Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Top 10 Most Hazardous Sea Creatures

Posted: 10 Sep 2012 09:05 PM PDT

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Swimming in the salty waters of oceans and seas, parasailing, surfing and diving are always excellent pastime activities. However, in addition to the extraordinary experience they provide for enthusiasts, the saltwater also accommodates numerous dangerous creatures, some of which can even prove fatal for humans. While not all of them will attack you unprovoked and this guide does not mean to spoil the thrill of the vacation you were planning in a tropical location, some sea creatures are best avoided. Here’s a quick list of the deadliest ones you can encounter.


1. The Stonefish, the camouflaged assassin

This particular sea creature is currently considered to wield the most potent poison in the world. However, it would probably be less dangerous for humans – especially because it is not known for its aggressive behavior – if it weren’t for its incredible camouflage capabilities. The poisonous spikes (all 13 of them) are located on the back of the Stonefish, which means that you can easily step on them by mistake. At the same time, since the rocks on the bottoms of the seas and coral reefs constitute their favorite habitat, people are even more prone to accidental poisoning that causes paralysis, muscle atrophy and even death, not to mention the excruciatingly painful sensation.


2. Lionfish, the lance wielding menace

There are numerous varieties of the Scorpaenidae fish species and they can be found in virtually all seas and oceans around the world, in one form or another. The Lionfish is frequently encountered in the Pacific and Indian oceans and it is equipped with highly poisonous lance-like spines. While their sting rarely proves fatal for a human, the effects are definitely unpleasant and include vomiting, nausea, headache and severe pains.


3. Sea urchins, the hedgehogs of saltwater masses

The sea urchin is essentially a large collection of extremely sharp spines that you should steer clear of. The flower sea urchin is highly venomous in spite of his flower-like appearance and numerous death cases as the result of its poison have been recorded. However, even getting stung by the non-venomous varieties is dangerous, because the needles can break inside the skin/tissue and will necessitate a surgical intervention.


4. Catfish have nothing to do with cuddliness

Other than the funny whiskers, catfish have nothing to do with your cute house animal. Well, not if you don’t count the claws which, for the catfish, come in the form of poisonous barbed spines. Few deaths resulting from catfish poisoning have been recorded so far, but a noteworthy fact is that their powerful venom stays active in the victim for the next few days. This entails that you can contract the poison from eating other fish that have been stung, even when the meat has been refrigerated properly.


5. Box Jellyfish, the toxic mini-octopuses

It may be difficult to believe that a primitive form of life like the box jellyfish can secrete such a powerful toxin, but you can definitely take them as proof for the theory of evolution. Because they did not develop an external armor, their body is highly vulnerable to even the smallest fish. However, their 60 tentacles that come equipped with approximately 5,000 stinging cells and measure up to 5m for an adult box jellyfish constitute a powerful protection mechanism. Their presence in the vicinity of beaches as well as their translucent body are the two factors that really make these sea creatures dangerous for humans.



6. Sharks, the deadliest hunters with keen smells

There are few sea creatures that can match the predatory skills of the shark and the large number of cases when humans had their limbs bitten off or got killed by one stands proof of that. However, it is fairly easy to avoid these hazards by steering clear of shallow water and respecting the recommendations of the lifeguards. In addition, keep in mind that humans are not the main food source for sharks and they will rarely attack without provocation.


7. Stingrays and their dangerous Morningstar tails

The dangers associated with stepping on a stingray were rather unknown to the public until recently when the TV star Steve Irwin died by the stinger of one. Unlike sharks, stingrays do in fact have an aggressive behavior towards humans and, while in the vast majority of cases they prefer to flee rather than sting you, they will not be so courteous if you step on them. Sliding your feet across the seafloor rather than stepping is recommended if you want to avoid surprises, because this way you will allow every potential stingray in the area to detect your presence and flee.


8. The spherical Puffer Fish, the delicacy of the Japanese cuisine

Due to the silly spherical aspect of the puffer fish, some people ignore the fact that it can secrete one of the most potent toxins in the world, namely Tetrodotoxin. The toxin acts by limiting the victim’s capacity to breath and eventually suffocating it. Nevertheless, the expert Japanese cooks know how to remove the hazardous parts of the puffer fish and utilize the meat to create delicious dishes.


9. Sea Eels and their nasty bites

The sea eels make a habit of hiding in niches and crevices at the bottom of the sea and attacking unsuspecting divers that get to close for their comfort zone. They are very dangerous not only because the bite is unusually strong, but also because their mouth contains hazardous bacteria that can cause infections. You should never feed a sea eel no matter how friendly he looks, because you take the chance of being attacked by the whole school.


