Saturday, March 30, 2013



Top 10 Ways to Go Green around the Home this Fall

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 09:05 AM PDT

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Have you thought about being friendlier to the environment lately? If so, focusing on how to go Green around the home this fall is a great place to start. After all with the end-of-summer-clean-up and preparation for winter there's a lot more than just recycling on the agenda.

For example, better home efficiency and conservation are two of the most important considerations prior to the winter, especially when it comes to utilities.

That being the case, the following are the top 10 ways to go green around the home this fall. Go! Be Green! Make it happen!


1. Manual yard tools:

The final yard clean up of the season can sometimes be daunting but don't let it get to you. Substitute electric or gas powered tools such as lawn mowers and weed whackers for manual versions. These include reel mowers or hand cutters. Less electricity usage means fewer emissions from power companies and not burning gasoline prevents localized fumes and spills that pollute the ground.


2. Compost yard clippings:

Once everything has been cut back, trimmed, and sheared you'll likely have several piles of grass clippings, tree branches, and other yard debris to dispose of. In past years you may have sent it to a landfill or even tossed it in the garbage but one of the greenest things you could possibly do is dump it in a compost pile or convert thicker bark into mulch.


3. Wash garden containers:

Think back to last spring when the garden was planted. Remember those containers seedlings were grown in or transplanted into before they were put into the ground? If any show up during the yard clean up or were stuffed away in the garage collect and wash them out so they can be used next spring.


4. Seal drafts:

As the weather begins to change and cool air moves in drafts around windows and doors need to be sealed. Otherwise frigid air will slowly infiltrate causing your heating system to work harder. That's because whether it's a furnace, electric heater, or some other device maintaining a set temperature while competing with drafts means higher utility bills and more pollution. The bottom line: sealing drafts is one of the top Green acts of autumn.


5. Insulate:

Besides drafts one of the main reasons why heating systems may never live up to their potential is because of thin walls. Insulating the outer walls of your home will be most effective at keeping the heat in.





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Top 10 Most Overrated Songs

Posted: 29 Mar 2013 09:03 PM PDT

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Some of the songs in this list have gone on to become legendary. However, this does not mar the fact that they are overrated.


1. Light my Fire- The Doors

This popular song is boring and the chorus is dull and an insult to anybody who listens to it. While it is definitely vocally dull, something that comes as a shock when someone like Jim Morrison is singing, it is also lyrically dry. This ordinary song is definitely overrated.


2. Radiohead – Creep

Even though Radiohead is a splendid band and have undoubtedly released songs that are incredible, "Creep" isn't one of them. It came out during the 1990s when the American culture was going through an awkward phase. The lyrics represent the situation at hand and therefore, ruin the song. However, it became very popular and thus, overrated.


3. Every KISS song

KISS did very well as a band but all their songs are extremely overrated. If you listen to all their songs at a stretch, you can practically feel your brain turn to mush. Their lyrics are senseless and their music is boring- what more can one ask for?


4. Sexyback- Justin Timberlake

While almost all his songs are literally mind-numbing because of his high-pitched voice, this one really takes the cake. The beat is catchy which is why the song did well but the listeners clearly learnt very long back that they must tune out his lyrics. A single verse is repeated again and again and then the song ends. The reason it did well is quite a mystery.


5. Unforgiven by Metallica

While this is definitely not as bad as the above mentioned songs, it is definitely overrated. The lyrics are okay, the beat is okay and the vocals are pretty average too. Other songs by Metallica such as "Master of Puppets" and "One" are definitely much better than "Unforgiven".





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Top 10 Ways to Irritate your Siblings

Posted: 29 Mar 2013 09:00 PM PDT

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This article explores ways you can really irritate your sibling this April fools day holiday. In order for the joke to work, you must play it before 12 p.m. Your brother or sister must take it with a grain of salt.

Why do pranks expire at 12 pm? That feature probably relates to the customs of the old renewal festivals, which limit the mayhem to a very strict time frame. The source of Britain’s deadline might be the 17th century’s well-named Shig-Shag day, when celebrants put oak sprigs in their hats to show loyalty to the monarchy, in reference to Charles II’s hiding in an oak tree. Those who failed to observe the custom could only be ridiculed until midday. These days, anyone who plays a prank after noon is supposedly an “April fool” themselves; this nice observation may not seem so crucial to anyone who has been custard pied at 12.01 pm.

Top 10 is not held liable for any jokes played on siblings. You are reading this article at your own risk.

1. Distribute your siblings cell phone number among your friends.


When a friend asks for your number, give him/her your sibling's contact number instead of yours and tell them call or text on that number when they want to contact you. They will be so angry when your friends will keep on asking them about your whereabouts on their number.  Then save all your contacts in his/her phone and start using his/her cell phone without even asking for the permission. Ruin all the credit by making lame calls. When your sibling gets angry, go to your parents and tell them about how mean your sibling is being with you. Your parents will probably side with you.


2. Ruin their favorite shirt.


Pick up your sibling's favorite shirt and start dusting the house with it. Do whatever you like with the shirt, either clean the dining table with it or sweep the floor; it's all your choice. when your sibling asks about it and complain, act innocent as if you did not know it was his/her shirt. Make it sound like an accident.

Two roommates got into a fight over an old ripped short. One roommate snuck into the laundromat and threw out the others’ shirt because his mother taught him that everything that is old and ripped goes in the trash.


3.Trap their room.

boogie trap

Sneak into their room with a couple of rolls of toilet paper and string it from one side of the room to the other. Crisscross it to make the perfect trap for your sibling. They will not know what hit them.


4. Use their stuff.


Start using his/her shampoo whenever you want to wash your hairs, make sure that you use twice as the amount of shampoo you usually use. Use their face wash, wash your face 3 to 4 times a day. Start spraying their perfumes or cologne in the air as if it is an air freshener. If that’s not enough then you can drain all their shampoo in a container,  and add some water and make some bubbles with.

To really piss them off, you can borrow their stuff and never return them or break them. Oops.


5. Humiliate them among friends.


Whenever your sibling is with friends, make sure you join in. When they start talking about something important, join in and mentioned your sibling's most embarrassed incident which is related to what they are saying. Post a comment on your sibling's every status and post on every social networking website; that comment should be the lamest one. Act like as if you are an idiot, so that his/her friends will tease him about it.

I once revealed that my brother still slept with his grandmother to almost all his classmates when he was in grade 7. They gladly relayed the message back to him and he was pissed.





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