Friday, December 21, 2012



Top 10 Most Popular Vodka Cocktail Mixers

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 09:01 PM PST

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I hate mixing my vodka with other drinks and liquids, but it's best to leave the shot glass at home when you go on social outings. This list compiles the most popular mixers that work well with vodka. It highlights the drinks that have been made popular and introduces new drinks that you would enjoy in the company of others.

Vodka is one of the most universal spirit drinks. You can mix it with just about anything. However, everything has its own tastes and limits, so this is why I've compiled a list of 10 most popular vodka cocktail mixers.

So on with the list of the 10 most popular vodka cocktail mixers.


1. Orange Juice:

Orange Juice

This is the most popular and also the most classic vodka mixers that everyone has been using for years at weddings, clubs, parties and more. Orange juice is an acidic juice and works well to help offset the burning sensation you get from alcohol.

The most popular drink with orange juice and vodka is the screwdriver. The basic drink is just the two ingredients, but there are other variations, including vodka and blue Curacao topped with lemon lime soda. This is called a sonic screwdriver.


2. Pomegranate Juice:

Pomegranate Juice

Madonna adds pomegranate juice, blackberry puree and cranberry juice to her mix of vodka. She also garnishes the drink with lemon rind and adds ice. The drink is considered a "Madonna" and is really good to try.

There is also the French Flamingo recipe, which includes Vodka, Cointreau, Lime Juice and Pomegranate Juice. You shake the ingredients well with ice and strain it into a chilled cocktail glass. This drink can be perfectly garnished with lime peel.


3. Cranberry Juice:

Cranberry Juice

One of the most popular cocktails, Sex on the Beach, includes a Cranberry Juice, Orange Juice and Vodka mix. This is a delicious fruity drink that almost anyone will like to drink during the summer holidays on the beach.

How to make it? Pour all the ingredients (2 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. cranberry juice, 1.5 oz/. of vodka into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into a highball glass. You can garnish it with an orange slice or a maraschino cherry.


4. Mountain Dew:

Mountain Dew

Better known as the Dew Driver, this drink takes some time getting used to. It is a bit bitter at first, but most people drinking the mix end up craving more.

You can eve create your own Mountain Dew drink using vodka, Midori and 7-up. If you are not much of a vodka drinker, you can substitute vodka for beer. The beer version pretty much looks exactly like Mountain Dew.

Recipe for creating your own Mountain Dew? Pour an ounce of vodka into a glass. Fill the glass up most of the way with 7-up and then drop in your Midori shot.


5. Red Bull:

Red Bull

Although this mixer is popular, it is highly advisable not to mix alcohol with energy drinks such as Red Bull. It is like mixing cocaine with heroin. Don Seratt, founder of British drug treatment centre Life Works, argues that mixing stimulant caffeine with a depressant creates a dangerous cocktail.

Despite the fears, you can either love it or hate it. It is well advised that if you decide to drink the mix, you take it easy for a while. The caffeine can mask how drunk you may be and can lead to larger issues than just hangover.

Why? Research published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research shows that clubbers who down the mixture are 600% more likely to suffer heart palpitations and sleeping difficulties.





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Top 10 Amazing Uses Of The Christmas Tree

Posted: 19 Dec 2012 09:05 PM PST

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After the winter holidays, most of us remove the Christmas ornaments from the tree and take it on a one way ride to the city dump. Well, at least after we work out the will to perform this task, considering that it’s not only difficult to maneuver a larger Christmas tree, but they also tend to leave a trail of pine needles all across the floor of the house and in the car. The following guide will point out 10 practical applications of the seasonal home decoration that has accommodated all those wonderful Christmas presents even after this time of the year has passed.


1. DIY natural mulch for the soil

The reason why the needles of the pine make an excellent mulch for the soil of your garden is twofold. In essence, their propensity of drying rather quickly and decomposing at a very slow rate ensures that the pines constitute the perfect mulch for ground covering plants like strawberries. At the same time, you don’t even have to worry about the development of mold. However, be advised that this solution is not recommended for crops that do not thrive in acidic soils.


2. Christmas trees make an excellent bird sanctuaries

If you enjoy bird watching, then you can utilize the dead pine tree by hanging several bird feeders on its branches. You can also add some live trees in order to create a networked sanctuary and decorate them in an attractive manner. A further suggestion consists of placing cones covered in peanut butter on the branches in order to attract more birds. The only situation when adding more dried needles to the bird sanctuary is highly discouraged is when your residence is located in a dry climate where wildfires are common.


3. Protecting your perennial plants with an additional layer of natural insulation

During the colder season, the perennial plants can suffer heavy damage from frostbites as well as the weight of the snow deposits. The good news is that these issues can be prevented by simply covering their beds with the branches of your pine tree. All you need to do is saw them off the trunk and arrange them on top of the perennial plant beds in the pattern of your choice. Make sure you adjust their size correctly and you can obtain the ideal free and natural insulation layer that also makes it easy to clear the snow without damaging the plant bed.


