The growing effects of different types of popular culture and music have been of concern in recent decades. Societies have taken steps to discourage objectionable behavior by setting an example. Setting an example is important, especially with the gun violence occurring on our streets and in schools. Shootings like Columbine and Virginia Tech could have been easily prevented.
The question you may now ask is what measures is society taking to prevent people from doing the objectionable. Let's take a look.
1. Suspension:

Schools now suspend students who wear obscene clothing that could be considered objectionable. For example, Eric van Hoven was suspended from Zeeland High School for wearing a Korn (thrash-hop group) t-shirt. Nothing was obscene about this situation, but the principal felt he had to prove a point.
2. Arrests:

You can no longer wear obscene clothing on the street or in public places. One man was arrested in a supermarket for wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt which stated "Ì am God of F***". This was not the first time Manson was considered to be a promoter of violence. Many critics of his music believe that he influenced Columbine Shooters.
3. Censorship:

In Wales a high school now requires students to provide identification before they read adult like magazines such as Rolling Stones.
4. Confiscation of property:

In 1989, New Iberia, Louisiana's city council enacted an ordinance which allowed state officials to confiscate records which were 'obscene' from people who were unmarried and under 17. Anyone caught in violation would spend 60 days behind bars and be forced to pay $500.
5. Closing down businesses:

New Iberia, Louisiana took their ordinance seriously in 2000. They not only confiscated CDs featuring Britney Spears, Rolling Stones etc., but closed down a roller skating rink after a fight broke out over the type of music being played.
6. Force:

In Northwood, Ohio a 14 year old was forced to remove his shirt which had a slogan from a rap group called Insane Clown Posse. The police threatened to arrest him if he did not take it off.
7. Bans:

Large corporations are in on the objectionable material and discouraging minors from getting a hold of them. In 2009, Starbucks in the US refused to distribute Bruce Springsteen's album "Devil and Dust" because they felt it had adult content. In the U.S., one should note that Starbucks does stock CDs for sale.
8. Parodies:

Many countries create parodies which try to change people's opinions. Malaysia in 2011 altered Lady Gaga's song Born This Way to deal with issues of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgendered. Malaysians still see someone being gay as taboo.
9. Refusing to Sell:

Many companies and stores refuse to sell items which represent and market the objectionable. For example, in 2003 when Michael Jackson was arrested on suspicion of child molestation, stores pulled his albums of the shelves in many cities.
10. Lawsuits:

This is something that is not a laughing matter. In fact people sue others because they've lost something significant like a loved one.

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