10. Wild Sea Lions are not as friendly as the ones in the zoo

It doesn’t matter if you took the challenge of swimming with a sea lion at your local water park, that does not make you a qualified trainer with the wild specimens. Therefore, if you spot a sea lion on lying in the sun, try to refrain from approaching it or you risk triggering an unpredictable and aggressive response on its part. Keep in mind that due to their size and their bite, the sea lions cannot be considered harmless.


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Top 10 Natural Laxatives

Posted: 09 Sep 2012 09:05 PM PDT

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A person who has no more than three bowel movements per week is generally considered to be constipated, a condition that limits bowel movements and causes the stool to be small and hard. To fight constipation, many sufferers prefer to use natural laxatives rather than harsh over-the-counter medications. The most popular natural laxatives are foods rich in fiber, like psyllium husks, prune juices, and bran.


1. Sugar-Free Gum:

For those who like chewing gum, keep chewing. The sorbitol, a widely used sweetener, in chewing gum and sweets acts as a laxative. Be careful, as large amounts can cause stomach problems. One 21 year old woman suffered from diarrhoea and stomach pain for 8 months according to BBC News.


2. Water:

This is the most natural laxatives in my opinion. Without water, your body would not function. It makes up approximately 80% of your weight and helps moisten the intestines.

Water is the most overlooked laxative. It softens stools and prevents dehydration. If you are constipated, drink 8 glasses of water a day.


3. Exercise:

Lack of exercise can cause constipation, especially in those who are bedridden. Walking and becoming healthy is the best advice I can tell you. Be active, stay active and do not sit all day. In fact take breaks in between where you take a stretch, run an errand etc.


4. Prunes:

They are the wrinkled purple and sweetened fruits that are high in potassium and vitamin A. They are often seen as a home remedy for constipation. Moreover, it is one of the healthiest fruits you can ever eat. In addition to relieving constipation, the fruit lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases. But its high soluble fibre is what makes it the key to digestive tract.

Recommended intake: 5 prunes a day- 3 grams of fibre


5. Coconut water:

Coconut water is similar to tree sap. It is sweet with increasing semen and promotes digestion and the clearing of the urinary path. Additionally research has found coconut water to have a positive effect on cholesterol. It helps prevent the formation of atherosclerosis. This is not all that coconut water can do for you. It reduces fluid pressures in the eyes and reduces the risk of glaucoma and can create a laxative effect. A person drinking coconut milk may have abnormal bowel movements and relieved constipation. Do not drink too much as you may experience loose stools in the end.



6. Legumes, Beans & Peas:

They are low in fat and cholesterol. Moreover they are high-fibre, improving digestion. One suggestion I would make is to combine one of these 3 with grain. This combination makes complete proteins with all amino acids existent. This should also be included in a child's meal as well as most children do not eat vegetables.


7. Aloe Vera:

This is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to our mankind. Most of the aloe vera leaf is filled with gel which has 99% water in it. The rest of the leaf contains 18 amino acids, 75 nutrients, including 20 minerals, 12 vitamin and 200 active plan compounds.

The gel has been used for many things throughout the centuries, including for treating wounds, skin infections and many other skin conditions. The dried latex from the inner lining of the leaf has also been a source of oral laxative.


8. Nuts:

High in fibre, nuts make the list as well. Nuts like almonds are high in omega tree fatty acids as well and are healthy. However, one should be forewarned not too eat too much as they are fatty and high in calories. One serving of nuts can work magic, no need for more.


9. Whole Grains:

Any foods that are whole grains are natural laxatives as they contain large amounts of fibre (a source of bowel movement). Foods, such as brown rice and oatmeal are two examples.


10. Beets:

Beets, amongst other vegetables such as Cabbage are excellent at producing bowel movements. This could even be more helpful if eaten raw. You should not worry if you notice reddish urine and stool. If you are in serious trouble and need to get bowel movement as soon as possible, choose beets.


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Top 10 Myths About Household Pets

Posted: 08 Sep 2012 09:05 PM PDT

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Even though new discoveries are quickly debunking the current myths concerning household pets, some of them still persist. Owning a pet is without a doubt a great responsibility for any person, but sometimes our misconceptions get the best of us. The problem is that some of these myths and misconceptions prevent owners from providing their pet the optimal care, the best diet and the necessary treatment in the eventuality that it develops a condition. This guide aims to discuss some of these most frequently encountered myths and if you have fallen prey to either of them, you should immediately take the steps to address the issue.