4. Constructing edges for your flower beds and/or your garden

Another application of the Christmas tree comes from the trunk, which can be cut into discs no thicker than 2 inches in order to create a delimitation for the flower bed and, if it is large enough or when you have several trees at your disposal, the yard. This way you will not only avoid incidentally stepping over the flower bed, but you will also safeguard the plants against insects that keep away from pine/cedar resin.


5. Creating shelters for the local overwintering fish

In the eventuality that your residence is in the vicinity of a still water mass, then the branches of the tree can constitute an excellent protective shelter for the fish population overwintering there. The fish can hide from the cold as well as the predators among the branches, so you are basically ensuring they have a better chance to survive during winter. However, you will need to ensure that the tree was not treated with chemical substances that could negatively influence the composition of the water.





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Top 10 Immoral And Unethical Psychological Experiments

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 09:04 PM PST

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Even though psychology is a rather young science compared to its counterparts, its contribution to understanding human nature and the mind in relationship with the world cannot be contested. Most of experiments conducted by various psychologists over the years have provided useful insights regarding our motivation, thinking process and the roots of our behaviors.

In a way, the outcomes of such results have led many people to accept man as he is, in spite of the fact that some truths are hard to swallow. However, not all experiments and testing prove to be an illuminating or useful achievement and some of them have actually spiraled out of control. Let’s elaborate further.


1. The Milgram experiment

Following WWII, psychologist Stanley Milgram decided to figure out what determined the entire German nation to take part in the atrocities of the Genocide. The experiment was rather simplistic, as members of an audience were asked to query the man (hired actor) sitting in a chair connected to an electric-shock generator. Each time the man tied in the chair answered incorrectly, he would get electrocuted by the person in charge of the query. The results revealed that deep down inside every person is evil, because the subjects continued to electrocute their victim in spite of him pretending to be in agonizing pain.


2. Homosexual aversion therapy

This experiment took place in a period when homosexuality was considered a mental disorder and everyone was looking for a proficient treatment. Among the most controversial approaches was the aversion therapy, where the images of homosexuals were paired with painful stimuli that induced vomiting. Instead of curing the so-called mental condition, the only thing the therapy managed to achieve was to cause irreparable psychological damages to the subjects.


3. The David Reimer case

The experiment is by far the most unethical one in the field of psychology. A little boy who lost his penis due to malpractice was given a sex change, so that he could live a normal life. The psychologists who were supervising David Reimer provided him with hormonal supplement treatments and ensured he was surrounded by girlish stimuli. However, when David acted exactly as a stereotypical boy his age, his parents were forced to tell him the truth. Although he decided to undergo a reverse sex operation, he committed suicide in his mid adulthood.


4. Harlow’s “Pit Of Despair”

In all honesty, the motivation behind this failed experiment is not fully understood yet. Due to his obsession of explaining the concept behind love, David Harlow devised an empty chamber with no stimulus whatsoever. There he would place several non-human subjects (monkeys) in order to observe and try to understand the effects of total isolation better. The results were catastrophic to say the least, as a great percent of his subjects went insane, while a few monkeys refused food in an attempt to starve themselves to death.


5. The Monster study

The only way to describe this experiment is pure sadism: 22 orphans were separated into two groups, one of which would receive solely positive reinforcements for their school progress, while the other was constantly being criticized, even for the slightest mistake. The outcomes were devastating for both groups, as members from the positively reinforced group developed speech problems later on in life, while the other experienced severe psychological issues.





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Top 10 Iconic American Tourist Traps

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 09:05 PM PST

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The USA is a dream destination for holidays because there are so many excellent attractions to visit all over the country. The challenge for tourists is choosing which of them to see, so here is a list of 10 of the most iconic tourist traps for you to consider on your holiday in the USA.
1. The Statue of Liberty, New York

There cannot be many more iconic attractions in the USA than the Statue of Liberty. Ever since it was erected in 1886, the statue has been welcoming immigrants and travellers. Make sure you book a tour to get right up close to the statue to enjoy the best of this top New York attraction.

2. The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

One of the most famous bridges in the world, the Golden Gate Bridge is a spectacular work of architecture and an absolute must if you head to San Francisco.

3. Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando

If you are travelling to the USA with kids, Walt Disney World Resort is the ideal destination. A Mecca for children the world over, adults will also love the resort and you could even spend your whole holiday here.

4. The Grand Canyon, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. Learn about its formation at the visitor centre, and even go on a guided walk down the side if you are up for the challenge.

5. Yosemite National Park, California

The most famous of all the USA's national parks, if you are looking for a holiday in a true natural wilderness you cannot do much better than a trip to Yosemite.




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