Monday, January 28, 2013



Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies photo



In a market where customer service and client satisfaction are vital to the survival of the company, some businesses managed to fail miserably. As expected, the manufacturing industries will typically score higher mainly because the competition is their niche is rather low as well as due to the fact that they do not have to interact with their customers as often as the services businesses.

In addition, certain enterprises are in the unique position of not having to face any competition, an element that implies that they do not even have to invest too much effort in order to satisfy their customers since they practically have no standard to adhere to. Let's analyze the top 10 most hated companies in the United States that fit the aforementioned descriptions.


1. Long Island Power Authority

Long Island Power Authority

If there is a surefire method to get your customers to hate you, then that would be frequent and unexpected over-billing. This is exactly what the Long Island Power Authority did: besides the constant increase of the utility bill, for some inexplicable reason, the company had numerous homes listed as commercial instead of residential. While some may blame the performance issues on the devastation caused by hurricane Irene, the truth is that this utility company has been experiencing serious problems for quite some time now. This is maybe the reason why the authorities in NY passed a bill recently that demands a comprehensive audit of the Long Island Power Authority.


2. Northeast Utilities

Northeast Utilities

Similar to the Long Island Power Authority, the Northeast Utilities’ reputation has been severely affected starting with the winter of 2011. First off, the company's inability to supply energy for businesses and the population in regions like New England in the middle of winter is practically condemning them to freeze to death. While the company fired the regional manager in Connecticut, they were unable to cope with the damage and left thousands of enterprises and residences without power for two weeks, an aspect that is neither easily forgiven nor forgotten.


3. Charter Communications

Charter Communications

Even though Charter Communications is not as widely known as the other major cable companies in the United States, their overall customer service dissatisfaction grants them a well-deserved third place in this top. Unfair billing, irrational charges as well as the maltreatment of the customers, such as lying and applying hidden fees in the bills hoping that nobody will notice all indicate a grim future for America's forth largest cable company.


4. Comcast


Comcast's reputation is slowly going down the drain not because of the billing, but due to the lack of expertise, technical knowledge of the staff and poor functioning of the equipment. What is even worse is that the management has invested a lot of cash in an advertisement campaign to clear their stained name, in spite of the fact that they are actually lacking qualified employees and an effective customer service department. Furthermore, some of the technicians are so poorly prepared for the job that a vast percentage of the complaints are related to destroying and disrespecting customers' homes during installation or repairs.


5. AT&T


While the problems with the 3G network are a thing of the past now, AT&T has still received one of the lowest possible score for wireless customer care performance. However, as soon as this problem was resolved, another set of complaints began posing a serious threat to the company's reputation, namely their low customer service rating. As a matter of fact, the enterprise has been the target of both government and media criticism and was accused of trying to take over the mobile monopoly in the U.S., especially after they bought T-Mobile.





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Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies photo

Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies photo

Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies photo

Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies photo

Top 10 Most Hated U.S. Companies photo

Top 10 Modern Day Innovations That Are In Fact Pretty Old

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 09:05 PM PST

Top 10 Modern Day Innovations That Are In Fact Pretty Old photo



The ability to make controlled fire in the Early Stone Ages marked a decisive moment in the evolution of man, especially since from that point on humankind has known a dramatic development. In fact, some might say that the numerous advantages brought by fire is what helped man become the master of this planet. In spite of the fact that our ancestors have made the greatest discovery in human history, unfortunately most of us still look down on them and view them as primitive.

After all, we have something that simplifies our lives a great deal: technology. However smugly man might feel these days due to the numerous technological advancements, it is necessary to mention that they were invented a lot earlier than we thought. In short, some of contemporary innovations are actually old discoveries. Therefore, while you might adhere to the following misconceptions, the historical facts say otherwise.


1. The car originates from the late 19th century


While these days most people have a romanticized perception of the classic horse and buggy means of transportation, back in those days some people were sick and tired of depending so much on the mares and stallions. To be more precise, the first prototype of the automobile can be dated back to 1769 in days of Napoleon. While the “car” had a steam powered engine and all, the truth is that the vehicle didn’t pass the “safety” examinations and crashed directly into a wall when tested for the first time. And, since the inventor didn’t have the funding to improve the car, not to mention the fact that nobody believed in his idea, the world didn’t hear about the car until the late 19th century.


2. Automatic doors were conceived by Lee Hewitt and Dee Horton in 1954

Automatic doors

With religion slowly losing ground in the ancient city of Alexandria, one Greek engineer – symbolically remembered as Hero – decided to spice things up and invented the very first “automatic” doors around 50 BC. Cleverly integrating a complex system of fire and water mechanisms, this rudimentary automatic door system created the impression that the breath of the Gods actually opens the altar’s door. You can only imagine the hysteria of the believers back then, when he added a trumpet sound to this mechanism.


3. The computer appeared around WWII


The only thing that was invented in the Second World War was an improved version of an antiquated computer model dating from more than 100 years before. It’s all thanks to a man who absolutely hated the idea of mathematical mistakes, Charles Babbage. With the funding he received, he didn’t manage to create an analytical engine that could be programmed to do various math functions, as he always dreamed off. Nonetheless, the finished version of Babbage’s model inspired the countess of Lovelace to create the very first program.


4. Video games are directly linked to the launch of Pong in 1972

video games

Even though not as catchy as Pong, the title for the first two video games was invested approximately 30 years earlier to the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device (1948) and the NIMROD (1951). While they weren’t really fun to play and were very expensive, Pong designers owe their resounding success to these two games.


5. iPod was invented in 2001


Actually, the idea of building a portable music player can be traced back to the 1979, more exactly to the IXI Systems invented by Kane Kramer and James Campbell. Overall, it was a nice though with a major impediment, namely the fact that the unit was capable of storing only 3:30 minutes of music. While the initiative is admirable, considering that wasn’t exactly the age of computers it obviously didn’t work out. Well, at least it paved the way for the terminals in music stores.





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Top 10 Modern Day Innovations That Are In Fact Pretty Old photo

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Top 10 Modern Day Innovations That Are In Fact Pretty Old photo

Top 10 Modern Day Innovations That Are In Fact Pretty Old photo

Top 10 Modern Day Innovations That Are In Fact Pretty Old photo

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