If there is something to be learned from movies featuring aliens is that they always plan something and their plots do not exactly match the mankind's “keep on living” schedule. While there are some series and films presenting aliens in a positive light, most of them bring out the idea that their sole purpose is to turn humans into slave laborers or that mankind is on top of their favorite dish list.
Oh, and let's not forget that some of aliens view humans as nothing more than pests who need a quick squishing. Essentially, most aliens are just plain evil and humans have no chance of turning the odds through negotiation. Let's explore the top 10 aliens that made us think twice about the possibility of getting along with them!
1. Xenomorphs

While most movie fans know them as the protagonists of the Alien series, they are in fact dubbed Xenomorphs. If you were to consider their physical and mental abilities, this amazing and feared alien species represents the ultimate life form. Organized similarly to an insect colony with a queen on top of their hierarchy, they impress with their agility, strength, hunting skills, their ability to survive almost anywhere as well as their fast learning capabilities. To bottom line is that they are absolutely flawless beings; if they discover a weakness their evolutionary skills helps them surpass it quite quickly.
2. Predators

Predators, the alien species from the movies with the same name, are actually very interesting creatures. While they are a highly advanced and noble race with top-notch technology, one of their favorite hobbies is still hunting other species. What is intriguing about Predators is that they do not attack unless the pray carries a weapon and they never hunt children.
3. Daleks

The Daleks are the arch nemesis of the main protagonist in the Doctor Who series and they are constantly trying to invade Earth. The Daleks are a very interesting race created by the evil scientist Davros who besides giving them impenetrable body armor, also eliminated all emotions they could feel, except of course, hatred. All in all, their agenda and overall behavior made many Doctor Who fans associate the Daleks with extremists and fanatics, both political and religious. Because the protagonist believed this race was extinct after the WWII, many fans consider they are a representation of the Nazi regime.
4. Symbiotes

The Symbiotes are an alien race we encountered in several Spider Man movies, although they are present in the Marvel Universe as well. To summarize, a Symbiote is what augmented Spider Man’s super powers. However, because the symbiotic alien also increased Peter Parker's level of aggression, he decided to get rid of it. But the Symbiote is a highly adaptable race that soon after found two other hosts who are currently two of the greatest foes of Spider Man, namely Carnage and Venom.
5. Vogons

The Vogons are part of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and one of the best antagonists ever created. The main quarrel humankind has with the Vogons comes from the fact that this slug-like species wants to destroy Earth in order to create a galactic highway. On the other hand, it is necessary to mention that wanting to destroy our planet is nothing compared to their bureaucracy, aggressiveness and poetry (which is voted as one of the worst in the galaxy).
6. The Bugs from Starship Troopers

Granted, even though the vast majority of people hate bugs, they mostly squish them because they are ugly and disgusting. Yet, it seems that they can be evil too, if you think about the bug-alien race from Starship Troopers. Leaving their intentions behind, what made this race memorable is its incredible variety. From typical soldier and flying bugs to space laser bugs and enormous bugs, it turns out they were all controlled by tiny brain bugs. And, the brain bugs only had one thing in mind: sucking up humans' brains just to understand the way we think.
7. The aliens in the War of the Worlds

While most people consider alien species as more advanced then us, the least thing we expect them to do is envy us and watch us for millions of years. The alien race in the War of the Worlds just stood there in the shadows and anxiously awaited for the time when humans got to the point when they could create vegetation out of our blood. However, their elaborate plan had a major flaw: humans got the chance to develop their immune systems and the aliens' plan failed due to bacteria.
8. Borgs

Star Trek did not really had so many evil races out to get us; well except the Borgs. The Borgs' mission is rather simple: they need to withdraw the unique traits and technological advancements from other races. However, in order to achieve their goal they had to assimilate humanoids by turning them into hybrids of half man and half machine. The final purpose was the creation of a collective mind and their determination made them absolutely impossible to bargain with ("resistance is futile").
9. Mangalores

The Mangalores are a very captivating alien species and perhaps one of the most memorable extraterrestrial races from The 5th Element. While everyone heard of mercenaries who will do anything for money, the Mangalores take this a few steps further and become part of a scheme to destroy all life in the universe. It is incredible how they manage to operate as rampaging space pirates, considering they are also sort of dumb.
10. The aliens from Independence Day

Nothing compares to an alien race who is out for one thing: the mere desire to destroy. Independence Day brought up into discussion one of the world's biggest fears regarding contact with another species: they will just come and they will kill all mankind systematically, since everyone assumes aliens are generally more advanced than humans. The aliens from Independence Day are an illustration of pure evil, who has no other purpose than to destroy all civilization and consume all natural resources on the planets they conquer.

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