1. Home treatments are less expensive compared to veterinarian fees and are equally effective

Unless you have a certification in the field of animal medicine, then it is strongly advisable to refrain from treating your pet on your own. There is a reason why veterinarians undergo extensive schooling and practice under the supervision of a licensed specialist before they are allowed to provide treatment. Their knowledge and years of experience is the safest way to establish the diagnosis of your pet correctly and select the optimal medication, in the absence of which the simple condition can escalate quite quickly along with the cost of the treatment.


2. A dog/cat that never leaves the house does not necessitate vaccines

It is necessary to point out that the legislation in the vast majority of states stipulates that the anti-rabies vaccine is mandatory, regardless of whether your dog/cat leaves the premises of your home. Rabies is spread by bats and chances are these small animals could enter the house without your knowledge. On a side note, the heartworm preventatives should also be part of your pet's treatment, considering that you cannot really keep your home 100% mosquito free at all times.


3. Sister-brother pet mating is not an issue

False, dogs and cats have no sense of taboo and will in fact mate with their siblings as soon as their reproductive organs are functional. Like in the case of human, inbreeding has high changes of determining congenital defects, so the pets should be spayed/neutered before they are 6 months old. Alternatively, you can give them away to different homes.


4. Milk is part of a cat's mandatory diet

This is probably the most frequently encountered mistake, but it is simple to understand why pet owner believe that: cats love milk and this aliment has positive health effects for humans. However, while the weaning period milk does constitute the primary source of nourishment, the cat develops lactose intolerance. Therefore, by giving them milk you can expect gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, gas, etc.


5. Cats usually urinate outside the box as revenge

You simply cannot attribute human emotions and reactions to your household pets, no matter how friendly or vengeful they appear. If your cat was trained to utilize the litter box but you discover urine stains on the carpet all of a sudden, it could indicate that it is suffering from a urinary tract disease (stones, infection, inflammation, etc.). Therefore, visit your veterinarian right away in order to establish the diagnosis.



6. Contracting toxoplasmosis is inevitable if you have a pet

While it is true that there is a chance for pregnant women to contract this dangerous condition, you should also know that it can easily be avoided. The primary source of infection is the cat's feces, so you can either ask another family member to handle the litter during your pregnancy or you can utilize latex gloves for the task. In other words, there is no reason to go as far as to abandon your cat.


7. Pets giving birth are the best way of educating children on the subject

You should consider the animal overpopulation issue before you jump to this conclusion. While this does not go to say that you should not allow your pet to have puppies/kittens when you cannot afford to keep them, there are better ways of teaching children about birth when you plan on abandoning/giving them away them soon after. There are numerous books and magazines on this topic, so utilizing them is certainly a more responsible gesture.


8. Your pet could suffer a myocardial infarction from overexcitement

The heart of the dog or the cat does not have the same structure as its human counterpart. Therefore, it is not predisposed to the same type of problems, including myocardial infarctions, better known as heart attacks. However, in the case of dogs, there are certain issues that can occur, such as heart failures or valvular diseases. The first indicators for these conditions comprise of coughing or difficulties in breathing shortly following physical effort. When you notice these symptoms, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian because the condition could be fatal in the absence of the correct treatment.


9. Crate training is nothing short of animal cruelty

In fact, a quick look at the dog's evolution as pets will show you that originally these animals were kept in dens. The ancestral memory of the specie determines the dog to view the crate as its own personal den, his private refuge. Because the dog will never leave urine or feces in its den, the crate constitutes the perfect housebreaking method. It is true that they are reluctant to the crate at first, but after a while they will grow to enjoy it. However, various dog races necessitate different crate training procedures, so be sure to apply the most viable one in your case.


10. Cats and babies do not mix well

This myth comes from an ancient superstition that suggested the cats are draining the life of the baby. And the superstition probably originates from the fact that the cat sniffs out the milk scent on the lips of the infants, which draws their attention and they sometimes proceed to licking the baby. As silly as this may be, you should know that once the child is big enough to crawl around and grab things, you will need to supervise both him and the cat in order to prevent potential injuries but other than that, these both beings can get along pretty well!


