Given the rich folklore and ancient mythology, I believe it is safe to assume that mankind has always been fascinated with monsters. Interestingly enough, even though most people nowadays perceive those creatures as pure fiction, it is necessary to mention that their existence was undisputed until two centuries ago.
However, not everyone accepts the unrealism of frightful and mysterious creatures. While the modern creatures are not as fascinating as those of the past, some people strongly believe in their existence, particularly after being witnesses to various inexplicable circumstances. Whether they are real or not one thing is for sure: their anonymity will always hunt us. Let's meet nowadays' puzzling creatures in our top 10 list.
1. Loch Ness Monster

Nessie is perhaps one of the most renowned lake monsters to elude scientists. Despite the advanced scanning technology, numerous eyewitnesses and even some pictures, the Loch Ness Monster is pretty hard to find. While the place is literarily crawling with tourists who are trying to catch a glimpse of Nessie, very few of them were lucky enough to see the monster stretch its neck high above the water and look around. On a side note, there have been numerous reports of similar aquatic creatures around the globe and Nessie is just the most famous one.
2. Bigfoot

Even though nobody knows for certain what they really are or even if they exist, one thing is for sure: they supposedly leave large footprints behind. Unlike Nessie, Bigfoot was filmed while it was casually taking a walk in the forest in 1967. However, the authenticity of the film is still contested and rumors have it that the filmmakers have even admitted that their short film of Bigfoot is a hoax. Whether the 1967 footage was genuine or not, it is necessary to mention that Bigfoot sighting have been reported in isolated highlands and mountains across the globe.
3. Chupacabra

The Chupacabra or the "goat sucker" is a monster that enjoys ravaging the livestock of farmers from Central and South America. Unlike Nessie and Bigfoot, there is practically no footage with it and the eyewitnesses descriptions vary a lot. The only thing you can say for certain about the Chupacabra is that it has scary red eyes and it leaves a trail of dead animals behind. As a side note, the hype around this creature has drawn the attention of various conspiracy theorists who claim Chupacabra is a terrible result of secret experiments.
4. Mothman

What is fascinating about the Mothman is that his numerous appearances coincide with an unusual number of UFO reports in 1966 in West Virginia. While no more sightings have been reported nowadays, back then there were hundred of people claiming they saw a winged humanoid creature that had a peculiar ability of channeling information from the individuals it got into contact with.
5. Wendigo

Described in the Algonquian's people legends, the Wendigo represents one of the most fearful creatures believed to exist even today. If you were to check out the mythology of various tribes from the Northern part of the US and Canada, you will notice the physical descriptions of the creature are very distinct. Moreover, there are no eyewitnesses or footage proving its existence. However, that is the last thing you want to do, considering the Wendigo is a cannibalistic, malevolent, supernatural creature that can control a human's mind as well as eat it.
6. Fairies

Believe it or not, in some parts of the world fairies, elves and other mythological creatures of the forest are still taken for granted. In spite of the fact that numerous people swore on their lives they saw fairies, leprechauns, elves and dwarf, the witness are generally viewed as people with a rich imagination. Besides, with all the hype and attention UFO sighting receive, it is only natural that people find it hard to believe in these creatures existence.
7. The Dover Demon

Because of the few sightings reported in 1977, the Dover Demon is perhaps one of the most mysterious modern creatures of them all. Initially, when the first report about the creature was filed, many thought the monster is just a figure of a boy's rich imagination. His story raised a lot of doubt considering that he was wondering late at night with some friends in the wood. However, when other reports came in describing the unusual features of the monster, the authorities began an investigation, unfortunately with no result until this day.
8. Champ

Champ, the American version of the Loch Ness Monster, is a mysterious aquatic being that allegedly resides in Lake Champlain. What is intriguing about Champ is that most witnesses describe it as looking very similarly to Nessie; its dark skin, several lumps and a small head that resembles a dog or a snake determined researchers to state that if these creatures do exist, then they are very likely plesiosaurs, a dinosaur believed to be extinct for more than 66 million years ago.
9. The Giant Squid

The rumors regarding the existence of a giant squid that loves to attack ships might be true after all. Back in the days, every sailor who would venture out at see had heard several terrifying stories about a multi-tentacle sea creature (also dubbed as the Kraken) that constantly attacked vessels on the high seas. Recently, a team of marine biologists discovered several mysterious giant squids (Architeuthis) washed up on various beaches across the globe. While they have even detected a live specimen of around 26 feet long at around 3,000 feet below the water surface, the marine biologists still cannot say anything for certain.
10. Ogopogo

The planet's lakes and oceans are not only safe and intimate homes for mysterious dinosaurs that should have extinct millions of years ago. In Canada, they are also believed to host an intriguing water spirit dubbed as the Ogopogo and to whom native Indians used to make sacrifices before crossing the waters of Lake Okanagan. While there are no clear sightings, tourist who venture along the Canadian lakes frequently report mysterious and inexplicable things happening in the waters of the lake.

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