuel did not always look like that. In fact, before the Germans perfected the design by strengthening the structure with the cross shape, maximizing the contents of the can and adding the innovative handles that permitted soldiers to carry 2 of them in each hand, fuel containers used to be impractical and rudimentary. Of course, the design was quickly reverse engineered by the allies.
3. The pressurized cabin

You have the US to thank for this invention that practically revolutionized air transportation. It is necessary to point out that in the absence of similar pressure/temperature/oxygen condition, the pilot of the aircraft would not be able to fly at high altitudes. However, the solution utilized prior to pressurize cabins comprised of giving the pilot an oxygen mask, which needless to say, failed numerous times.
4. Radio navigation

Before the invention of the Gee-H, Oboe and GEE neither of the forces was able to accurately direct the aircrafts in effective blind bombing runs. In addition, although flying these huge bombing ships was always incredibly difficult, landing them safely was even harder. The successor of the original GEE, LORAN was used for commercial aircraft navigation until not long ago when the GPS took over. However, there are voices that suggest LORAN should be reintroduced on commercial and military aircraft as a failsafe for potential GPS failures.

While the original plan for radio waves was to create a device that could concentrate them into powerful blasts (the presumed death ray machine), things took a different turn for this technology. The basis of the radio wave tech can be found back in 1886, but an actual demonstration of a working RADAR system capable of bouncing the radio signal off objects in order to determine their position was made much later on, in 1935 by Arnold F Wilkins.

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