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Top 10 Reasons People Should Laugh More

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 09:05 PM PDT

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The daily routine and the various problems you encounter at work and at home are no laughing matter, but rather stressful, frustrating and overwhelming. In fact, the statistics indicate that adults laugh 80 times lesser than children. Perhaps this is why most people associate childhood with a carefree and happy time when the world was yours to discover and conquer. Nonetheless, regardless of what life throws at you, you have plenty of reasons to laugh. Following is the top 10 reasons why people should be encouraged to laugh more.


1. Laughter is the best pain medication

It is said that there is no better medication than laughter: while you laugh, the brain releases a high amount of endorphins that induce an overall happy feeling. At the same time, laughing is the best distraction from pain and it leads to a pleasant muscle relaxation. Therefore, next time your head or belly aches, you should try laughing at it.


2. Laughter prevents cardiovascular diseases

A study at the University of Michigan shows that patients who suffer from various cardiovascular diseases are 40% less likely to laugh compared to perfectly healthy individuals. The research on the matter indicates that laughter not only lowers blood pressure, but it also affects the blood flow in a positive way. According to specialists who conducted the study, 15 minutes of laughter per day can compensate for a regular working out program.


3. Laughter improves inter-human relationships

Without a doubt, laughing is a very contagious gesture: if you smile at a person, you will immediately observe that he/she will smile back at you. At the same time, laughter is perceived as an universal phenomenon that happens in every culture with the same goals: connecting, bonding and establishing a rapport with somebody.

Besides, nobody feels comfortable or enjoys being around a person who is always sad, depressed and has an overall grim vision of the future. The best place to clearly observe this issue is at stores, where the vast majority of customers prefers to wait in line in order to interact with the happy, smiling shop assistant and will only work with the grumpy ones if they are forced to. In general, people prefer the company of happy individuals as the overall mood of is elevated and the relationships gain more quality and consistency.


4. Laughter is the best way to counter the harmful effects of stress

According to clinical research when you laugh, your body is more prone to releasing T cell antibodies that boost and protect the immune system. To put it simply, happy people are less likely to get sick compared to individuals who prefer to see the empty half of the glass. Furthermore, laughter is also proven to reduce the levels of four types of hormones that are currently being linked to stress. Even if laughter provides a short period of happiness, its long term effects against stress cannot be denied.


5. Laughter promotes losing weight

Have you ever laughed so much that your tummy ached? Well, this is because this activity is known to act like a 15 minute intense workout. Laughing means working out the diaphragm, contracting the abdominal muscles and exercising the shoulders, all at the same time! In addition, laughter is known to raise the heart rate and metabolism. As a consequence, if you engaged in a weight losing program, you will get faster results if you surround yourself with happy people and make a habit out of watching comedies and sitcoms daily.



6. Laughter improves breathing

Out of all the positive physical effects laughter has on the body, this is by far the most interesting one: during laughter, the lungs release more air than they take in, hence resulting in a cleansing effect for the respiratory system. In a way, laughter has the same positive effects on the body as deep breathing techniques. Due to this fact, some physicians believe that laughter can be especially helpful for people suffering from chronic respiratory conditions (E.G. asthma).


7. Laughter endorses creativity and learning

Statistics indicate that students are more likely to learn easier from a teacher who is able to break the classroom routine with humorous stories. A teacher who enjoys laughing manages to create a more relaxed and positive environment in the classroom. Moreover, if the information presented can be associated with jokes or a humorous part, there are better chances that the students will remember the main points of the class. On a side note, studies also indicate that laughter helps students see things from a different perspective.


8. People who laugh live longer

You have probably heard that optimists have a longer life expectancy than pessimists. According to a study conducted on the elderly, the seniors who expect good things to happen and think of the future with optimism are 55% less likely to develop conditions or die from causes that typically affect the pessimists. The study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry also point out that seniors who engage in physical activities, do not have unhealthy habits and are overall optimistic are 71% less likely to get sick or die unexpectedly.


9. Laughter is one of the best coping mechanisms

As previously mentioned, laughter is a good distraction from various pains and aches. At the same time, research shows that laughter is also an excellent coping mechanism that is able to take people’s focus away from negative emotions, anger, stress, sadness and other unpleasant sentiments cause by the events of everyday life. In other words, laughing will divert your mind from the problem that is bothering you, will make you happy and will induce a positive state of mind. Because it is associated with reduced tension and stress and because it is known to diminish irritability and anxiety, laughter can also decrease the levels of sadness proprietary to depression.


10. Laughter helps keep hormone levels under control

Laughing increases the production of health enhancing neurotransmitters, while decreasing the levels of the hormones associated with stress; especially cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine.


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